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Jasun Ty Hansen

"Prisoner of Love"

To a great friend, and the second brother I never had.... We'll all miss you,
and never forget the impact you left on our lives, in life and death. Watch our
backs, and save a few seats for us.... We'll see you on the other side
~Homies 'Till The End And Beyond~

This one's for you, J...

(current version of Windows Media Player required)

I was last here on 11/18/04 @ 8:00 P.M. PST

Hey guys, whas crackin'? My names Matt. I'm a 20/m from Southern Cali. I'm about 5'11" - 6' tall, with blue-ish/greenish eyes (depending on light an stuff), long dark blonde hair (about the middle of my lower back). I love partying, kickin it with my friends, these damn computers, music, goin' the street races, or whatever! I'm down to try most anything once....... I am, religion wise, what one would call a Free Thinker. I am also into body modifictaion (piercings and such), and hope to start my tatoos soon. As far as women go, I mostly like, but am not limited to, small (petite) women...but more importantly she needs to be smart and creative, and her own person. I have nothing but pitty for anybody who is doing something for someone elses causes, and not their own. I can get along with most anybody, as long as they're not "ghetto", lol. I will give anybody a chance, and have very few enemies becauses those are something I neither need nor want. I will trust anybody (to a point, lol) until they proove them selves un-trustworthy. As far as music, while I listen to most everything, I am a metal head at heart....from the likes of Metallica's "Ride the Lightning" to Sepultura's "Chaos A.D.". I like just about everything, however, including rap/hip-hop, trance/progressive/etc., some country, alternative, industrial, nu I said, just about everything. Well, I don't have a whole lot else to say.....I gotta give shout outs to all my doggs, all the ladies I know, and everyone else I know in Fonta and else where.

Rhiannon - I love you
Vineyard - You need to chill with the friends more....and I'm glad you an Daze are goin' the distance. I gotta say I never thought I'd see the day you were in a marines uniform though....geeze-us!
Ben-Da-Hoe - Still the same...back to drinkin', tryin to convince yourself you don't smoke, but now your balzin'....awesome. We need to chill more...everyone just too damn busy these days.
Gimpel - Lets see if we can keep that 4 Runner on the road for more than a week at a
Amber - My first "love", and definetly one of my best lady friends, even though you won't come see me! Luv ya babe...

~R.I.P Amber Marie Shields & Laurie Shomper, May 11th 2001~
I love you both and miss you very much.

Peaches - Hope things are good with the guy of the month! Call me foo!
Clint - DJ Perspective...C-Dubb, Been smokin' since you were a nut stain in yo mama's draws...HA! Well, you don't DJ anymore, but its all good...atleast your blazin' again! Keep on jammin', even if you are stuck on the drums!! lol
Patrick - Still off-roadin, just not in your truck!! lol. Blaze on fa sho!
Leo - Now well established in the blazin world...You've gotten alot better with that clutch control!
Kellie - Call me sometime you ass! Your a great friend, but we need to keep in touch a little more.
Shawn (Phatty) - What up Dawg. Who woulda thought we'd be better friends like 3 years later...Blaze on!
Todco & Armando (Kids too!) - Gawd damn. Who'da thought I'd end up better friends with ya'll (who are my brothers age and aquaintences) than with Patrick (who introduced us). Good times. probably see you on saturday. (doesn't matter when you see this, I'll probably be there on saturday anyways..LOL)
Internet Buddies - There's just too many of you to mention...and, for the most part, I don't know you well enough to write anything specific anyways......
Everybody Else - Not that I don't love, or have forgot about, ya, but I'm just tired of writin dedications!

Well, thank's for coming to my second shot at a web page. E-mail me if you wanna chat or something some time....I use Yahoo pager, AIM, and sometimes ICQ, so contact me if you want any of that info. I have links to some pictures of me, my friends, my g/f, etc., as well as some poems/songs I have written below. Also some links to other pages that are worth visiting, if I can think of any..... Peace out and Party on!

On to the poems.......

At last...Pictures!

A Few Good Links

Michelle's Page A cool ass girl I have know since the sixth grade, and hope I don't loose touch with any time soon.
Liz's page

Jennifers Page A girl I have known for about 4 years. She is cool, but can be annoying...and Jennifer, I hope your reading this ;-).

This is my first attempt at a web page.....all about MP3's., a great place to stop for all drug (more specifically mary jane) paraphanelia needs.

Trucker Slang! Can't beat that.....10-4 good neighbor, northbound and hammered down...hehe., online firearm/ammunition/acces. auction.

Ebay...whether you love it or hate it, gotta love the deals you find!

Some useless but kool graphics.....


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