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' The Inland Empire is a relativily new region. It was vastly constructed within the last 15 years and is a suburbial bliss. Its history goes back much further than that of recent developments however. Their has been towns there wich at times were even bigger than LA, and is home to the most modern agriculture in the world, wich it is Internationally known for. It has Mexican comunities wich go back to the time of the Spanish dons in California. It is very diverse in barrio styles, and is home to some styles wich are now used by various organizatios. There is barrios wich are as old as maybe even White Fence, and some wich are as new as 2000. It is also home to perhaps the most satellite LA cliques in the country.

The styles wich I am refering to is the use of wearing jackets with your club or barrios' name written on it. This style not only caught on in LA but is now internationally used by gangs, bikers, and youth organizations in general. They were isolated from LA for a long time so they developed many styles wich are unique to them, and are catching on in LA.

' I am not very familiar with the IE but I will do my best to represent their barrios. For one thing, every barrio in LA has at least one clique somewhere in the IE. Inland Empire barrios, unlike LA, have been more united and work together. I have not heard of any serious rivalries between IE. One thing that helped them unite was the invasion by LA barrios. It was a stepping stone inbetween LA and Las Vegas, wich now is owned by LA barrios. One of the oldest barrios in IE is Mt Vernon Rifa in Verdugo. There is Maravilla barrios in the IE and Flats, but is unclear if they were started by LA or are native to the IE. The barrio in the IE wich has resisted the LA invasion most succesfully is Mount Vernon Rifa. Perhaps the most infamous barrio from the IE is Casa Blanca... wich earned fame in the early nineties for shooting down some police choppers. The IE is also reffered to as the Insane Empire.

' If any body would like to sare information on barrios in the IE it would help this page alot. I know IE has a deep history.


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