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Franz Schubert's Choose Your Own Adventure!

War. War never changes. It is 200 years since the bombs dropped, and you are the descendent of the Vault Dweller, living in a tribal village somewhere in the South West. Your village is running out of women, and conservative estimates indicate that in about 2 years time, there will be no women left, thus endangering the procreation prospects of your tribe. The task has fallen to you to venture out into the Post-Apocalyptic world and bring back females to help ensure the future of your tribe.

The Elder invites you into his hut to give you a few items to aid you in your quest:

1 pack of soggy matches
3 xander root
1 anti-venom
1 used condom
1 crude knife

As you stand in the Elder's hut, preparing to leave, you notice a rusty shotgun hanging from the wall.

"Honored Elder," You ask reverently. "Allow me to take the gun, as I will surely need it while travelling through the brutal Wasteland."

The Elder frowns. "Hell no," he shouts. "This gun is the sacred artifact of our tribe, passed down to us from the Vault Dweller himself. Nothing you can say will make me give you the gun."

- Leave the tent respectfully and begin your journey

- Attempt to overpower the Elder and take the gun

As you leave the tent, thoughts of the shiny double-barrelled shotgun weigh heavily on your mind. Looking at your crappy knife ruefully, you try to push those thoughts from your mind. You need to focus on thinking up a plan; you can't just simply wander around the wasteland while your village is on the brink of sexual starvation. The Elder mentioned a city to the North. But lately there have been people wandering in to your village from the East. They all had the same symptoms of some mysterious, horrific disease. Their skin was all fucked up, they ranted and raved incoherently, and they all died shortly after showing up.

- Follow the Elder's advice and head North to look for help

- Travel East and investigate the source of the disease

You quickly lunge at the old man, moving swiftly to take him off guard. You pull out the knife he gave you, and move in for the kill. However, as you thrust the knife at his heart, the Elder deftly side steps your strike and sends a fist into the side of your head. Stunned from the blow and from the astonishment (the old bastard was QUICK!), you are unable to keep your footing as he performs an efficient leg sweep, sending you tumbling to the floor of the Elder's tent.

As old man raises his staff for the killing blow, he directs his fierce gaze down upon you and ominously intones "Our ancestors thirst for your soul!"

That is the last thing you remember before the whole world goes dark, forever.


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To Be Continued...

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You head out of the village with the afternoon sun at your back. There is no road, but you can easily navigate the desert terrain. You make good time, and as the sun sets, you decide to make camp for the night. As you prepare to go to sleep, you notice a strange clicking noise. Alarmed, you jump up and peer into the darkness. A giant fucking scorpion stares back at you with malevolent, glittering eyes.

- Throw the bottle of anti-venom at the scorpion in an attempt to knock it unconcious

You fling the bottle at the rad scorpion's head with all your might. However, your aim was off, and it impacts harmlessly with the scorpion's armored claw. You turn to run, but the scorpion is too fast... it catches you in a matter of seconds and stings you repeatedly with a stinger the size of an icepick. Ur ded faget.


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