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FF2 section almost there!

I have just finished adding more updates to the Final Fantasy 2/4 section. It is 97% complete. I need midis and a few more character Bios. In other news I now have FF3 except I haven't been able to update lately. I have had a lot of homework. I'm sorry. I know this isn't helping you any but I kinda got to worry about my schoolwork more than the site wouldn't you think? I'm doing the best I can to keep updating. I am currently working on a new layout for the website. Things will become easier to find in the new layout. Please e-mailo me and tell me. Do you think a new layout i in order for the site? Or do you like it just the way it is?
Posted by:Sorcerer99994-13-00 11:36pm(PST)
Hi I'm Cloud. I see Sorcerer9999 has already introduced me to you people. Anyway I am the Final Fantasy 7 page master. I have a club at Yahoo! if you want to visit it. Please join. But ofcourse you'd better join up with the things here too! Like e-mail and message board. For those of you who haven't noticed I am also an admin. on the message boards. Please sign up for your freemail in the banner and ad's section. Thank you! I'm sure that you will be seeing more of me around this site. Thank you and bye bye!!
posted by:Cloudstrife_l100 4-13-00 8:45pm (PST)

So you wanted a domain name huh?Well now we have one!

That's right! We now have a domain name. And I'm not paying a penny for it! That's right with Namezero you can get your own domain name and not pay one singular penny! Our new domain address is:

Posted by:Sorcerer99994-10-00 6:52am (PST)

The master banner...or the piece of crap?

That is my banner. Please oh please e-mail me if you think the old one was better. Thanks Bye Bye for now.
posted by:Sorcerer99994-9-00 8:26pm (PST)

Banner to end all banners...uhm...well...

Well I am working very hard to make a better banner for the top of the page. I want one that won't take so long to load. But for now you're just going to have to live with the now improved above banner. In case you don't know how I improved it. It used to be one image. Now i have cropped it in to 3 and it loads faster. Now i will create a nice cropped banner for up there. By the way I now have music for FF3.
posted by:Sorcerer99994-9-00


I think the title of this post pretty much explains it. I have finally gotten an FTP server. YAHOO! Look in the FF7 section. I have every single midi in one zip! Yahoo!After a long time of trying to understand what they meant in the tutorial I finally figured out how to do FTP! I love htmlgoodies for this. They are the ones who have the tutorial who taught me how to do it. Me and my Winzip will conquer the internet...


Okay maybe not the internet but the website maybe...If that's okay with you?*APPLAUSE RINGS OUT*
posted by:Sorcerer99994-8-00 6:29pm (PST)

Final Fantasy 2 Final Fantasy 3 Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy 8Site Poll Message Board links Chat

Millenium Collection

April 9th @ 6:35pm (PST)
Square's going the way of many other big legendary companies and rereleasing some "greatest hits" for the upcoming Millienium Collection coming soon to Japan. Hoping for another shot at Final Fantasy Tactics? Read on and pray.Full Story

AD's Banners ect. Put your banner/button here for free. Click here for more information.

This section also known as the junk that I have no where else to put and might as well just put junk down here section.LOL!Also don't forget to look at the legal crap at the bottom!

I will now make your Final Fantay or Dragonball Z website for you. If you don't know how to make a website I will make it for you and tell you a list of basic commands. More details inside
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