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Hi! smiley face picture This is my homepage. I started it a while a-go, but there is a bit that still has to be done, so please bare with me. :)

Make sure to come and see it often! Don't just bug off.ladybug picture

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Well, I guess I should tell you a bit about myself.. so here goes nothing... *smiles* Well, I will start by telling you that my name is Erica (I am not including my last name for obvious reasons). I am nineteen, celebrate my birthday on May fourth! If you know anything about astrology, that makes me a Taurus. My friend Holly says that I am very stereotypical of that nature. *shrugs* Oh well. Ummm.. if you want to know what I look like, go to my pics page already! I am currently in school, which is good, in a way. I really don't like my classes... Math and Social. And most of the ppl really annoy me... but i'll live with it. ;) Right now I just got a job at The Bay, though I don't start training until Oct. 13th. I'll post more after I start. I live in Edmonton Alberta. Yes, I'm a typical Canadian, Eh? flag picture I moved here about seven months ago mostly because I was following my heart, which was attached to Erik. My hobbies are included on my beliefs and interests page... (the link's at the bottom) Currently I do not have a boyfriend. Something that I'm kinda happy about. For now, I guess that's all I have to say, so thanks for noticin'.

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Well, this is my poem page. My faves are posted, please go and take a peek. Thank you. Just click here.

Oh, and here is my homepage dedicated to my family, friends and well... home. :) Just click here.

This is another addition to my collection of useless info about me ... It needs less work... I got ambitious and updated.. not a lot, but enough. :) OY!Click here to go and check it out. Duh, I forgot to mention that this about my interests and beliefs... silly me. Thank you... Hope you enjoy!

This was the absolute newest, most recent, and definately NOT the last of the useless info about me. It's my picture page. You'll find pics of me and friends Well.. if you want to see the preddy preddy pictures click here.

Now... you all should know that I have a kitten, and this is one of the many (possibly) new sites to come... it's dedicated to his cutely sadistic ways. :) Click here to see it.

Well, my ex's name is Erik... he's the reason I moved here. And I made this page for him, so it's staying up. :) But anyways, this is the link to his page.. click me.

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Sign my guest book, or I'll send the devil to kick your butt! *smiles* I'm just teasin'! :) devil picture

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