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Dragon Gundam's Gundam Arena


Fighters' Quarters

RPG Rules


4/20/2004 by GDragonX: Hey hey. Its about time I got on this. I was just looking into Angelfire to make a website for a visual aid in a Shakespeare project, and I came across my old page. Maybe I should start working on this, because when I looked at it, my first thought was "what a piece of crap." Also, I was shocked by how stupid I sounded in those two last updates. Yeah. Its been two years. I think Im either gonna pitch the site entirely, and start from scratch, or just fiddle with it when I have spare time. Well, when summer vacation comes. I doubt anyone is ever looking at this...but they might if this site ever takes off. I just dont have the html skill to do anything fancy, though, but it should be functional. GDragonX out...well I might change that name, it just doesnt...sound right to me anymore. Well, in that case, Im out.

10/18/2002 by GDragonX: Anyway, this is the very first update, because I just started this site today. Made the fighter's quarters and the home page. I doubt anyone will see this update, let alone find this site for quite some time, so other than documentation I have no reason for making this. Maybe it is because it's 10:51 PM (yawn) and I'm bored out of my skull. Enough rambling. Anyway, GDragonX is my first idea for my staff name, but I may change it. I will eventually figure out the rules and how this site will work. Not that anyone knows what I'm talking about or even is there to see this (yawn). Anyone got any coffee? GDragonX out.

10/19/2002by GDragonX: Well, it's me again. I still don't think anyone is looking at this site, but I fixed some errors I made when writing the text in the site, and I finally got a member!!!!! WOOHOO! Actually it was only for test purposes on how I would set up this site, so nobody else has seen this site... Oh well, I guess I'm just putting this in for documentation. I have inserted a new page, but have not placed anything on it. It is meant for the rules, which I will figure out sooner or later. GDragonX out.