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To all the pink cats out there - here's Pink Panther

Welcome To The Cat House

Hello and welcome to the cathouse. Below is the list of rooms for you to visit, just pick your destination and off you go. Have fun!!!

Musya's Story

The story of my cat Musya, a loyal friend that has been my side while I was growing up. The best companion that can be wished for, he will never be forgotten. =^-.-^=

Visit the Banner Gallery

This is the place to go to check out some kool kat sites. Also, get a scoop on how to trade banners with the cathouse.

Take a peek at the Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow bridge is where animals go after they die. Get to know more about the Rainbow bridge and how to get grief support here.

Pet Abuse

Why you should care, protect your own pets, and what you can do to help convict murderers and prevent this from happening again. Open your eyes on pet abuse - it's up to us to stop it.

Animal Abuse in farms, Labs, etc.

Thousands of animals are suffering and dying each day as they are grown and killed for food, experimented on in labs, abused in circuses and rodeos, trapped for fur... And they need YOUR help NOW! Don't turn your back - only we can help them.

Apply for the Cat's Meow Award..

Think your site is the Cat's Meow? Then apply for this award and who knows, maybe soon you'll be getting a gift in the mail!

Check out the fun cat quotes.

This collection of hilarious cat quotes will right away have you going "yea, that's true" and "hey! that's my cat they're talking about!"

Visit the webrings.

Check out the webrings I belong to and surf the net the fast way.

View my awards.

View the awards I won for this site! (makes me so proud!)

Or you can go see page 2 of my awards -- even more stuff to boast about (hehehe...)!!! =^-.-^=

Who are Siberian Cats?

Chances are you've never heard of these cats - Siberians. Take a peek, and you'll see you've been missing out on a lot!

Bookmark this site so you can come back again! I'm updating all the time! Press Ctrl and d to bookmark.

Don't forget

The Guestbook!!!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? E-mail me at

Guestbook by GuestWorld

[The Main Page] [Contents Page] [Musya's Story] [Pet Abuse! What You Can Do To Help and Why You Should Protect Your Own Pets] [Animal Abuse Alert! Animals Killed for Food and Experimented on in Labs Need Your Help NOW!] [Rainbow Bridge] [Who Are Siberian Cats?] [Fun Cat Quotes] [Kool Kat Sites] [Win My Award!] [Awards I Won] [More Awards!] [Webrings I Joined] [More Webrings!] [Sign My Guestbook] [View My Guestbook] [E-mail Me]