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Hello Friends! I am Catherine AKA Caterina^..^. I was born June 3, 1938 and have been
retired since 1998, divorced, 2 adult daughters, Mary and Julie, 3 grandchildren,
Nicky, James and Melissa and I live in San Diego California.

I have found comfort, and information, in reading the stories of other women's
challenges with this disease. So, I have decided to journal my story
here for others to read, so that others can know that they aren't alone in this fight.

What a marvelous support system I am experiencing here on the web
and thanks so much to Laura the founder of Chemo Angels, RAOK Angels of Kindness,
Gloria McMullen~Just Us Breast Cancer Page,
and to all of the lovely people who are sharing and caring.

I had a left side lumpectomy on March 2, 2001 which was followed
with CMF Chemotherapy which I completed on September 5, 2001
and radiation therapy followed starting in October 2001 for 6 weeks.
I did not experience hair loss but in anticipation and support
I had my hair cut very very short and it is now natural and no longer Auburn!
I was born Blonde and decided to "go back to my roots :)
I did take HRT for about 5 years and stopped taking it July 2000.

My diagnosis was Invasive /Ductal Carcinoma and receptive to estrogen
which is conducive to Tamoxifen treatment which I have  decided not to take. 
I am taking multi-vitamins, COQ10, flaxseed and Coral Calcium.
I was fortunate to have Acupuncture available to me being
that my daughter is a Licensed Doctor Of Acupuncture and
I Bless you all and thanks for being here

I am not saying any of this has been easy. But with the support of family and friends
and their prayers and mine-- I'm getting through it and I am so blessed to have the
support and I am so blessed that I am now retired and able to cope with this new Journey.
I don't like going through this and would much rather be doing something else,
but in many ways it has enlightened and opened me up to the multitude of resources
available such as support groups and the Wellness Community.

Update April 2002

I had my 4 month visit with my Oncologist and she originally was
adamant about my taking Tamoxifen and I told her I didn't want to because
the risks were too close for my comfort. Some of the risks are uterine cancer,
cataracts, etc., and my Mother had Ovarian Cancer and I have limited vision in
my left eye due to a benign tumor that I had at 12. So, I thought I would pass
on that and have undertaken natural sources such as flax seed, coral calcium, and Conenzyme Q10,
vitamins, and low fat diet, etc. Well, when I met with my Oncologiest she
said that now they are trying another medication Arimedex instead of
Tamoxifen!!!!!!!! But that it is still experimental and she asked if I wanted to try
it and I said NO!. I prefer to try the holistic method and I am feeling
really good so why rock the boat!!! :) OH well, this is my personal
choice and I  certainly feel that everyone has to make their own decision
and feel comfortable with it and I am.

Update February 2003

I had a mamogran and all is well! and I had an appointment with my
Oncologist in March for follow up and I am happy to report that all is well as of August 2003.

Friends and Family are quiet angels who lift us to our feet
when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^

Breast cancer will strike every one out of nine women in North America this year.
It kills tens of thousands of women every year. It is one of the leading causes of death for women
in North America. Breast cancer strikes regardless of age. You probably know someone with
breast cancer - a family member, a friend, a friend of a friend, or an acquaintance.
Every woman is her own first best defence against breast cancer.
Every woman, starting in her teens, needs to become familiar and comfortable with
self-breast-exams. Regular mammograms are a must as well. Discuss with your doctor when it is best
to begin yearly mammograms. Early detection and early treatment can save a life.

I also had support from The Wellness Community San Diego, California
which closed February 2003 and was part of a national non-profit organization
providing support for people with cancer and their families.

Breast Cancer Awareness Ring

This Breast Cancer Awareness ring site is owned by:
Catherine~Caterina's Breast Cancer Journal

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^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^

These lovely gifts were sent to me from my new Chemo Angel friend Julie
(same beautiful name as my youngest daughter). Thank you so much Julie

^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^ ^Å^

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These red slippers and the links below
will transport you to my other creations

Links to My Home Page and other links

My MSN Breast Cancer dedications and awareness
My RAOK Kindness Page
My Yellow Rose Sisters
Yellow Rose Sisters Dedications Spring 2001
Friends in Touch Care Team
Indiana Gal - Julie K BC site
Pink Ribbon BC Site
Amazing Women HomePage
Webrings and Memberships
RAOK Breast Cancer Awareness Page
Amazing Woman's Webrings
