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Hello all and welcome to my website. I FINALLY had time to update this crap. As you can see I gave it a new look. I tried to keep it simple cause I'm lazy and didn't want to waste any of my TV watching time on this. It is still under construction though.
I'm going to be adding some new cartoons and new photos of my ugly self and the beautiful people around me. I did add two, count them TWO games to my site because someone threatened me (Patty) to do so. I won't mention any names though.... *cough* Patty... but yeah. I added Tetris and Space Invaders. Check out the links on those games for more flash stuff if you want. Uh, let's see, what else can I say to waste your time.. hmmm.. I dont think there is anything so I will shut the heck up now. Oh yeah, please sign my guestbook and feel free to send me hatemail. Later!