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*Well Looky Here*

It's MY Page!

Isn't Spot CUTE! He'll dance with you while you're here...kinda creepy eh?

Last Updated: 6-12-02

days 'til I turn 20...

Hey EVERYBODY! Wanna know something?'s a secret......people are people and monkies are monkies and people are monkies and monkies are people but people aren't monkies when monkies are people and monkies aren't people when people are monkies!!! You just think about that now, ok? I don't want my thought to go to waste.

New pictures in my album.

A few pictures of my cats on my pets page (6-11-02)

I tweaked some of the words on various pages and updated some things. Nothing big.

Hey there, I'm Erin. Okay, so here's my page. I've added alot since I first started, and I'm still adding more. If you have any ideas on stuff I can add, feel free to email them to me! Come back l8er and maybe, just maybe I'll have more stuff on here. Well, I'll let you go look at the rest of my page now, but don't forget to sign my guest book and my slambook. Don't hesitate to give me any comments on my page (good or bad), like what I can do to improve it, or if I've made any mistakes or anything like that. And don't forget to check out the rest of my pages too! because this first page you're looking at now isn't very interesting but the other ones are, well some of them. And hey, if you don't have time to look at it all right now, just bookmark it and come back later. BuhBye and thanx 4 comin'. Enjoy!


Ain't this little devil cute?
Remember, take a look at my other pages!

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