Welcome to A Theist Gal's Page!

(formerly known as "Atheist Gal's Page", because when I created it, I was an atheist. Now I'm "A Theist Gal" - so sue me!"

What does this picture mean?

Welcome to the home page of THEIST GAL, formerly known as Atheist Gal before God, in His mercy, brought her back (yet again!) to the Holy Catholic Church.

Hope you enjoy your visit!


Disclaimer regarding Theist Gal's miscellaneous ramblings - read before you proceed!

Theist Gal reviews Mel Gibson's Passion!

Stooges Woman's 9/11 tribute.

Developing but IMHO worth reading anyway - Theist Gal's dawning discovery that there is more to the Catholic Church than the Roman Rite!

Do Catholics REALLY pray to Mary??

Almost like a blog - Theist Gal's continuing thoughts on the war.

How Catholics are thinking about the war - a work in progress.

Why God was NOT to blame for the Shuttle disaster!

On 9/10/2001, I was still Atheist Gal. Click here to find out what went through my brain after 9/11/2001 ...

How NOT to argue with an Atheist - an essay by Theist Gal!

Help the homeless today!

See what Theist Gal thinks about L.A.'s monumental new Cathedral!

Theist Gal's favorite church bites the dust - an appreciation!

Theist Gal's carefully considered opinion about all those awful scandals you're reading and hearing about every day now!!


Hey, Theist Gal isn't the only God-loving lady out there – and she's more than happy to share the stage with:

... the awesome and inspiring Peggy Noonan;

... the witty and wonderful St. Teresa of Avila;

... the wise-beyond-her-years St. Therese of Lisieux;

... the outrageous and hilarious Ann Coulter

... the highly Orthodox Frederica Mathews-Greene;

... Norma McCorvey, aka "Roe" in "Roe v. Wade";

... the amazing Rabidchicks;

... not to mention the RepublicanChick;

... the courageous Tammy Bruce (who may or may not be a Theist but is definitely a gal!);

... and many more to be added as the Spirit moves me (and as the links become available!).


And Theist Gal is an equal opportunity linker, so here goes!

David Trieger's Peter and Paul Ministries site showed up in my inbox this morning - and I was delighted with what I saw! Hope you will enjoy it too!

There’s no better place to find out ALL the latest Catholic news and opinions than Stephen Hand’s TCR News!

Does God's mercy extend only to human beings - or is His eye still on the sparrow? Read Matthew Scully's intriguing new book, "DOMINION: The Call to Mercy," and decide for yourself!

Mark Shea always has some interesting remarks!

Jeff Miller was nice enough to link to me on his blog, Atheist to A Theist, so the least I can do is return the favor!

My pal Andrew's got a nice chat site at his Challenging Atheism site - drop by and say hi! (He's the infamous Christian who made me laugh!)

Skeptic Martin Gardner's "The Whys Of A Philosophical Scrivener" was the book that started me thinking about God again -- but go here to read my rant about Atheists and this book!

Is God just a cosmic Santa Claus? Read Dave Armstrong's response to this common Atheist complaint!

Visit the live webcam at the chapel of the Monks of Adoration!

Wish I'd written this one! A Confession by the Curmudgeon about the REAL Catholic Church!


Visit The Onion Dome for the latest Orthodox news! (nyuk nyuk!)

How should Catholics respond to labor disputes? Here's a page that provides a good overview of Catholic social teaching.

East is East and West is West - here's why good Catholics should learn more about both!

What is this "Eucharist" thing all about, anyway??

Hey, I'm a lover, not a fighter! (nyuk nyuk!)

In closing, to all those who think I have sold out by returning to the Catholic Church, and/or who think I've sealed my fate and am doomed to hellfire, all I have to say is - please visit my OTHER web site, Women Who Run With the Stooges!, and lighten up a little!

But if you INSIST on commenting - feel free to

(7/9/2004: this was where the link to the guestbook was - sorry, it's now discontinued)

Email: christinelehman@hotmail.com