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Animal Abuse

Even though you might have never thought about it, but the "out in the open" kind of pet abuse isn't the only way that animals are tortured and killed. Not just cats and dogs, but so many other kinds of animals are suffering each day as they're grown and killed for food, are experimented on in labs, made to perform under constant fear in circuses and rodeos, trapped or grown for fur, leather, silk, etc, etc, etc.

What you can do to help:

Become a vegetarian! For starters, get the scoop on no-meat recipes here.

Switch to crulety-free make-up, laundry detergents, baby care, etc... To check out some of the products to watch out for and some of the safe alternatives, head on over to this place.

Avoid circuses, rodeos and petting zoos that involove cruelty to animals. It's a surprise to hear that these places always associated with happiness and little kids can actually be a huge source of animals abuse, isn't it? If you won't take my word for it, then check out for a dose of truth.

Refuse to wear such animals-killed-for fabrics like fur, leather, and others.

Make donations to organizations like PETA, ASPCA, and other organizations striking to make the world a better place for everyone.

Scroll down to learn more about what you can do to help right now.

Every animal deserves the right to live free from human-inflicted pain and suffering. All abused, neglected, or exploited animals warrant our concern. We can help reduce animal abuse by choosing not to eat, wear, or otherwise exploit animals.

Learn the horrible truth about trapping for fur.

Every hour six species are lost forever. Hard to believe, but it's true.

Here's a though -- this Thansgiving, instead of eating a turkey, how about adopting one?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

The ASPCA promotes humane principles, prevents cruelty, and alleviates pain, fear and suffering of animals through nationwide information, awareness and advocacy programs.

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