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Welcome to CSCOD - Computer Science- Contemplation On Designs



    Friday 6:00 Pm



    Counseling &

    Admission 109


 Chat room:



 Current project:

    An RPG game



    AIM:  Kaosinme

    ICQ:  160414481




   Welcome to CSCOD.  We are a club, based in OCC, that tries to solidify our understanding of computer science by working on projects outside of class together.  It is a great chance to look upon each other's work and discuss how to improve upon it, although that is not all that we do.  Think of us as a study group, for that is the very core basis of this club.  If you have a question, be it of a programming nature or merely pertaining to the club,  feel free to visit the forum or come to our meetings (be it online or on campus) and ask .  We will gladly try to answer you as well as we may, and if it's one of a programming nature, perhaps even give some helpful feedback on your code..


September 1, 2002 - 11:15 AM

   Alright.  I've decided to make an official chat room for the club.  It will be on mIRC.  For those who doesn't know how to use that, nor what it is, etc, etc.  Click on instruction  under chat room to the left.


September 17, 2002 - 2:15 AM

   Everything is updated... links are up, records are in.  It feels good... as if I've made some progress.  GO READ FORUM!  and post stuff.  If you want to join, post your name and contact info there too.  I'll add you onto the member's page.


September 25, 2002 - 11:18 PM

   Alright.  The game is going pretty well in my opinion.  Even if no code has been written as of yet, the basic structure and so forth has been decided on.  This Friday we shall meet at Barnes and Nobel @ metro point around 6:00 PM.  We'll study a bit for the test and then will actually work on the code...



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