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NoX Weapons

Warrior Weapons

The Chakrum

A chackrum is a throwing weapon, but unlike the Shruiken it is reusable. You may toss this flying blade directly at a target, but bouncing of walls will cause it to automatically target the nearest foe. Eventually, it will try to return to you. If it can't, it will land and any player may pick it up.


Requiring more strength and stamina than the Mace, the Axe is brutal against lightly armored foes.


The Mace is a good, fast-striking weapon that's particularly effective against ground targets (wolves, spiders, etc.)


The default weapon of the Warrior, the Sword will do until you find something better. It is effective against low-Level enemies and for smashing barrels.

Long Sword

This Sword does more damage than the basic model, but requires more strength.

War Hammer

The choice of serious warriors, this massive two-handed weapon is unstoppable. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of stamina and more strength than any other weapon, and has no blocking ability.

Great Sword

The Great Sword is a two-handed Sword, but its powerful Attack/Magic-blocking capabilities cause it to act as a shield. It's a great offensive weapon too, but a bit unwieldy for the weak.

Round Shield

This is your standard shield. As you can see, it isn't anything flash, but if it can protect you from those evil monster type things, then it has got to be of some use!!.

Kite Shield

Well, this sheild looks far more classier than the one above, and I bet its a darn side stronger too!! Its probably better to loose your other shield and pick up this one if you get the opportunity, as it is likely to last a bit longer too!!.

Conjurer Weapons


Quivers can contain Arrows of any variety and work equally well in both Bows and Crossbows. You may manually seleact which Quivers you wish to load in your bow via the inventory screen. Otherwise, your best enchanted Quivers are loaded by default with standard Arrows equipped when all others are exhausted.

Quivers and Bag

Just as above, but in a big group of them and with a satchel type carrier.

The Bow

The Bow fires all kinds of Arrows, and neither it nor the Crossbow takes damage with normal use.

The Crossbow

Though slower and requiring more strength and stamina, the Crossbow is far more devastating than the regular Bow, it can pierce armor.

Wizard Weapons

Wooden Staff

This basic Staff has the full blocking abilities and is functional for close combat and for smashing barrels.

Sulphurous Flare Staff

The charges fired from this Staff don't do much harm, but they offer some extra damage and added range to the basic, wooden model.

Lightning Staff

Functioning like the Wizard's Lightning spell, this Staff fires bolts of charged lightning for as long as the timed charges allow.

Wand of Death

Multi-player only. Hecubah's disintegrating Death Ray spell captured in a Staff. If you're a wizard, you must have this at all times.

Triple Fireball Staff

Three balls of fire spread out as they burn from this Staff. A choice weapon!

Sent in by Achilles