Sunday May 14th, 2000 -by TheRock

Another day and yet another damn clan could not accept our challenge. Well it looks like Clan [007] was kicked out of OGL which means we get yet another win. Sure that might be great but I want to kick some ass soon. Anyways, Ph34r has challenge another clan 420,they already lost one game. So they should accept our challenge by the end of the night. Which means all of your gotta icq Ph34r when you will be able to fight. In other news, the porn debate continues as the porn guy of our clan Slipknot, sends me some pretty hardcore pics. But I think if we do have porn, just have like naked women all over the place or something. Maybe like a mascot or something. Thats all for now, this is the Rock signing out.

Thursday May 11th, 2000 -by TheRock

Well I would like welcome all to TsG, a kick-ass TFC clan that has just been formed. So far there seems to be 8 members, and the leader Ph34r has challenge a clan in OGL. But the clan has yet to accept the challenge, which means this could be an easier victory then we first thought. So our ranking will move on up. Well thats all for now, and Slipknot, I'll try to get some porn into here, maybe....(hehe)

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