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The Staff of "Support for Panic" will gladly share our coping skills and tools with anyone who is willing to join us. As will all of our mentors and members. Join us so we can all work together to make tomorrow brighter.

If you suffer from any/all of those symptoms listed below, "Support For Panic" is the place to be. Please Join us!


Some Symptoms:
but not all include:

Fear of death or dying
Fear of catching a disease
Fear of leaving the house
Fear of bridges or high places
Fear of germs/shaking someone's hand
Fear of choking/eating
Fear of panic attacks
Fear of going crazy or losing control
Irritable bowel syndrome
Afraid to say no
Afraid what people think of you
Perfectionists/must do it right or I'm a failure
Relationship problems
No one understands me
I'm all alone
I am being punished
Emergency room visits/doctor visits with nothing found

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