My Online Friends!!!!!!!!!
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My Online Friends!!!!!!

For my online friends, there is Max, who, when my dad was sick was the one who kept me going when I was all alone. I dont know what I would do without being able to talk to Max. I can tell him anything!!! Except when he is being a bonehead ;)

Renegade.....what to say about Renegade....;) He is such a sweetie and I love him dearly. He is one of my closest friends and fun to flirt with ;) hehe

Angel....I SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe What would anyone do with Angel?? I LOVE YOU ANGEL!

GhostWolf, hey bonehead! ;) *Ro huggles GW* GhostWolf is another one of my closest friends, and I do enjoy picking on him! hehe

melodi!!!!! hehe melodi is another good friend of mine. She is just as "bad" as me, and I love it! ;) *and she will know what I mean by least she better!* Gandalf hmmm Gandalf. Lets see...what to say about him. He is a big flirt! and a good friend :) Dont know what it would be like without him :)

LadyLynn or LYNN!!!!!! She is a onery one, our Lynn is! Dont mess with her before she's had coffee, and if you do, well, I feel for ya ;) hehehe

Dave...I think he just likes to tickle me...and he always has my blankey for when Im cold..hehe One of these days, he is going to come visit me, and let me drive his cool car! :) any pb bears??? hehehe *hugs vulcan*

Alot of the people mentioned next, I dont talk to anymore :( I do miss them, and if they see this, EMAIL ME!!!!! hehe

*i need to edit all of this, lots of the info is wrong now! LOL* brassmnky. She is my bud!! It is nice to have a girlfriend my age that we can talk bout guys and crap. She is one of my bestest friends!!!

Sam comes next. He is something else. One word of advice, if you ever go anywhere with him, be prepared to listen to Frank Sinatra..hehehe..grin and bear it!! LOL someday Im gonna steal his truck ;)

Bdawgie is next. She is just wonderful! Weird sometimes..but then, arent we all??

Favor!!! She is too cool. If you have a prob she is a good listener. *whispers* I should hope so since she is a counselor!!! Congrats favor!!!!!!

Icestud is, well, iceman and favors honey :) Congrats to you too icestud..hehe

QueenV is like a big sister to me. She yells at me when I do something stupid..and is totally fun to go out with!!

My evilwoman is the same way. I love talkin to both of them. Plus, evil took one of my puppies. :) shes a softie like me!!!

Island and her naughty man GentleWarrior make me LAUGH! plus me and island can talk and talk....which is a good thing...since I get TOTALLY lonely when randy is gone.

dizz....hehe what to say bout him??? well...for one..he better be good to brass...or Ill have to kick his ass!! and he is such a sweetie..silly as hell too!! :) hehe hmmmm who now??

there is bear, I dont really know what quite to make of bear..he is something else :)

Nantie! my buddy ol pal!!! Heres a cold frosty one for ya!!

mikie and zipp....whom I got to meet on our trip to Idaho which was very cool!! mikie took randy out and blew up a turkey! I will never let him live that one down :) his two boys are cute too :)

Estiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!!! hehe luv ya!!!!

Buster!!! who is just wonderful!:) and helped me make my page! he is such a sweetie!!

Scorp!!!! where are my pics??? hehe j/k!!! where ya been?? are the sweetest!!! dont let your dad eat the bird either!! hehehe

mickey, who comes up with the weirdest nicks ever! she is a sweetie :) sexy man! hehe

[sunday], you are definately different....what would chat be like without you?

sunshine SUN!!! she helped me with my dad too *HUGS*

Webtroope..who says he is tired of answering questions but always seems to answer them for me!! hehe

ok that is enough for now...I am getting tired of typing! If you wanna be on me and let me know! :) and i didnt have any paticular order I put you all dont be upset! :) I love you all!!!!

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