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Wine Products

R & D 80
Volatile Acid Still

VA WaterSaver

Cash Still for
Volatile Acid Determination

Apparatus for SO2 Determination
by Aeration-Oxidation

Microkjeldahl Apparatus
for Alcohol

Hubach Apparatus

Wine Thief

R&D "Crooked"
WIne Thief

Slight Glasses and
Inspection port disks

R&D Wine Sampler Capper

Wine Laboratory Accessories


R & D 80 Volatile Acid Still

Research and Development Glass Products and Equipment has developed the R & D 80 Volatil Acid Still, a modification of the standard Cash Still, featuring an aspirator pump to remove the spent sample. This new still saves time, distilled water and repair bills.

The distillation is carried out in the same manner as with the Cash Still, so the chemistry and accuracy are the same, but instead of draining the entire boiling chamber of its distilled water to remove the spent sample after distillation, as does in the Cash Still, the aspirator pump sucks out the sample quickly and simply. This provides several advantages:

RD88 VA WaterSaver

The RD88 VA WaterSaver, a 4mm Double Oblique Stopcock adapted for use with the RD 80 Volatil Acid Still, provides increased economies and efficiencies for the volatil acid testing by combining the benefits of a recycling water chiller with those of RD80 VA Still:

The Benefits Are:

  1. Chill the condenser cooling water to optimize condenser efficiency.

  2. Recycle the cooling water to save water consumption.

  3. Exhaust the spent wine sample with no cooling water contamination.

Installation is simple -

Just connect 5 pieces of tubing:

  1. The recycling water chiller to the condenser.
  2. The condenser to the RD80 aspirator.
  3. The aspirator outlet to the RD88 WaterSaver inlet.
  4. The other water saver outlet arm to the recycling watersaver inlet.

Operation is only a twist of the wrist:

  1. During the RD80 distillation phasethe condenser cooling water will recycle from the chiller to the condenser, to the RD80 Aspirator, the RD88 Watersaver back into the chiller.
  2. When exhausting the wine sample the RD80 aspirator opened and the spent sample will be whisked away.

Cash Still for Volatile Acid Determination

This compact still is used in the determination of volatile acids subject to steam volatilization at atmospheric pressures, in accordance with the official method of the AOAC(Association of Official Analytical Chemists).

This complete unit consists of:

  • A steam chamber fitted with a 550 watt immersion coil heater, secured by a unique screw fitting that prevents leakage and permits easy removal for cleaning.

  • An inner distilling chamber with a built-in trap.

  • A two-way Teflon stopcock with funnel for adding sample or distilled water.

  • A removable Graham condenser.

  • Tee, tubing and pinch clamps for draining and filling the steam chamber.

  • The Cord is fitted with an in-line switch.

Apparatus for SO2 Determination by Aeration-Oxidation

The R&D SO2 apparatus uses the aeration-oxidation method of determining free, bound and total SO2 in wines, as described by Amerine and Ough in Methods for Analysis of Musts and Wines(John C. Wiley and Sons, 1980). This method has been shown to be more accurate for free SO2 and is perferred for total SO2.

The Aeration-Oxidation method, utilizing the R&D SO2 Determination Apparatus, avoids several problems that are inherent in the Ripper Method. These include: the blue starch endpoint of tritration can be obscured by the color of red wines; SO2 can volatize and escape during tritratio;and the iodine can be reduced by some non sulfide compuonds.1

The R&D SO2 Determination Apparatus is made entirely of Pyrex or Kimax borosilicate glass, using standard taper and spherical ground glass joints. The built-in refux condenser prevents the carry-over of volatile acids. The two pear-shaped flasks are identical, so spares can be used in either position; the spherical joints allow easy changes in operation -- they never stick.

1SO2 Determination by Aeration-Oxidation: A Comparison With Ripper, J.W. Buechsenstein and C.S. Ough, Am. J. Enol. Vitic.. Vol 29, No. 3, 1978.

Microkjeldahl Apparatus for Alchohol

A microdistillation appasatus using steam distillation for the rapid separation of volatile components from dissolved solids of wine. This apparatus is particularly suited to simplify ethanol determination in small samples (0.5-2ml) by chemical oxidation using dichromate.1

1Amerine & Ough, Methods for Analysis of Musts and Wines, John C. Wiley and Sons, 1980.

Hubach Apparatus

This apparatus is used for the analysis and determination of cyanides and ferrocyanides in wines, according to the method outlined in Methods for Analysis of Musts and Wines by M. A. Amerine and C.S. Ough(John Wiley and Sons, 1980). In this modified form, the apparatus is now the standard test equipment in the wine industry. It consists of an aeration tube, a spiral condenser, glass flanges and the necessary clamps. Connections are air-tight to assure accruacy.

Wine Thief

The wine thief or barrel thief is made of heavy-walled Pyrex or Kimax borosilicate tubing, with a sturdy, solid glass handle. We normally stock 18" and 24" thieves using 1 1/4" heavy wall tubing, but they can be made of any diameter tubing and in any length.

R&D "Crooked" Wine Thief

Designed at the request of wine rack manufacturers and major vinters, the R&D "Crooked" Wine Thief is fabricated to facilitate taking wine samples from tightly packed racks that offer minimum vertical clearance.

The "Crooked" Wine Thief features R&D's special tip, handle and air vent, all of which simplify and ease the sampling process.

The "Crooked" Wine Thief is made of heavy wall borosilicate(Pyrex or Kimax) tubing. We normally stock 18" and 24" thieves with a 1-1/4" or 3/4" outside diameter, but they can be made of any diameter and in any length.

When ordering, please specify the type of rack being used and/or the vertical clearance.

Sight Glasses and Inspection Port Disks

R&D Glass Products provides a complete spectrum of new and replacement sight glasses and inspection port disks for virtually all winery applications including tanks, vata, barrels and most winery equipment.

Tubular Sight Glasses are available in decimal and metric dimensions. Wall thicknesses are Standard Wall, Heavy Wall, Medium Wall, or Special Wall. R&D sight glasses are fabricated from American made Pyrex or Kimex borosilicate tubing or German Schorr Duran tubing thereby assuring compatability with American and European made vessels and equipment. Sight glasses are available in standard lengths or virtually any other length 1/4 inch to 16 feet. Permanent graduation lines are an optional feature.

Inspection Port Disks are available in a full range of shapes, sizes, and thicknesses. They will be cut from soda lime, borosilicate(Pyrex), silica quartz, or saphire glass based on the customer's application or the equipment manufacturers' specifications.

RDWSC - R&D Wine Sampler Capper

The RDSWC Wine Sampler Capper(otherwise know as the "R&D Super Sample Savor Saver") is used by enologists in the wine laboratory and in the testing room to protect wine samples from aeration and/or dust, insects and other airborn contaminates that negatively affect sample integrity.

This simple to use "Watch Glass Style" cover for your sampling glasses or other wine evaluation containers comes with a large white "beaker style" marking spot for sample identification.

Available in a variety of sizes including:

Sold individually or in sets of 6 or 12

Wine Laboratory Accessories

To ease the enologists' shopping efforts. R&D maintains a full line of non-chemical wine laboratory accessories including but not limited to:

  1. Economically priced reconditioned racks, stands, and clamps to support ans hold Volatile Acid Stills, SO2 and other laboratory apparatus.

  2. Keck, pinch, and spring clamps to seal apparatus joint and tubing connections.

  3. Micellaneous general purpose apparatus including beakers, flasks and graduated cylinders.

  4. Tygon and rubber tubing.

  5. Glass, rubber, and cork stoppers.

Scientific Products
Custom Glassware
Lab Accessories
Contact R&D
To the Wine Maker

Research & Development

Glass Products & Equipment, Inc.

1808 Harmon Street
Berkeley, California 94703
(510)547-6464 Fax(510)547-3620