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The following images and synopses are of the Transformer Television Cartoons. Click on the thumbnails to view the larger images. The Transformers cartoon series began in 1984 and became a very popular series. At last children were able to view there favorite toys in action. Here's a look at a few of the episodes from the first season.

More Than Meets The Eye

Episode Synopsis



Cybertron cityscape


Starting the Ark

Lift Off

Enemies in the Nemesis

In Pursuit

Crash Landing

Sky Warp Revived

Deception Base

Rachet repairs Hound

Thunder Cracker

Collecting Energon

Autobots to save the day

Meeting the Humans

Spike and Sparkplug

Decepticons regroup

You Want to rumble with Rumble?

Decepticons gather energon

Decepticons Attack humans

Blue Streak battles

Decepticons Escape

The first 3 episodes of the Transformers series introduced us to the world of Transformers, and how they managed to crash land on earth and adapt to their new life. The story begins on the planet Cybertron, the home world of the Transformers. Where it is quickly revealed that the populace of Cybertron had been seperated into two waring factions:

The Autobots and the Decepticons

Part 1

The autobots are low on energy resources, as their war has raged for years on the planet Cybertron. In an attempt to collect some energy coverters, Wheeljack and Bumble Bee are attacked by a group of aeriel decepticons. They manage to evade them and return to their base,Iacon. Here the Autobots led by Optimus Prime decide it is time to leave there homeworld in search of new resources. However, the Decepticons have many covert agents which record the information and report it back to their leader Megatron. Megatron, determined not to let the Autobots discover any new resources and to tap that power for himself plots to follow the Autobot shuttle and destroy the Autobots once and for all. Meanwhile, Optimus Prime and the others are ready to leave their homeworld and board their shuttle: the Ark.

The Autobots quickly run into trouble as they encounter a meteor shower. The Decepticons who are in close pursuit also encounter difficulty. The Autobots quickly use a laser cannon to clear a path through the space debris. Megatron orders Soundwave to follow them, taking advantage of the Autobots achievement. However, the Autobots now detect the Decepticon shuttle but it is too late. The decepticons quickly board, and the two groups begin to battle. Admist the fighting Optimus relizes too late that the ship is out of control and attempts to steer. The ship crash lands into a volcano on a mysterious planet.

Four million years later...

The volcano has remained relatively dormant throughtout the years. However, an earthquake suddenly rumbles throughtout the mountain, bringing the Ark's computer systems back on line. The planet, which was inhabited only by primitive carbon based life forms when they first crashed now has changed a great deal. The world is now inhabited by many life forms including the sentient human beings. They have developed many kinds of machines to aid them in their life, vehicles for transportation, weapons for defense, and devices for communication. When the computer system of the Ark called Teletran 1 scans for local forms in which to adapt the damaged Transformers it uses these instead. The Decepticon Sky Warp is the first to be revived who quickly pulls his leader Megatron towards the computer to be repaired, while the rest of the Decepticons are brought online shortly after. As they leave the Ark ready to conquer this new world Starscream can't resist taking a few final shots at the shuttle containing the deactivated Autobots. Megatron angered at Starscream's waste of time and ammo orders him to stop but Starscream still takes on last blast. The shot triggers another small tremor which knocks Optimus towards Teletran 1 where he is quickly repaired and adapted with a new form. Prime than begins to revive his fellow Autobots.

Meanwhile, Megatron and the Decepticons have found an area in which to build a new base. Starscream Soundwave and Rumble are ordered to bring some supplies and travel to a nearby construction site. Starscream is placed in charge and while talking to Rumble vows that one day he will lead the Decepticons. Optimus Prime begins to see the seriousness of their current situation. He relizes that this new world is rich in resources and that the Decepticons must not be allowed to take this power for themselves. Prime sends Hound and Cliffjumper on Patrol to discover the Decepticons location and their plans. The two Autobots quickly discover the Decepticons new base, still under construction. Hound begins to intercept Megatron's conversation that reveals his plans. However, Cliffjumper still angry at the Decepticons takes a shot at Megatron. The blast misses and Laserbeak is sent to dispose of the Autobot problem. The two split up and Cliffjumper manages to evade Laserbeak's remote laser cannon, Hound isn't as lucky, taking a direct shot from Laserbeak and flying off a cliff.

The Autobots take Hound back to the Ark where his damage is quickly fixed by Rachet. Hound informs Optimus of the Decepticon plans and a strike team is quickly assembled to stop them. The Decepticons have discovered that they can convert earths energies into energon cubes, an easy to store concentrated form of energy that is highly reactive. They strike an oil-rig quickly disposing of the human element and coverting the energy. Many humans are knocked into the water by the time the Autobots arrive. The two sides begin to battle and the Autobots seem to have the upper hand, until Megatron blasts away the support beams of the structure. The Autobots are sent tumbling into the ocean, while Megatron blasts a fuel storage bin that covers the area with fire.

Part 2

The Autobots soon manage to free the humans and themselves and introduce themselves to a humans, Spike and Sparkplug. The humans are thankful for their rescue and offer to help the Autobots with their greater knowledge of Earth. Optimus agrees and they return to the Ark. Spike later picks up Soundwave believing him to be a tape recorder and brings him inside the Ark. He drops Soundwave off near Teletran 1 and begins to ask Trailbreaker some questions about there transformations, powers, etc. Spike then leaves with Hound for a joyride while Soundwave ejects Ravage to enter Teletran and records data to Soundwave on the Earth's power resources. When Spike returns he notices what's going on and hits the alarm. Soundwave and Ravage make attempt a escape but Ravage is caught in a electro-net. Meanwhile, Soundwave takes his information back to Megatron and they plot there next strike, this time on Sherman Dam. Megatron utlizes Rumble to create a tidal wave and thus cause the energy output to increase ten fold. The Decepticons then begin to convert this energy into energon cubes.

The high energy levels occuring at Sherman dam are detected by Teletran which alerts the Autobots, who quickly Transform to engage the threat. Most of the Autobots Head to the powerstation and begin to battle while Hound goes after Rumble. Meanwhile Bumblebee uses Ironhides laser to divert the river saving a residential area from the giant wave. The other Autobots continue to fight inside while Prime and Megatron take their fight to the dam itself, Prime battling with an energy Axe and Megatron with a energy mace. However, beneath the water Rumble has trapped Hound in a pile of boulders and when he rises to the surface Spike tries to stop him but Rumble grabs him and Spikes begins to call for help. Prime distracted by the humans calls is hit by Megatron's mace and sent into the water. The Decepticons, having completed their objective, leave the dam and the defeated Autobots.

Spike dives into the water in search of Hound and finds him covered in rubble. He manages to move a few rocks which is enough for Hound to break free and rush both of them to the surface. Meanwhile Jazz fires a line across the river for Prime to grab on to and then reels him in.

Check back soon for more episodes.

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