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ICWF Thunder Results

The scene opens up in a jam-packed arena for ICWF Thunder. The theme music starts as we join Jim Ross along with Zack Storm at ringside.

Howard Finkel - This match is a Cage Match tag match for the Tag titles. On there way to Ring at this time, Edge & Matt Roberts!!!

[Edge & Matt Roberts come to Ring. ]

Howard Finkel - and their opponents, the team of Overkill.

[Crymson & Brian Richards walk to the ring with Heather Helmsley at Brian's side. Roberts taunts Richards. Richards tests out the ropes. (ring, ring, ring) They lockup. Matt sends Brian to the corner of Ring. Brian hits Roberts with an earringer. ]

Jim Ross - Richards with a earringer.

[Matt nails Brian with a belly-to-back suplex. Matt Roberts climbs to his feet. Matt Roberts kicks Brian on the mat. Brian Richards is back on his feet. Brian Richards grabs Matt Roberts's head and DDT's him on the mat. ]

Zack Storm - Great move!

[Brian Richards is back on his feet. Brian jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Matt with an Asai Moonsault. Now Richards standing. Roberts hits Brian with the back of his elbow. ]

Jim Ross - Richards takes a back elbow.

[Richards executes a headlock takedown. ]

Zack Storm - That headlock takedown, is what he's known for!

[Richards rolls onto Roberts connecting with a knee. Roberts stands up. Matt Roberts gives Brian a reverse neckbreaker. Matt gets up. Matt Roberts kicks Brian Richards on the mat. Brian picks Roberts up and executes a stomachbreaker. Brian jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Matt with an Asai Moonsault. ]

Zack Storm - Don't cross the boss.

[Matt gets back to his feet. Matt executes the jumping sidekick on Brian Richards. Brian Richards is up again. Brian Richards with a high crossbody on Matt Roberts. Now Brian standing. Brian Richards knees Roberts and rolls back to his feet. Richards knees Matt and rolls back to his feet. Matt gets back to his feet. Matt trys for a snap suplex but Brian Richards avoids it. Roberts walks over to the door and opens it. Brian pulls Matt Roberts out of the door. ]

Jim Ross - It is gonna be a slobberknocker folks!

[Brian Richards lifts Matt Roberts into the air and delivers a spine buster. ]

Zack Storm - Regular move, not extra crispy.

[Matt Roberts is back on his feet. Matt executes a headlock takedown. Brian gets up. Richards climbs the turnbuckle and nails Roberts with a flying bulldog. Roberts is up again. Brian throws Matt Roberts off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Richards rolls onto Matt connecting with a knee. Brian Richards rolls onto Matt connecting with a knee. Richards moves over to the cage Richards starts up the cage. Brian makes it to the top of the cage and begins to clime down. Richards makes it out of the cage ]

Howard Finkel - The winners of this match, and still Tag champions, Overkill!!!

Howard Finkel - This match is a Flamming Table Match. One his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 236 pounds, being accompanied by Vera Saldivar, Meanstreak!! (Crowd cheers ****)

Howard Finkel - and his opponent, weighing in at 280 pounds, Nightmare! (crowd boos ****)

[Nightmare walks to the ring. Tim White is the referee for this contest. Tim White checks Meanstreaks's boots and knee pads. Nightmare checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Nightmare gets hit with a back heel kick. Nightmare gets up. Meanstreak hits Nightmare with the back of his elbow. Nightmare hits a snap suplex on Meanstreak. Nightmare stands up. Nightmare chokes Meanstreak with his boot.]

Zack Storm - Nightmare, beat Meanstreak's ass into oblivion! He deserves a good beatin'! These guys aren't better than me, don't you agree?

Jim Ross - You're kidding, right?

[Nightmare slingshot elbow drops Meanstreak. Nightmare sucks chants start in the crowd. Meanstreak is back on his feet. Meanstreak punches Nightmare repeatedly. Meanstreak neck snaps Nightmare. Meanstreak executes a headlock takedown. Nightmare is back on his feet. Nightmare picks up Meanstreak and hits him with a Back Suplex. Nightmare is back on his feet. Nightmare fist drops Meanstreak on the mat.]

Jim Ross - These two fighters really are awesome!

Zack Storm - Not as good as me though, right JR?

Jim Ross - If you say so, Zack.

[Nightmare gives Meanstreak a reverse neckbreaker. Nightmare stands up. Meanstreak gets up. Meanstreak grabs Nightmare's head and DDT's him on the mat. Meanstreak heads towards the turnbuckle. Meanstreak jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Nightmare with an Asai Moonsault. Meanstreak chants start in the crowd.]

Jim Ross - Moves like that are going to make that man a star.

[Meanstreaks climbs to his feet. Nightmare is now standing. Meanstreak uses a snap mare takeover on Nightmare. Nightmare stands up. Meanstreak tosses Nightmare out of the ring. Nightmares gets back to his feet. Meanstreak comes from behind and bulldogs Nightmare.. Nightmare is up again. Meanstreak hits Nightmare with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Meanstreak chants start. Nightmare gets back to his feet. Meanstreak sets Nightmare up and DDTs him into the concrete. Meanstreak picks Nightmare off the floor. Meanstreak rams Nightmares head into the guard rail. They move closer to the flaming table. Nightmare fights back with some offensive aggression. Meanstreaks counters with a back eblow. Meanstreak locks Nightmare around the waist and hits a belly to belly overhead suplex through the flaming table. Referee Tim White calls for the bell.]

Jim Ross - Meanstreak took Nightmare to hell and back in that match.

Howard Finkel - The winner of the match, Meanstreak!

Zack Storm - Man, this Meanstreak is impressive. Howard Finkel - This match is a Cage Match for the United States title. On his way to Ring at this time, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania a member of Power Trip accompanied by Heather Helmsley he holds the United States title belt, Brian Richards!!! (crowd boos *****)

[Richards walks to the ring with Heather Helmsley. ]

Howard Finkel - and his opponent, weighing in at 265 pounds, from Seattle, Washington, Jeremy "X" Bruin!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Jeremy "X" Bruin walks to Ring. Tim White is the referee for this contest. Richards tests out the ropes. Jeremy drops Brian Richards with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ding, ding, ding) Brian Richards short clothslines Jeremy. Jeremy is back on his feet. Jeremy drives a forearm into Brian. Jeremy "X" Bruin bounces Richards off the ropes and clotheslines him. Now Richards standing. Richards reverse DDT's Jeremy's head into the mat. Brian Richards sucks chants start in the crowd. Brian walks over to the door and opens it. Richards shuts the door and goes back to fighting Jeremy Brian Richards rolls onto Jeremy connecting with a knee. Jeremy gets up. Jeremy uses a closed fist on Brian. Richards hits him with a back fist. Brian Richards bounces Jeremy "X" Bruin off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. ]

Zack Storm - Hardcore is they way to go.

[Brian Richards jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Jeremy with an Asai Moonsault. Richards gets up. Brian rolls onto Jeremy connecting with a knee. Jeremy gets back to his feet. Jeremy "X" Bruin drives a forearm into Brian Richards. Jeremy "X" Bruin bounces Brian Richards off the ropes and clotheslines him. Jeremy "X" Bruin punches Richards repeatedly. Jeremy "X" Bruin executes a pumphandle suplex on Brian. Now Brian standing. Jeremy "X" Bruin walks over to the door and opens it. Jeremy "X" Bruin shuts the door and goes back to fighting Brian Richards ]

Jim Ross - Jeremy "X" Bruin's momma would be proud! Brian is really getting the stuffing beat out of him!

Zack Storm - If that's what you want.

[Brian Richards with a huge fisherman buster on Jeremy. ]

Jim Ross - A great fisherman buster! Maybe the greatest I have seen!


Zack Storm - Jeremy is my hero!

[Brian knees Jeremy "X" Bruin and rolls back to his feet. Brian Richards sucks chants start in the crowd. Brian Richards executes the brain buster on Jeremy. Brian Richards stands up. Brian Richards knees Jeremy "X" Bruin and rolls back to his feet. Richards jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Jeremy "X" Bruin with an Asai Moonsault. Brian climbs to his feet. Brian moves over to the cage Brian Richards starts up the cage. Richards makes it to the top of the cage and begins to clime down. Brian makes it out of the cage ]

Jim Ross - Richards has gotten a gigantic win here!

Howard Finkel - The winner of this match, and still United States champion, Brian Richards!!!

Lillian Garcia - This match is a Ladder Match for the Lightweight title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 215 pounds, from Los Angeles, California accompanied by Stephanie McMahon he holds the Lightweight title belt, Matt Roberts!!! (crowd boos ******)

[Matt walks down the ramp as "Crawling" by Linkin Park plays over the sound system.]

Lillian Garcia - and his opponent, weighing in at 223 pounds, from Miami, Florida accompanied by The Family Man, Blacksnake!!! (crowd boos ****)

[The lights dim as "Take It" by Staind hits over the P.A. system. Blacksnake steps out from the back as a blast of gold and blue pyros shoot out over his head. The crowd boos as he and The Family Man make their way to the ring.]

Jim Ross - And this match is underway!

[Blacksnake checks his boots. (the bell rings) Matt Roberts punches Blacksnake in the head. Matt Roberts hits him with a back fist. Blacksnake attempts to kick Matt Roberts, but Matt Roberts catches his leg. Matt Roberts pushes Blacksnake on his back and ropes him with an elbow drop. Matt Roberts lifts him up, and strikes with a huge fisherman buster on Blacksnake. Now Matt Roberts standing. Matt Roberts tackles Blacksnake. Blacksnake is up again. Matt takes Blacksnake and whips him into the ropes. Blacksnake ducks under a clothesline, comes off the ropes again and delivers a huge clothesline onto Matt. Blacksnake grabs Matt Roberts and applies an arm wrench. Blacksnake rakes the face of Matt Roberts in attempt to make a come back. Blacksnake hits Matt Roberts with a heart punch. Matt Roberts moves back to his feet. Blacksnake gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Matt Roberts slaps Blacksnake. Matt Roberts executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Blacksnake. Matt Roberts bounces Blacksnake off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Matt Roberts stands up. Matt Roberts knees Blacksnake and rolls back to his feet. Matt Roberts executes a corkscrew legdrop on Blacksnake. Matt Roberts moves back to his feet. Matt Roberts slides to the outside and searches under the mat. Matt Roberts pulls out the ladder and slides it into the ring. Blacksnake jumps from the top rope, chopping Matt Roberts on the top of his head. Blacksnake rolls Matt Roberts back into the ring. Blacksnake sets up the ladder in the corner of the ring. Blacksnake whips Matt Roberts into the ladder.]

Jim Ross - I wish every match could be like this!

[Blacksnake hits Matt Roberts with a roundhouse right hand. Blacksnake hits Matt Roberts with a belly to belly suplex. Blacksnake hits Matt Roberts with a quick leg drop. He hits the ropes and comes down with another quick legdrop to Roberts. Blacksnake takes Roberts and hits him with spinning heel kick. Blacksnake goes up to the rope and hits him with a corkscrew splash. Blacksnake goes for a belly to back suplex but Matt Roberts delivers a low blow instead.]

Zack Storm - What a low blow by Roberts.

[Matt Roberts rolls to the outside and grabs a chair. Matt Roberts lays into Blacksnake with a chairshot to the back. Blacksnake tries to get out of the way but Roberts comes down with another chairshot to Blacksnake. Matt sets the chair up and hits Blacksnake with a drop toe hold onto the chair. Matt whips Blacksnake into the ropes. Blacksnake comes off the ropes and hits Roberts with a swinging neckbreaker.]

Jim Ross - What a reversal by Blacksnake.

[Blacksnake takes the ladder and sets it up near the corner. He climbs to the middle of the ladder and then uses his weight to push his body and the ladder over and onto the body of Matt Roberts. Blacksnake sets up the ladder and begins to climb for the belt. Matt gets up and pushes the ladder as hard as he can. Blacksnake goes flying to the outside and the ladder spills over to the outside. As Blacksnake gets up, roberts hits him with a baseball slide, sending him head first into the barricade.]

Zack Storm - What a move.

[Matt Roberts takes the ladder and places one end on the ring edge and the other on the barricade. He pulls Blacksnake up and lays him on the ladder. Roberts climbs up to the edge of the mat, comes running, and hits Blacksnake with an elbow drop. Blacksnake rolls off but the ladder does not budge. Roberts waits as Blacksnake slowly stumbles up. Roberts takes blacksnake's head and slams it into the ladder. Roberts lifts Blacksnake up and body drops him onto the ladder. Finally, the ladder falls down as Blacksnake goes with it. Matt pushes the ladder back into the ring and then rolls in Blacksnake.]

Jim Ross - Matt Roberts is throwing Blacksnake around all over the place.

[Matt Roberts sets the ladder up in the corner. Matt Roberts whips Blacksnake into the ladder. Matt Roberts follows in with a body splash. Blacksnake, who is still on his feet, staggers over into the waiting arms of Matt Roberts for a quick DDT. Matt pulls Blacksnake up and pushes him into the ladder. Matt backs up and sets up for The Elite Kick. As Matt goes for the kick, Blacksnake ducks, and Matt's leg goes through the ladder. Blacksnake hits Matt Roberts with a low blow.]

Jim Ross - Roberts must be hurting!

[Blacksnake takes Matt Roberts and hits him with a reverse DDT. Blacksnake pulls Matt up, and hits him with a piledriver. Blacksnake throws the ladder down on top of Matt Roberts. Blacksnake climbs to the top rope and goes for a moonsault. Matt throws up the ladder, hitting Blacksnake with it, and rolling out of the way. Matt slowly stands up and places the ladder on the ground near the corner. Matt Roberts lays Blacksnake on top of the ladder. He climbs to the top rope and goes for the Shooting Star Press. Blacksnake is able to move out of the way, as Roberts hits the ladder. Roberts rolls around holding his ribs, as Blacksnake pulls himself up slowly using the ropes. Blacksnake takes the ladder and sets it up in the center of the ring. He begins to climb the ladder going for the belt. Roberts gets up and pushes the ladder over, smashing the ladder into the face of Blacksnake as he falls to the ground. Roberts pulls Blacksnake up and goes for a German suplex. Somehow, Blacksnake is able to flip out of it and instead hit Roberts with the German suplex.]

Zack Storm - What a reversal by Blacksnake!

[Blacksnake throws Roberts outside of the ring. Blacksnake takes Matt Roberts and whips him into the stairs. Blacksnake begins to stomp away at Matt Roberts, forcing his head and body into the steps. Stephanie walks over to try and stop Blacksnake. She turns Blacksnake around and goes for a slap. Blacksnake catches her hand and begins to laugh. The Family Man comes running over. The Family Man opens up his briefcase and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. Blacksnake takes Stephanie's hand, handcuffs her hand, and then puts the other handcuff on the ring post. Roberts pulls himself up, and nails Blacksnake with a forearm to the head, sending him down to the ground. Roberts goes to free Stephanie, and The Family Man comes from behind and nails him with the briefcase to the back of the head. Blacksnake rolls Roberts into the ring. On the outside, The Family Man goes under the mat and pulls out a table. The Family Man begins to set up the table, as on the inside, Blacksnake sets Roberts up in the corner. Blacksnake begins to slap Roberts around. Blacksnake lifts Roberts and sets him up on the turnbuckle. Blacksnake springboards off the ropes, and dropkicks Matt Roberts, sending him to the outside. Blacksnake slides out and sets Roberts on top of the table. Blacksnake slowly rolls back in and grabs the ladder. He looks up to the title, then looks over at Roberts. He takes the ladder and places in near the ropes. Blacksnake climbs the ladder all the way to the top. Blacksnake points down at Roberts and delivers a Venom splash through him and the table. Both men lie just lie there, with Blacksnake rolling around in pain.]

Zack Storm - These guys are both hurt. But Matt Roberts definitely got the worst of it.

[Suddenly, the lights dim and "Midwest Swing" by St. Lunatics hits over the P.A. system. X-odus steps out from the back wearing his normal gear. The Family Man glances up and gets a look of terror across his face. X-odus slowly stalks down the aisle, smiling at what he sees. X-odus goes over to Roberts, and lifts up his head. He drops it down and moves over to Blacksnake. He does the same to him, lifting his head up, then dropping it down. Finally, he looks over to The Family Man. He begins to walk towards The Family Man as he begins to back off. It turns into a chase, as Family Man runs around the ring, with X-odus following close behind. Family Man slides into the ring and moves the ladder to the center of the ring. He begins to climb up the ladder, as X-odus slowly rolls into the ring. X-odus just smiles as The Family Man continues to climb, looking down, kicking, and trying to keep X-odus away. X-odus steps toward the ladder, smiles to The Family Man, and pulls the ladder away. In shock, all The Family Man can do is grab the title and hang. Finally, the belt gives way, and both the title and The Family Man come falling to the ground.]

Jim Ross - What a fall he took!

Zack Storm - And look at X-odus. He's just laughing.

[X-odus takes The Family Man, and delivers the X Marks the Spot onto him. He is about to leave the ring, when he suddenly turns around. X-odus grabs the title and exits the ring.]

Jim Ross - What is X-odus doing with the title?

Zack Storm - He's stealing the title!

[X-odus walks up to the prone bodies of both Matt Roberts and Blacksnake. He lays the title in front of Blacksnake, who is just trying to pull himself up. X-odus walks off up the ramp as Blacksnake grabs the title and rolls into the ring. (Ding, Ding!)]

Zack Storm - Blacksnake has won it!

Jim Ross - But not without help from his enemy X-odus. I don't get it. I really don't.

Lillian Garcia - Here is your winner, and new Lightweight Champion, Blacksnake!

[Blacksnake pulls himself up, puts the title over his shoulder, and tries to pick The Family Man up. He can't pick him up, so he goes over to the ropes and just leans their, with the title being held in the air.]

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