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The scene opens up for ICWF's Royal Rumble 2001. The pyros shoot off, and Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler are heard at ringside.

[Just as the opening pyros die down, "No Chance" plays and Vince McMahon walks down to the ring.]

Vince - Welcome to Royal Rumble 2001! To make sure tonight will be a night you won't forget, I am going to have a little surprise for everyone here.

[Vince drops the mic and walks back to the locker room area as we go right to Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler.]

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 230 pounds, from Calgery,Alberta,Canada accompanied by Felicity, Bret Hart!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Bret Hart comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Greenwich, CT. a member of DX, HHH!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[HHH walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Bret tests out the ropes. HHH tests out the ropes. (ding, ding, ding) HHH gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Bret chops HHH. Bret hits HHH with the back of his elbow. HHH trys for a back breaker but Bret Hart avoids it. HHH and Bret move from the ring to ringside Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - Bret Hart could use some help about now.

[Bret spinebuster bombs HHH onto the floor. ]

King - What a spinebuster bomb!!

[Bret Hart takes HHH into the ring. ]

Jim Ross - You are in the wrong place if you are looking for weapons Bret Hart!

[Bret rolls onto HHH connecting with a knee. Bret Hart applies an arm wrench to HHH. Now HHH standing. HHH trys for a shoulderbreaker but Bret avoids it. HHH hooks Bret Hart in the abdominal stretch. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Bret Hart escapes. ]

King - What a match!

[HHH gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Bret. Bret Hart and HHH move from the ring to rampway Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Bret knee drops HHH. Now Bret Hart standing. (..2) HHH is back on his feet. (...3) HHH puts Bret on the top rope and executes a superplex. HHH is up again. Bret climbs to his feet. Bret Hart hits a kneeling headbutt to HHH's groin. Bret Hart grabs HHH and applies an arm wrench. Bret chants start. HHH stands up. HHH and Bret move back to ringside. HHH hits Bret with the back of his elbow. HHH hits Bret Hart with an atomic drop. Bret Hart gets up. HHH hits Bret with the Pedigree! HHH covers Bret Hart hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, HHH!!!

[After the 3-count has been made Triple H goes to the announce table, grabs
his sledgehammer and a mic. He gets back in the ring and as Bret stands and
turns around, Triple H lays the sledgehammer into Bret's gut. He then grabs
the mic and stands over a helpless Bret Hart looking to the entranceway.]

Triple H - Tonight was just the beginning of what is in store for everyone
here in the ICWF. Anyone who wants to try and play the Game, step into the
ring this Thursday on Smackdown, I'll be waiting!

[Triple H drops the mic onto Hart and climbs the turnbuckle to recieve heat
from the fans before walking to the back.]

Jim Ross - This match is a Bed of Nails Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 270 pounds, from Michigan accompanied by Midajah, Scott Steiner!!! (crowd boos ****)

[Scott Steiner comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 230 pounds,, Justin Credible!!! (crowd boos ********)

[Justin Credible walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Big Poppa Pump tests out the ropes. Justin Credible checks his boots. (the bell rings) Big Poppa Pump chops Justin Credible. Justin Credible executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner is up again. Steiner comes from behind and bulldogs Justin Credible. Steiner gets back to his feet. Scott Steiner rolls onto Justin Credible connecting with a knee. Justin Credible gets up. Scott Steiner throws Justin Credible off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. ]

Jim Ross - Justin Credible takes a diving shoulder block.

[Justin Credible is up again. Justin Credible nails Steiner with a double underhook suplex. ]

King - Steiner really felt that double underhook suplex!

[Scott Steiner is up again. Justin Credible executes the front-layout suplex on Scott Steiner. ]

Jim Ross - Justin Credible is viciously attacking Big Poppa Pump with a vengeance!!

[Justin Credible is back on his feet. Big Poppa Pump gets up. Big Poppa Pump reverse DDT's Justin Credible's head into the mat. Steiner throws the bed of nails at Justin Credible. Justin Credible is bleeding as a result. ]

Jim Ross - Would you ever get into the wrestling business and do what these guys do?

King - No way man.

[Justin Credible stands up. Justin Credible hits him with a back fist. ]

Jim Ross - Justin Credible executes a back fist.

[Big Poppa Pump gets hit with a back heel kick. Scott Steiner body slams Justin Credible. ]

King - Justin Credible takes a body slam.

[Justin Credible tackles Big Poppa Pump. Justin Credible climbs to his feet. Steiner executes a headlock takedown. Justin Credible legsweeps Scott Steiner. Justin Credible rolls onto Scott Steiner connecting with a knee. Scott Steiner is up again. Big Poppa Pump executes the brain buster on Justin Credible. ]

Jim Ross - brain buster pulled off to perfection by Big Poppa Pump!

[Big Poppa Pump swings the bed of nails and hits Justin Credible. Justin Credible is bleeding as a result. ]

Jim Ross - These two fighters really are awesome!

[Steiner knees Justin Credible and rolls back to his feet. Now Justin Credible standing. Big Poppa Pump gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Justin Credible comes over and smashes Big Poppa Pump's head into it. ]

Jim Ross - Justin Credible comes out with a nice headsmash into turnbuckle.

[Justin Credible superkicks Steiner. Justin Credible executes a corkscrew legdrop on Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner hits the fallaway slam on Justin Credible. ]

King - Nice fallaway slam by Big Poppa Pump.

[Big Poppa Pump is back on his feet. Big Poppa Pump chokes Justin Credible with the bed of nails. Justin Credible is bleeding as a result. ]

Jim Ross - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Steiner puts Justin Credible on the turnbuckle and delivers a huge powerbomb on to the mat. ]

King - Justin Credible really felt that top-rope powerbomb! Are you enjoying this match?

Jim Ross - Yup!

[Justin Credible gets back to his feet. Justin Credible pokes Big Poppa Pump in the eyes. Justin Credible mule kicks Big Poppa Pump. Big Poppa Pump gets up. Big Poppa Pump dropkicks Justin Credible. Steiner sucks chants start in the crowd. Steiner climbs to his feet. Justin Credible gets back to his feet. Steiner swings the bed of nails and hits Justin Credible. Justin Credible is bleeding as a result. ]

King - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Scott Steiner hiptosses Justin Credible. Scott Steiner rolls onto Justin Credible connecting with a knee. Big Poppa Pump suplexes Justin Credible. Justin Credible gets up. Scott Steiner grabs Justin Credible's arm and strkes his elbow. Justin Credible is powerbombed onto the Bed of Nails. ]

Jim Ross - Steiner has gotten a gigantic win here!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, Scott Steiner!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a Scaffolding Match. On his way to the scaffolding which hasn't been raised yet at this time, weighing in at 238 pounds, from Red Hook, Queens, NY he holds the Canadian title belt, Tazz!!! (crowd boos **)

[Tazz's music plays as the crowd errupts with a big cheer. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 245 pounds,, Tommy Dreamer!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Tommy Dreamer walks to the scaffolding which hasn't been raised yet. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Tazz drops Tommy Dreamer with a Gorilla Press Slam on the wood. Tommy Dreamer tests out the ropes. (ding, ding, ding) Tazz uses a closed fist on Tommy Dreamer. Tommy Dreamer gives Tazz a reverse neckbreaker. Tommy Dreamer stands up. Tazz stands up. Tazz trys for a cradle suplex but is not strong enough to lift Tommy Dreamer.]

King - Damn!

Jim Ross - the scaffolding which hasn't been raised yet is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Tazz gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. ]

King - Tazz really felt that inverted backbreaker!

Jim Ross - Tommy Dreamer is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Tommy Dreamer rolls onto Tazz connecting with a knee. Tommy Dreamer measures Tazz up and drops a closed fist. ]

Jim Ross - fist drop!

[Tommy Dreamer moves back to his feet. Tommy Dreamer fist drops Tazz on the wood. Tommy Dreamer climbs to his feet. Tommy Dreamer rolls onto Tazz connecting with a knee. Tommy Dreamer short lariats Tazz. ]

King - Follows up with a short lariat.

[Tazz gets back to his feet. Tommy Dreamer knocks Tazz out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Tommy Dreamer chants start. Tazz gets back to his feet. Tazz trys for a atomic drop but is not strong enough to lift Tommy Dreamer.]

Jim Ross - My God!! What a match!

[Tazz trys for a crotch slam but Tommy Dreamer avoids it. Tazz trys for a choke lift but Tommy Dreamer avoids it. The scaffolding has been raised, with them on it. They're fighting way above the ground. ]

Jim Ross - Did you see that last move?

King - Yes sir!

[Tazz trys for a takeover suplex but is not strong enough to lift Tommy Dreamer.Tommy Dreamer is sent close to the edge of the scaffolding. Tazz hits Tommy Dreamer with a heart punch. Tommy Dreamer stands up. Tazz rakes the face of Tommy Dreamer in attempt to make a come back. Tazz uses a lariat on Tommy Dreamer. Tommy Dreamer is up again. Tommy Dreamer with a huge super fisherman buster, driving Tazz into the wood floor. Tommy Dreamer cuts Tazz with a whip. Tazz is bleeding as a result. Tommy Dreamer climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Tazz. Tommy Dreamer is back on his feet. Tommy Dreamer measures Tazz up and drops a closed fist. Tommy Dreamer moves back to his feet. They lockup. Tazz sends Tommy Dreamer to the corner of the edge of the scaffolding. Tazz sucks chants start in the crowd. Tazz trys for a front-layout suplex but is unable to lift Tommy Dreamer.Tommy Dreamer tries to send Tazz over the edge, but Tazz reverses it! Tommy Dreamer falls to the arena floor!! ]

Jim Ross - Oh my god! Tazz has won!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, Tazz!!!

[Just as everyone is getting ready for the Hell in a Cell Ladder Tag Team Title Match, "No Chance" plays and Vince McMahon walks out to the ring again.]

Vince - Well it is time for my surprise. I am making myself the special guest referee for this next match. I will ensure that we get a fair match and a fair win.

[Vince drops the mic and takes off his suit jacket to reveal his referee shirt.]

Jim Ross - This match is a Hell in a cell Ladder match tag match for the Tag titles. On there way to ring at this time, Brian Richards & Crymson!!!

[Brian Richards & Crymson come to ring. ]

Jim Ross - and their opponents, the team of Viper & Twister.

[Viper & Twister walk to ring. Vince McMahon is the referee for this match. Vince McMahon checks Crymson's boots and knee pads. Twister walks around the ring. (ring, ring, ring) They lockup. Crymson sends Twister to the corner of ring. Crymson double underhook faceslams Twister hard to the Twister. Twister moves back to his feet. Twister trys for a belly-to-belly superplex but is not strong enough to lift Crymson.Twister uses a lariat on Crymson. Crymson moves back to his feet. Crymson neck snaps Twister. Crymson slaps Twister. Crymson runs and tackles Twister. Crymson punches him in the head. Crymson punches Twister repeatedly. Crymson rakes his fingers across Twister's back. ]

Jim Ross - back rake!

[Crymson hits Twister with the spinebuster slam. Crymson gets up. ]

King - What a match!

[Twister gets up. Twister kicks Crymson in the groin. ]

Jim Ross - Twister should have used something stronger, but that kick to the groin was effective!

[Crymson comes from behind and bulldogs Twister. Crymson is up again. Twister throws Crymson off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Twister grabs Crymson and applies an arm wrench. Crymson gets up. Crymson locks Twister in a full nelson and slams him to the mat. ]

King - full nelson slam!

[Crymson moves over to the ladder and begins to clime it. Crymson climes up to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th step of the ladder. Twister pushes Crymson off the ladder sending him up against the wall of the cage! Crymson moves over to the ladder and begins to clime it. Crymson climes up to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th step of the ladder. Crymson gets pulled off the ladder by Twister Crymson punches Twister repeatedly. Twister uppercuts Crymson. Twister legsweeps Crymson. Crymson is up again. Twister trys for a inverted backbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Crymson.Twister hits Crymson with an earringer. ]

Jim Ross - Twister should have used something stronger, but that earringer was effective!

[Twister applies the clawhold on Crymson. Crymson uses a snap mare takeover on Twister. ]

King - Follows up with a snap mare.

[Twister stands up. Crymson connects with a flying knee. Twister goes down. Twister gets back to his feet. Twister gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Crymson. Crymson gets sent into the turnbuckle while Twister hits him with a splash. Twister chants start. ]

Jim Ross - Picture Perfect splash!

[Twister moves over to the ladder and begins to clime it. Twister climes up to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th step of the ladder. Twister climes up the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th step, he his all most there! Twister trys for a spinning back suplex but is not strong enough to lift Crymson.Twister hits Crymson with the double arm DDT into the none. Twister stands up. ]

Jim Ross - Twister is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Twister chokes Crymson with his boot. ]

King - What a choke!!

Jim Ross - Crymson could use some help about now.

[Twister knees Crymson and rolls back to his feet. Crymson climbs to his feet. Twister jabs Crymson. Twister hits him with a back fist. Twister bounces Crymson off the ropes and faceslams him onto the none. Twister is back on his feet. Twister grabs Crymson and applies an arm wrench. Twister rolls onto Crymson connecting with a knee. Twister knees Crymson and rolls back to his feet. Twister applies an arm wrench to Crymson. ]

King - Crymson takes a arm wrench.

[Twister grabs Crymson and applies an arm wrench. ]

Jim Ross - Twister sends a message to Crymson courtesy of a arm wrench.

[Twister knees Crymson and rolls back to his feet. Twister knees Crymson and rolls back to his feet. Crymson is back on his feet. Twister trys for a side belly-to-belly suplex but is not strong enough to lift Crymson.Twister gets knocked off the tall ladder Crymson pulls Twister of the ladder Twister mule kicks Crymson. ]

Jim Ross - Twister executes a mule kick.

[Crymson runs and tackles Twister. Crymson punches him in the head. Crymson punches Twister repeatedly. ]

King - weak move by Crymson.

[Crymson hits Twister with an atomic drop. ]

Jim Ross - With such a strong atomic drop, Crymson is gonna win it!

King - Blood is all over ring.

[Crymson clotheslines Twister. Twister punches Crymson in the gut. ]

Jim Ross - Twister should have used something stronger, but that fist to midsection was effective!

[Twister trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift Crymson.Crymson double underhook faceslams Twister hard to the Twister. Crymson punches Twister repeatedly. ]

King - weak move by Crymson.

[Crymson hits Twister with a running powerbomb on to the mat. ]

King - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - You are wrong!

[Crymson punches Twister repeatedly. Crymson slaps Twister. Crymson rakes his fingers across Twister's back. Crymson hits Twister with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Twister gets up. Crymson moves over to the ladder and begins to clime it. Crymson climes up to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th step of the ladder. Crymson climes up the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th step, he his all most there! Crymson goes up his last step and grabs the belt, Crymson wins! ]

Jim Ross - The winners of this match, and still Tag champions, Brian Richards & Crymson!!!

Jim Ross - This match is an Inferno Match for the No. 1 Contendership for the Women's Title title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 135 pounds, from The other side of Darkness accompanied by Gangrel, Luna!!! (crowd cheers *)

[Luna comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 225 pounds, a member of New Blood, Felicity!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Felicity walks to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - And third, weighing in at 186 pounds, from San Deigo, California a member of Chronic Blaze accompanied by X-odus, Syren!!!

[Syren walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Luna just drilled Felicitys head into the floor Felicity tests out the ropes. Syren tests out the ropes. (ring, ring, ring) Felicity gouges Syren's eyes out. Syren gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Felicity. ]

King - boot choke by Felicity.

[Felicity slaps Syren. ]

Jim Ross - slap!

[Syren trys for a fisherman buster but Felicity avoids it. Syren and Felicity move from the ring to the ropes Luna trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Felicity.]

Jim Ross - Felicity could use some help about now.

[Syren executes a reverse DDT on Felicity. Syren trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Felicity.Syren sends Felicity toward the fire. Syren rolls onto Felicity connecting with a knee. Syren gives Felicity a reverse neckbreaker. Syren rolls onto Felicity connecting with a knee. Syren knees Felicity and rolls back to his feet. Syren rolls onto Felicity connecting with a knee. Felicity climbs to his feet. Luna trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Felicity.]

Jim Ross - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Luna pulls Felicity's hair. Felicity comes from behind and bulldogs Luna. Luna gets up. Luna trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Felicity.Luna trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Felicity.Mexican hiptoss executed by Syren. Syren and Luna move from the ring to the ropes Syren knees Luna and rolls back to his feet. Felicity trys for a waistlock suplex but is not strong enough to lift Syren.Luna trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Syren.]

Jim Ross - Luna's momma would be proud!

[Luna trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Syren.Luna trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Syren.Luna sends Syren into the ropes Luna trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Syren.]

Jim Ross - It is gonna be a slobberknocker folks!

[Luna slaps Syren. Luna grabs Syren's head and hites him in the face. ]

King - Syren takes a face bite.

[Felicity trys for a snap suplex but is not strong enough to lift Syren.Felicity and Syren move from the ring to the ropes Felicity rakes his fingers across Syren's back. ]

King - back rake!

[Luna trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Felicity.Syren dropkicks Felicity to the knee. Syren moves back to his feet. Syren trys for a power move but is unable to lift Felicity.Syren rolls onto Felicity connecting with a knee. Luna punches Felicity repeatedly. Luna kicks Felicity in the back of the leg. Luna chants start. Felicity climbs to his feet. Luna sends Felicity to the ropes by the fire. Luna and Felicity move from the ring to the fire ]

Jim Ross - Luna has shown us all how good he is!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, and new No. 1 Contendership for the Women's Title champion, Luna!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a 2 out of 3 Falls Submission Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 268 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois a member of New Blood accompanied by Jackie, JJ Rider!!!

["Enter Sandman" by Metalica begins to play through-out the enitre arena. JJ Rider steps out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada a member of Chronic Blaze, Chris Benoit!!! (crowd boos *)

[Blue lights flash as Chris Benoit's music plays as he walks down to the ring. JJ Rider walks around the ring. Earl Hebner checks Benoit's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) Benoit gets hit with a back heel kick. Benoit gets up. Chris Benoit hits him with a back fist. Chris Benoit hits Rider with an earringer. ]

King - Follows up with a earringer.

[Chris Benoit tackles Rider. ]

Jim Ross - football tackle!

[Chris Benoit executes a corkscrew legdrop on JJ. Chris Benoit moves back to his feet. Chris Benoit applies an arm wrench to JJ. ]

King - Follows up with a arm wrench.

[JJ stands up. Benoit bounces JJ off the ropes and faceslams him onto the the mat. Benoit gets up. JJ gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Benoit. ]

Jim Ross - diving elbow smash by Chris Benoit.

[JJ Rider gets back to his feet. JJ Rider gets tiger suplexed by Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit gets up. Chris Benoit uppercuts Rider. Chris Benoit kicks Rider in the groin. ]

King - Rider takes a kick to the groin.

[Benoit hiptosses JJ. JJ gets back to his feet. Chris Benoit executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Rider. ]

Jim Ross - Benoit sends a message to JJ courtesy of a ropeflip hiptoss.

[Rider moves back to his feet. JJ hits Benoit with a single arm DDT. JJ is up again. ]

King - Rider is taking it to Chris Benoit.

[Chris Benoit is back on his feet. Chris Benoit short lariats JJ. ]

Jim Ross - short lariat by Benoit.

[Chris Benoit is hit with a backward kick. Chris Benoit is up again. JJ slaps Chris Benoit. ]

King - Follows up with a slap.

[Chris Benoit takes a slap to the face from JJ Rider. JJ Rider moves back to his feet. JJ Rider pins Benoit against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. ]

Jim Ross - forearm choke!

[JJ Rider hits a jumping elbow hrust on Chris Benoit. ]

King - Benoit takes a jumping elbow thrust.

[Chris Benoit gets back to his feet. JJ Rider nails Benoit with a belly-to-back suplex. Rider knees Benoit and rolls back to his feet. Rider fist drops Benoit on the the mat. Rider is back on his feet. JJ measures Chris Benoit up and drops a closed fist. JJ rolls onto Benoit connecting with a knee. Chris Benoit springboard DDT's Rider onto the the mat! Now Chris Benoit standing. Rider gets up. ]

Jim Ross - My god! I have never seen so much blood!

[JJ Rider gets knock to the ground while Benoit locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission. Now Benoit standing. ]

King - The the mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Benoit executes a corkscrew legdrop on JJ Rider. Rider chops Benoit. JJ Rider executes a huge gutbuster on Benoit. Rider hits Benoit with the back of his elbow. JJ Rider comes from behind and bulldogs Benoit. JJ gets up. Benoit gets up. JJ hits a koppo kick on Benoit. Rider measures Chris Benoit up and drops a closed fist. Rider moves back to his feet. JJ Rider knees Benoit and rolls back to his feet. JJ measures Benoit up and drops a closed fist. JJ stands up. Now Benoit standing. JJ takes Chris Benoit down with a knee. JJ rolls onto Benoit connecting with a knee. Rider rolls onto Benoit connecting with a knee. Chris Benoit executes the German suplex on JJ Rider. Benoit holds on to Rider and executes two more Suplexes! Benoit sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

King - This is how wrestling should be! Are you enjoying this match?

Jim Ross - Hell yeah!

King - The the mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Benoit applies an arm wrench to Rider. JJ Rider gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Benoit. ]

Jim Ross - diving elbow smash!

[Benoit gets back to his feet. JJ gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Chris Benoit. ]

King - Follows up with a diving elbow smash.

[Benoit grabs JJ and applies an arm wrench. Chris Benoit executes a corkscrew legdrop on Rider. Rider climbs to his feet. JJ Rider hits Benoit with the belly-to-belly suplex. ]

Jim Ross - With such a strong belly-to-belly suplex, Rider is gonna win it!

[Rider gets back to his feet. ]

King - Blood is all over the ring.

[JJ climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Chris Benoit. Rider gets back to his feet. Chris Benoit gets back to his feet. JJ Rider rolls Chris Benoit back into the ring. ]

Jim Ross - That son of a gun! Benoit is in luck! He may not lose after all! These two wrestlers are great!

King - Yeah, you know it.

[JJ gets sent into the turnbuckle while Benoit hits him with a splash. Chris Benoit and JJ move from the ring to ringside. ]

Jim Ross - JJ had better be careful because submissions count at the ring.

[Chris Benoit picks up Rider and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Chris Benoit applies an arm wrench to Rider. JJ Rider suplexes Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit stands up. JJ Rider hits him with a back fist. Rider executes the sleeperhold on Chris Benoit. Earl Hebner asks Chris Benoit if he quits. ... Chris Benoit is fighting the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... Rider tightens the hold. ... Rider tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Chris Benoit taps out. ]

King - JJ has won the match!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, JJ Rider!!!

Jim Ross - The following is a 26 man Over the top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 26 men are at the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Twister applies an arm wrench to Stone Cold. ]

Jim Ross - arm wrench!

[Twister rolls onto Stone Cold connecting with a knee. Twister grabs Steve Austin and applies an arm wrench. Steve Austin stands up. After getadvantage m->wnum = 26 Steve Austin sets Twister up DDTs him into the mat. ]

King - Twister really felt that power move!

[They lockup. Steve Austin sends Twister to the corner of the ring. ]

Jim Ross - weak move by Steve Austin.

[Stone Cold gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. ]

King - elbowsmash!

[Stone Cold punches Twister repeatedly. Stone Cold punches Twister repeatedly. ]

Jim Ross - Twister had better mount some sort of offense or else he is done for.

[Tazz knee drops Steve. Tazz gets up. Steve gets Northern Lights Bombed by Tazz. Tazz sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

King - What a Northern Lights Bomb!!

[Tazz gets up. Tazz measures Steve Silver up and drops a closed fist. ]

Jim Ross - Fist drop!

[Steve gets back to his feet. Tazz short lariats Steve. Steve Silver gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Tazz. Tazz gets up. Steve Silver is back on his feet. Tazz trys for a back breaker but is not strong enough to lift JJ Rider.Tazz jabs Rider. ]

Jim Ross - A jab executed by Tazz.

[JJ Rider with a headbutt on Tazz. JJ gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. ]

King - backspin armdrag by Tazz.

[JJ Rider stands up. JJ Rider uses a closed fist on Tazz. JJ spinning mule kicks Tazz. Rider measures Tazz up and drops a closed fist. JJ Rider is up again. Tazz trys for a spine buster but is not strong enough to lift JJ.Tazz double underhook faceslams Rider hard to the JJ. JJ stands up. Tazz drives a forearm into JJ Rider. Steve grabs Justin Credible's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. Steve Silver chants start. ]

Jim Ross - Steve did a very strong head and arm suplex!

[Steve Silver climbs to his feet. Tommy Dreamer picks up Chris Benoit and executes the cradle DDT. ]

King - Chris Benoit really felt that cradle DDT!

[Tommy Dreamer gets back to his feet. Chris Benoit gets up. ]

Jim Ross - Benoit could use some help about now. Would you ever get into the wrestling business and do what these guys do?

King - No!!

Jim Ross - These two are bloody messes!

[Tommy Dreamer hits him with a back fist. Tommy Dreamer pokes Benoit in the eyes. ]

King - Chris Benoit takes a eye poke.

[Tommy Dreamer with a high crossbody on Chris Benoit. Tommy Dreamer gets back to his feet. Chris Benoit moves back to his feet. Chris Benoit delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Tommy Dreamer hard to the mat. Benoit sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

King - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - You are wrong!

[Chris Benoit uses a swinging DDT to plant Tommy Dreamer's head into the mat. Benoit is up again. ]

King - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Tommy Dreamer gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit gets up. Tommy Dreamer is up again. Benoit executes a jawbreakeron Tommy Dreamer. Chris Benoit stands up. Tommy Dreamer gets elbowed to his midsection by Tommy Dreamer. Tommy Dreamer gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Benoit comes over and smashes Tommy Dreamer's head into it. ]

Jim Ross - headsmash into turnbuckle!

[Tommy Dreamer hits Benoit with the double arm DDT into the mat. ]

King - This is how wrestling should be!

[Tommy Dreamer knees Chris Benoit and rolls back to his feet. Chris Benoit with a high crossbody on Tommy Dreamer. Now Benoit standing. Tommy Dreamer is up again. Tommy Dreamer throws Chris Benoit off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Chris Benoit climbs to his feet. Tazz chokes Rob Van Dam. Tazz sucks chants start in the crowd. Rob Van Dam gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Tazz. Tazz is up again. Rob Van Dam stands up. Rob Van Dam mule kicks Tazz. Tazz hits Rob Van Dam with the back of his elbow. Steve grabs Stone Cold's head and DDT's him on the mat. Steve Silver chants start. Steve Silver is up again. ]

King - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - Nope.

[Twister goes for a choke but X-odus dodges the attack. Twister hits Benoit with an atomic drop. ]

King - Ha!

[Twister applies an arm wrench to Chris Benoit. Twister knees Benoit and rolls back to his feet. Twister applies an arm wrench to Benoit. Twister knees Chris Benoit and rolls back to his feet. Chris Benoit gets up. Tazz executes a piledriver on Justin Credible. Tazz measures Justin Credible up and drops a closed fist. Tazz stands up. Justin Credible is back on his feet. Justin Credible kicks Tazz in the stomach. Tazz moves back to his feet. Tazz gouges Justin Credible's eyes out. ]

Jim Ross - Justin Credible takes a eye gouge.

[Justin Credible uses a snap mare takeover on Tazz. Justin Credible rolls onto Tazz connecting with a knee. Tazz picks up Justin Credible and executes the cradle DDT. Tazz climbs to his feet. Justin Credible gets up. Justin Credible gets hit with a back heel kick. Tazz slaps Justin Credible. Justin Credible spinning mule kicks Tazz. Justin Credible executes a corkscrew legdrop on Tazz. Justin Credible stands up. Tazz is up again. Tazz nails Justin Credible with a double underhook suplex. ]

King - What a double underhook suplex!!


King - Ha!

Jim Ross - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Justin Credible gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Tazz. Tazz is up again. Justin Credible executes a headlock takedown. Justin Credible executes a corkscrew legdrop on Tazz. Justin Credible moves back to his feet. Now Tazz standing. Tazz knocks Justin Credible out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Tazz sucks chants start in the crowd. Tazz trys for a choke but Justin Credible avoids it. ]

King - Ha!

[Edge gets back to his feet. Dagon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Edge. Edge gets up. Dagon nails Edge with an inverted DDT. ]

Jim Ross - Put a loss next to Edge's name 'cause Dagon is beating him down!

[Dagon moves back to his feet. Edge is back on his feet. RJ Hanson gets up. RJ Hanson applies an arm wrench to The Undertaker. The Undertaker gets back to his feet. The Undertaker kicks RJ Hanson in the back of the leg. RJ with a high crossbody on The Undertaker. RJ Hanson gets up. The Undertaker is up again. RJ hits The Undertaker with an earringer. RJ punches The Undertaker in the head. The Undertaker just demolished RJ with the Chokeslam The Undertaker sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

King - RJ Hanson really felt that Choke Slam!

[They lockup. The Undertaker sends RJ to the corner of the ring. RJ executes a headlock takedown. The Undertaker climbs to his feet. RJ hits him with a back fist. RJ bounces The Undertaker off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. RJ Hanson gets back to his feet. RJ Hanson rolls onto The Undertaker connecting with a knee. Brian Richards is back on his feet. Brian uppercuts The Undertaker. The Undertaker bounces Richards off the ropes and clotheslines him. Now Richards standing. Brian Richards trys for a brain buster but is not strong enough to lift The Undertaker.]

Jim Ross - It is gonna be a slobberknocker folks!

[Gangrel applies an arm wrench to Steve Austin. Gangrel applies an arm wrench to Steve Austin. ]

King - Stone Cold takes a Arm wrench.

[Steve Austin is back on his feet. Steve Austin sets Gangrel up DDTs him into the mat. Stone Cold applies an arm wrench to Gangrel. Gangrel gets up. Stone Cold clotheslines Gangrel. They lockup. Steve Austin sends Gangrel to the corner of the ring. Stone Cold clotheslines Gangrel. Gangrel trys for a Back Breaker but is not strong enough to lift Steve Austin.]

King - The ICWF is the only place to find matches like this!

Jim Ross - Those guys must be woozy from loosing so much blood!

[Stone Cold takes a slap to the face from Gangrel. Steve Austin punches Gangrel repeatedly. They lockup. Stone Cold sends Gangrel to the corner of the ring. Gangrel forearm smashes Stone Cold. ]

King - Forearm Smash!

[HHH hits Tazz with the crotch slam. Crotch chop from HHH. HHH chokes Tazz. ]

Jim Ross - HHH is viciously attacking Tazz with a vengeance!!

[HHH fist drops Tazz on the mat. HHH is up again. HHH hits Tazz with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. HHH stands up. HHH stomps Tazz. HHH applies an arm wrench to Tazz. HHH slaps Tazz. Scott Steiner hits HHH with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Scott Steiner sets HHH up DDTs him into the mat. ]

King - What a power move!!

Jim Ross - I predict a big future for Scott Steiner in this company!

[Scott Steiner rolls onto HHH connecting with a knee. HHH stands up. HHH bounces Big Poppa Pump off the ropes and clotheslines him. HHH uses a closed fist on Scott Steiner. Big Poppa Pump lifts HHH into the air and delivers a spine buster. Scott Steiner sucks chants start in the crowd. Big Poppa Pump suplexes HHH. Scott Steiner sucks chants start in the crowd. Morphius gets up. Morphius punches Richards in the head. ]

King - Richards takes a punch.

[Morphius jabs Richards. Richards bounces Morphius off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. ]

Jim Ross - A great jumping clothesline! Maybe the greatest I have seen!

[Brian Richards rolls onto Morphius connecting with a knee. Morphius stands up. Morphius executes the Gourdbuster on Richards! ]

Jim Ross - Would you ever get into the wrestling business and do what these guys do?

King - No way man.

[Morphius with a takeover suplex on Brian. Morphius gets back to his feet. ]

Jim Ross - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

["Above Average" Mike Sanders gets up. "Above Average" Mike Sanders knees Viper and rolls back to his feet. Viper gets back to his feet. "Above Average" Mike Sanders hits Viper with an earringer. Viper grabs "Above Average" Mike Sanders's head and DDT's him on the mat. ]

King - Nice DDT by Viper.

[Now Viper standing. "Above Average" Mike Sanders gets up. ]

Jim Ross - I predict a big future for Viper in this company!

[Viper neck snaps "Above Average" Mike Sanders. Viper chops "Above Average" Mike Sanders. Viper with a high crossbody on "Above Average" Mike Sanders. Viper gets up. Viper throws "Above Average" Mike Sanders off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. ]

King - Follows up with a diving shoulder block.

[Now "Above Average" Mike Sanders standing. Dagon executes a neck scissors on The Undertaker. Dagon gets up. Dagon rolls onto The Undertaker connecting with a knee. The Undertaker climbs to his feet. The Undertaker uses a closed fist on Dagon. Viper hits a frog splash on HHH. Viper is up again. Test short-arm clotheslines Steve to the mat. ]

King - short-arm clothesline by Test.

[Steve gets back to his feet. Test gives Steve Silver a reverse neckbreaker. Test moves back to his feet. Test stomps Steve's head. Steve is up again. Steve Silver trys for a snap suplex but is not strong enough to lift Test.]

Jim Ross - Those guys have lost a lot of blood!

[Steve grabs Test's head and hites him in the face. Test uses a closed fist on Steve. Steve gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Test. Test tackles Steve Silver. Test stands up. Test hits Steve with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Test gets back to his feet. Test takes Steve down with a knee. ]

King - knee by Test.

[Test bounces Steve Silver off the ropes and clotheslines him. Test measures Steve Silver up and drops a closed fist. Test moves back to his feet. Rob Van Dam gets sidewalk slammed by Dagon. Dagon chants start. ]

Jim Ross - These two are bloody messes!

[Dagon puts Rob Van Dam in an arm grapevine submission. Dagon puts Rob Van Dam in an arm grapevine submission. ]

King - Follows up with a arm grapevine.

[Dagon knees Rob Van Dam and rolls back to his feet. Dagon knees Rob Van Dam and rolls back to his feet. Dagon puts Rob Van Dam in an arm grapevine submission. ]

King - arm grapevine by Dagon.

[Rob Van Dam climbs to his feet. Dagon grabs Rob Van Dam by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. ]

Jim Ross - Rob Van Dam takes a armbreaker.

[Dagon gouges Rob Van Dam's eyes out. Dagon is t-bone suplexed by Rob Van Dam. ]

King - The ICWF is the only place to find matches like this! These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - Wrong!

[Rob Van Dam rolls onto Dagon connecting with a knee. Dagon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Rob Van Dam. Rob Van Dam gets back to his feet. Rob Van Dam kicks Dagon on the mat. ]

King - Follows up with a stomp.

[Dagon gets back to his feet. Dagon trys for a double underhook backbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Rob Van Dam.]

Jim Ross - These two fighters really are awesome!

[Rob Van Dam gets hit with a back heel kick. Rob Van Dam is back on his feet. Rob Van Dam spinning mule kicks Dagon. Rob Van Dam knees Dagon and rolls back to his feet. Dagon gets back to his feet. Dagon trys for a dragon suplex but is not strong enough to lift Rob Van Dam.A flying shoulder block send Rob Van Dam to the mat. Dagon moves back to his feet. Dagon puts Rob Van Dam in an arm grapevine submission. ]

King - Rob Van Dam takes a arm grapevine.

[Rob Van Dam gets up. Rob Van Dam nails the bridging back suplex on Dagon. Rob Van Dam stands up. Dagon is back on his feet. After fight Rob Van Dam grabs Dagon's head and hites him in the face. Rob Van Dam bounces Dagon off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Rob Van Dam with a falling splash on Dagon. Rob Van Dam stands up. Dagon stands up. Rob Van Dam hits Dagon with a single arm DDT. Rob Van Dam gets back to his feet. Rob Van Dam and Dagon move from the ring to ringside Dagon was elimintated by Rob Van Dam. ]

Jim Ross - Dagon really needs to do better next time! He is gone for now!

[Test trys for a spear but Benoit avoids it. ]

King - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Test kicks Benoit in the head. Chris Benoit uses a snap mare takeover on Test. Test climbs to his feet. Chris Benoit gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Test comes over and smashes Benoit's head into it. Test hits Benoit with the back of his elbow. Benoit gets elbowed to his midsection by Benoit. Benoit get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Test. Chris Benoit is up again. Sean Austin moves back to his feet. Gangrel gets hit with a back heel kick. Gangrel is up again. Gangrel connects with a low blow. Sean Austin goes down. Gangrel applies an arm wrench to Sean. Sean moves back to his feet. Sean Austin trys for a snap suplex but is not strong enough to lift Gangrel.]

Jim Ross - Tonight is going to be a barn-burner!

[Sean Austin neck snaps Gangrel. Gangrel delivers a low blow to Sean Austin. Sean Austin moves back to his feet. Sean Austin uppercuts Gangrel. Sean Austin grabs Gangrel's head and hites him in the face. Sean comes from behind and bulldogs Gangrel. Sean gets back to his feet. Steve Silver picks up Viper and hits him with a Back Suplex. Steve is back on his feet. Tazz goes for a belly-to-back superplex but Rider dodges the attack. JJ gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. ]

Jim Ross - Tazz with a elbowsmash.

[Tazz grabs Rider's arm and strkes his elbow. Tazz hits JJ Rider with an earringer. ]

Jim Ross - Tazz comes out with a nice earringer.

[Rider uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Tazz down. After fight JJ Rider knees Tazz and rolls back to his feet. JJ Rider fist drops Tazz on the mat. JJ Rider fist drops Tazz on the mat. JJ Rider falls head first into Tazz. JJ Rider is up again. Rider and Tazz move from the ring to ringside Tazz was elimintated by JJ. ]

King - Tazz has been eliminated!!

[Steve trys for a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex but is not strong enough to lift Crymson.After fight Brian jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing HHH with an Asai Moonsault. Brian Richards gets back to his feet. HHH gets up. Brian Richards grabs HHH's head and DDT's him on the mat. Brian gets up. Brian jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing HHH with an Asai Moonsault. Brian Richards jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing HHH with an Asai Moonsault. Now Richards standing. Brian and HHH move from the ring to ringside HHH was elimintated by Brian. ]

Jim Ross - HHH really needs to do better next time! He is gone for now!

[Richards with a huge fisherman buster on Crymson. ]

King - Crymson really felt that fisherman buster!

[Richards moves back to his feet. Brian Richards jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Crymson with an Asai Moonsault. ]

Jim Ross - Put a loss next to Crymson's name 'cause Brian is beating him down!

[Now Brian standing. Gangrel trys for a Piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Crymson.]

King - This is how wrestling should be!

Jim Ross - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Gangrel applies an arm wrench to Crymson. ]

King - Arm wrench!

[Crymson moves back to his feet. Crymson neck snaps Gangrel. Crymson comes from behind and bulldogs Gangrel. Crymson gets up. They lockup. Crymson sends Gangrel to the corner of the ring. Gangrel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Crymson. Crymson takes Gangrel down with a knee. Gangrel gets up. Twister trys for a tilt-a-whirl suplex but is not strong enough to lift Morphius.]

King - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - No way man.

[Twister short clothslines Morphius. Twister knees Morphius and rolls back to his feet. Morphius with a powerful choke lift on Twister. Morphius chants start. ]

Jim Ross - That chokelift was very good. Do you like Twister?

King - No!!

Jim Ross - Blood is covering the ring!

[Tommy Dreamer uses a swinging DDT to plant Steve Silver's head into the mat. ]

King - Nice swinging DDT by Tommy Dreamer.

[Tommy Dreamer stands up. Stone Cold piledrives Test. ]

Jim Ross - Steve Austin is viciously attacking Test with a vengeance!!

[Stone Cold puts Test in an arm grapevine submission. Test climbs to his feet. Stone Cold clotheslines Test. Test runs and tackles Steve Austin. Test punches him in the head. Test hits Stone Cold with an elbowdrop. ]

King - Stone Cold takes a elbowdrop.

[Test stomps Stone Cold's head. ]

Jim Ross - Test should have used something stronger, but that stomp was effective!

[Test measures Stone Cold up and drops a closed fist. Test is back on his feet. Test measures Stone Cold up and drops a closed fist. ]

King - fist drop by Test.

[Test gets back to his feet. Stone Cold is back on his feet. Justin Credible knees Shannon Moore and rolls back to his feet. Shannon Moore is back on his feet. Shannon Moore gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Justin Credible. Shannon Moore hits Justin Credible with a single arm DDT. ]

Jim Ross - Shannon Moore could win this match since he used that single arm DDT!

[Test puts "Above Average" Mike Sanders in the cobra clutch. ]

Jim Ross - cobra clutch! After fight

[Bret rolls onto Steve connecting with a knee. Steve moves back to his feet. Steve Silver gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Bret Hart comes over and smashes Steve Silver's head into it. Bret Hart trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Steve.Bret Hart trys for a side belly-to-belly suplex but is unable to lift Steve.Bret and Steve Silver move from the ring to ringside Steve Silver was elimintated by Bret Hart. ]

King - Steve has been eliminated!!

[Shannon Moore trys for a back suplex but is not strong enough to lift Benoit.Erika clotheslines Benoit. After fight Shannon Moore trys for a cradle DDT but is unable to lift Chris Benoit.Shannon Moore hits him with a back fist. Shannon Moore bounces Chris Benoit off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Shannon Moore chants start. Shannon Moore dives head first into Benoit. Now Shannon Moore standing. Shannon Moore and Chris Benoit move from the ring to ringside Chris Benoit was elimintated by Shannon Moore. ]

Jim Ross - Benoit is eliminated!

[Tommy Dreamer uses the verticle facebuster on RJ. Tommy Dreamer chants start. RJ moves back to his feet. Viper gets kneed in the stomach by Edge when Edge jumped off the top rope. Edge gets up. ]

King - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Edge goes for a reverse flying elbow drop. but Viper dodges the attack. Edge connects with a frog splash, sending Viper into a new world of pain. Viper climbs to his feet. ]

Jim Ross - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Edge hits a jumping elbow hrust on Viper. Viper is up again. Viper tackles and begins punching Edge. Viper rolls onto Edge connecting with a knee. Edge climbs to his feet. After fight Bret Hart hits RJ Hanson with an atomic drop. Bret Hart knee drops RJ. Bret Hart is back on his feet. Bret grabs "Above Average" Mike Sanders's head and DDT's him on the mat. Bret Hart stands up. Bret Hart knee drops "Above Average" Mike Sanders. Bret chants start. Bret climbs to his feet. Bret and "Above Average" Mike Sanders move from the ring to ringside "Above Average" Mike Sanders was elimintated by Bret. ]

King - "Above Average" Mike Sanders has been eliminated!!

[Rob Van Dam executes a neck scissors on Sean Austin. Rob Van Dam is up again. Rob Van Dam hits him with a back fist. Sean slaps Rob Van Dam. Rob Van Dam hits Sean with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Sean gets back to his feet. Morphius goes for a belly-to-back superplex but Bret Hart dodges the attack. ]

King - The ICWF is the only place to find matches like this! These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - Not in this life time.

King - Blood is all over the ring.

[Morphius rakes the face of Bret in attempt to make a come back. Bret executes a swinging bulldog on Morphius driving Morphius's face into the mat. Morphius climbs to his feet. Morphius uses a cradle suplex on Bret. Morphius sets Bret Hart up DDTs him into the mat. RJ Hanson applies the clawhold on Morphius. ]

Jim Ross - Morphius takes a clawhold.

[RJ throws Morphius off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Morphius climbs to his feet. Morphius lifts RJ into the air and delivers a spine buster. RJ gets up. Richards picks RJ up and executes a stomachbreaker. Brian Richards knees RJ and rolls back to his feet. RJ is up again. RJ trys for a vertical Suplex but is not strong enough to lift Brian Richards.]

Jim Ross - Brian is getting beaten from pillar to post! Is RJ Hanson good or what!

King - Oh Shut up!

[RJ connects with a low blow. Brian Richards goes down. Brian Richards stands up. Richards executes a reverse DDT on RJ. ]

King - RJ Hanson really felt that Reverse DDT!

[RJ is up again. ]

Jim Ross - Blood is covering the ring!

[Tommy Dreamer throws Brian Richards off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. Tommy Dreamer chants start. ]

King - Brian really felt that rolling clothesline!

[After fight Tommy Dreamer delivers a spine buster to Brian Richards. Tommy Dreamer pins Brian against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Tommy Dreamer bites Brian's arm out of desparation. Tommy Dreamer places Brian Richards on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Tommy Dreamer and Richards move from the ring to ringside Richards was elimintated by Tommy Dreamer. ]

Jim Ross - Brian has been knocked out of this match!

[Crymson picks up Viper and hits him with a Back Suplex. Viper gets back to his feet. After fight Crymson with a Russian legsweep on Viper. Crymson gets back to his feet. Crymson uses a snap mare takeover on Viper. Crymson punches Viper repeatedly. Crymson piledrives Viper. Viper is up again. Crymson and Viper move from the ring to ringside Viper was elimintated by Crymson. ]

King - That will do it for Viper. He's been eliminated!

[Sean Austin trys for a body slam but is not strong enough to lift Tommy Dreamer.Sean hits him with a back fist. Sean trys for a hiptoss but is unable to lift Tommy Dreamer.Sean Austin gives Tommy Dreamer a reverse neckbreaker. Sean stands up. Tommy Dreamer moves back to his feet. Tommy Dreamer executes a swinging bulldog on Sean driving Sean's face into the mat. Now Sean standing. Sean rakes his fingers across Tommy Dreamer's back. Sean short clothslines Tommy Dreamer. ]

King - short clothesline!

[They lockup. Sean Austin sends Tommy Dreamer to the corner of the ring. ]

Jim Ross - weak move by Sean Austin.

[Tommy Dreamer gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Sean Austin. ]

King - boot choke!

[Tommy Dreamer executes a neck scissors on Sean. Tommy Dreamer chants start. ]

Jim Ross - If Tommy Dreamer keeps using moves like that neck scissors he could win the match!

[Tommy Dreamer is up again. Sean Austin is up again. ]

Jim Ross - Blood is covering the ring!

[Tommy Dreamer knifehand chops Sean Austin. ]

King - Follows up with a knifehand chop.

[Tommy Dreamer hits Sean Austin with an earringer. Tommy Dreamer hits Sean with a heart punch. Tommy Dreamer rolls onto Sean Austin connecting with a knee. Tommy Dreamer measures Sean up and drops a closed fist. Tommy Dreamer fist drops Sean Austin on the mat. Tommy Dreamer rolls onto Sean Austin connecting with a knee. Sean Austin moves back to his feet. Edge jumps off of the top turnbuckle with a twisting moonsault, hitting Scott Steiner square in the face. ]

Jim Ross - Edge loves to go up top!

[Edge climbs to his feet. A flying sitdown splash by Edge squeezes the air out of Big Poppa Pump. Edge gets up. ]

King - I wish every match could be like this!

[After fight RJ get whipped into the corner and Justin Credible follows himin with an avalanche. Spinning neck-breaker from Justin Credible takes RJ down. Justin Credible delivers a kick to the head of Tommy Dreamer. Justin Credible sucks chants start in the crowd. Justin Credible dives head first into Tommy Dreamer. Justin Credible is back on his feet. Tommy Dreamer is up again. Justin Credible and Tommy Dreamer move from the ring to ringside Tommy Dreamer was elimintated by Justin Credible. ]

Jim Ross - That will do it for Tommy Dreamer. He's been eliminated!

[Rob Van Dam throws The Undertaker off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. ]

King - The Undertaker really felt that rolling clothesline!

[The Undertaker climbs to his feet. Rob Van Dam rakes his fingers across The Undertaker's back. The Undertaker short-arm clotheslines Rob Van Dam to the mat. They lockup. The Undertaker sends Rob Van Dam to the corner of the ring. ]

King - Rob Van Dam takes a weak move.

[Rob Van Dam gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by The Undertaker. The Undertaker shoulder tackles Rob Van Dam. The Undertaker is up again. Rob Van Dam climbs to his feet. Rob Van Dam trys for a inverted backbreaker but is not strong enough to lift The Undertaker.Rob Van Dam with a headscissors takeover on The Undertaker. ]

King - Follows up with a headscissors takeover.

[Rob Van Dam gets up. The Undertaker is up again. The Undertaker punches Test in the head. Test knifehand chops The Undertaker. Test gouges The Undertaker's eyes out. The Undertaker delivers a short-arm clothesline to Test. Test is up again. The Undertaker tackles Test to the mat. The Undertaker gets back to his feet. Test stands up. Test gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by The Undertaker. The Undertaker bounces Test off the ropes and clotheslines him. Test is up again. Test grabs The Undertaker's head and DDT's him on the mat. Test is back on his feet. Test kicks The Undertaker on the mat. The Undertaker climbs to his feet. The Undertaker kicks Test in the back of the leg. The Undertaker clotheslines Test. The Undertaker chokes X-odus. ]

Jim Ross - Those guys have lost a lot of blood!

[Steve Austin piledrives Edge. ]

King - What a power move!!

[Edge moves back to his feet. ]

Jim Ross - Steve Austin can really kick Edge all around the ring!

[Steve Austin piledrives Edge. Stone Cold grabs Edge and applies an arm wrench. Edge hits Stone Cold with an earringer. They lockup. Steve Austin sends Edge to the corner of the ring. Steve Austin clotheslines Edge. Edge trys for a Canadian Backbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Steve Austin.]

King - This is quality sports entertainment!

[X-odus stands up. X-odus jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Twister. X-odus executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Twister. Twister gets back to his feet. Twister trys for a body slam but is not strong enough to lift X-odus.X-odus gets elbowed to his midsection by X-odus. X-odus uses a snap mare takeover on Twister. Twister gets up. X-odus is hit with a backward kick. X-odus moves back to his feet. X-odus hits Twister with an earringer. ]

Jim Ross - X-odus executes a earringer.

[Twister comes from behind and bulldogs X-odus. Twister gets up. X-odus stands up. Twister trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Steve Austin.]

King - Is that the greatest move ever or what?

Jim Ross - Of course! After fight

[Justin Credible hits Morphius with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Justin Credible climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Morphius. Justin Credible stands up. Justin Credible executes a corkscrew legdrop on Morphius. Justin Credible gets up. Justin Credible rolls onto Morphius connecting with a knee. Justin Credible and Morphius move from the ring to ringside Morphius was elimintated by Justin Credible. ]

King - Morphius is out of here!! After fight

[The Undertaker delivers a short-arm clothesline to Justin Credible. The Undertaker executes a piledriver on Justin Credible. The Undertaker piledrives Justin Credible into the mat. The Undertaker piledrives Justin Credible. The Undertaker sucks chants start in the crowd. The Undertaker and Justin Credible move from the ring to ringside Justin Credible was elimintated by The Undertaker. ]

Jim Ross - Justin Credible has been knocked out of this match!

[Scott Steiner trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift The Undertaker.Scott Steiner is back on his feet. ]

King - This is how wrestling should be!

[X-odus with a headscissors takeover on Stone Cold. ]

Jim Ross - X-odus with a headscissors takeover.

[Syren knees Stone Cold and rolls back to his feet. ]

King - I wish every match could be like this!

[The Undertaker lifts Shannon Moore up and drops him on his knee. Shannon Moore climbs to his feet. ]

Jim Ross - I predict a big future for The Undertaker in this company!

[The Undertaker uses a closed fist on Shannon Moore. Shannon Moore kicks The Undertaker in the stomach. The Undertaker kicks Shannon Moore in the stomach. Bret Hart climbs to his feet. Bret kicks RJ in the back of the leg. RJ Hanson grabs Bret's head and hites him in the face. ]

King - Follows up with a face bite.

[RJ chops Bret. Bret trys for a tilt-a-whirl suplex but RJ avoids it. Bret punches RJ in the gut. RJ hits Bret Hart with a heart punch. RJ Hanson knees Bret and rolls back to his feet. Sean Austin grabs Shannon Moore's head and DDT's him on the mat. ]

Jim Ross - Put a loss next to Shannon Moore's name 'cause Sean Austin is beating him down!


King - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Sean executes the brain buster on Shannon Moore. ]

Jim Ross - Blood is covering the ring!

[Sean Austin piledrives Shannon Moore. Now Shannon Moore standing. ]

King - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters. After fight

[Sean Austin uses a snap mare takeover on Shannon Moore. Shannon Moore gets up. Sean executes a headlock takedown. Sean chants start. Shannon Moore gets back to his feet. Sean Austin reverse DDT's Shannon Moore's head into the mat. They lockup. Sean Austin sends Shannon Moore to the corner of the ring. Sean Austin and Shannon Moore move from the ring to ringside Shannon Moore was elimintated by Sean. ]

Jim Ross - Shannon Moore is no longer in this match! He has been eliminated!

[Test hits a power slam on X-odus. ]

King - Test is taking it to X-odus.

[Test hits X-odus with an elbowdrop. ]

Jim Ross - X-odus takes a elbowdrop.

[Now X-odus standing. X-odus throws Test off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. ]

King - diving shoulder block by X-odus.

[Test with an Aztecan suplex on X-odus sends him to the mat. Test stands up. Test hits X-odus with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Jim Ross - Test sends a message to X-odus courtesy of a elbowdrop.

[Test gets up. X-odus moves back to his feet. Gangrel body slams Sean. ]

King - What an outstanding match!

[Gangrel applies an arm wrench to Sean. Sean moves back to his feet. Sean connects with a flying knee. Gangrel goes down. Gangrel is up again. Gangrel drives a forearm into the head of Sean. ]

Jim Ross - Forearm Smash by Gangrel.

[Gangrel slaps Sean in the face. Gangrel drives a forearm into the head of Sean Austin. Sean trys for a fallaway slam but is not strong enough to lift Gangrel.]

King - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Sean neck snaps Gangrel. ]

Jim Ross - Gangrel had better mount some sort of offense or else he is done for.

[Sean rakes his fingers across Gangrel's back. Sean trys for a hiptoss but is unable to lift Gangrel.Sean Austin gives Gangrel a reverse neckbreaker. Now Sean standing. Sean punches Gangrel repeatedly. ]

King - weak move by Sean Austin.

[Gangrel just said goodbye to Seans after the powerbomb ]

Jim Ross - Put a loss next to Sean Austin's name 'cause Gangrel is beating him down! Is Gangrel good or what!

King - No!! After fight

[Gangrel chokes Sean Austin. Sean Austin is back on his feet. Gangrel slaps Sean in the face. Gangrel chants start. Gangrel is back on his feet. Gangrel executes a reverse DDT on Sean. Gangrel grabs Sean Austin and applies an arm wrench. Gangrel and Sean move from the ring to ringside Sean was elimintated by Gangrel. ]

Jim Ross - Sean Austin has been knocked out of this match!

[Crymson executes the Supper DDT on Rob Van Dam! Crymson is back on his feet. Rob Van Dam stands up. ]

King - Damn!

[RJ Hanson trys for a spine buster but is not strong enough to lift X-odus.RJ Hanson executes a swinging bulldog on X-odus driving X-odus's face into the mat. RJ Hanson climbs to his feet. X-odus gets back to his feet. X-odus hits him with a back fist. RJ runs and tackles X-odus. RJ punches him in the head. RJ grabs X-odus and applies an arm wrench. ]

King - Arm wrench!

[RJ rolls onto X-odus connecting with a knee. RJ grabs X-odus and applies an arm wrench. X-odus gets back to his feet. RJ Hanson comes from behind and bulldogs X-odus. RJ applies an arm wrench to X-odus. X-odus stands up. Bret trys for a tilt-a-whirl powerslam but is not strong enough to lift JJ Rider.]

Jim Ross - Bret can really kick JJ all around the ring!

King - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Bret executes a neck-breaker on JJ Rider. Now JJ Rider standing. ]

Jim Ross - Bret Hart can really kick JJ all around the ring!

King - Blood is all over the ring.

[Bret uses a swinging DDT to plant JJ Rider's head into the mat. Bret knee drops JJ. ]

Jim Ross - Bret should have used something stronger, but that knee drop was effective!

[Bret Hart stands up. Bret Hart knees JJ Rider and rolls back to his feet. Bret Hart applies an arm wrench to JJ Rider. Now JJ Rider standing. Bret short clothslines Rider. Rider gets back to his feet. Bret Hart legsweeps JJ Rider. JJ Rider is back on his feet. Bret Hart hits a spinning leg lariat on Rider sending him to the mat. The Undertaker hits Twister with an atomic drop. ]

Jim Ross - Good atomic drop by The Undertaker.

[The Undertaker tackles Twister to the mat. Twister is back on his feet. Twister uses a snap mare takeover on The Undertaker. The Undertaker gets up. Twister gives The Undertaker a reverse neckbreaker. Twister gets up. Now The Undertaker standing. Twister gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by The Undertaker. Twister kicks The Undertaker in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. ]

Jim Ross - Blood is all over the ring.

[RJ Hanson trys for a fisherman buster but is not strong enough to lift Crymson.]

Jim Ross - Do you like RJ?

King - Oh Shut up!

[RJ kicks Crymson in the head. Crymson stands up. Crymson rakes his fingers across RJ Hanson's back. ]

King - back rake by Crymson.

[Flying side kick by RJ takes Crymson off his feet. RJ climbs to his feet. Now Crymson standing. RJ Hanson uppercuts Crymson. ]

Jim Ross - Crymson takes a uppercut.

[Crymson pump handle slams RJ Hanson to the mat. ]

King - What a pumphandle slam!!


King - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Crymson punches RJ repeatedly. RJ Hanson pokes Crymson in the eyes. ]

Jim Ross - RJ should have used something stronger, but that eye poke was effective!

[Crymson double underhook faceslams RJ hard to the RJ. RJ moves back to his feet. RJ trys for a Mexican hiptoss but is not strong enough to lift Crymson.]

Jim Ross - My god! I have never seen so much blood!

[RJ Hanson trys for a jumping clothesline but Crymson avoids it. ]

King - What a match!

[RJ dropkicks Crymson to the face. Test dropkicks Big Poppa Pump to the knee. ]

Jim Ross - Tonight is going to be a barn-burner!

King - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Test goes for a camel clutch but Scott Steiner dodges the attack. ]

Jim Ross - Nobody can top our wrestling action here in this company!

King - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Test measures Big Poppa Pump up and drops a closed fist. Big Poppa Pump is up again. Test slaps Big Poppa Pump. Test comes from behind and bulldogs Steiner. Test moves back to his feet. Test stomps Scott Steiner's head. Test fist drops Big Poppa Pump on the mat. Scott Steiner gets up. Steiner trys for a DDT but Test avoids it. ]

Jim Ross - Do you like Test?

King - Oh Shut up!

Jim Ross - Those guys have lost a lot of blood!

[Big Poppa Pump trys for a stomachbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Test.]

King - Damn!

[Scott Steiner gives Test a reverse neckbreaker. Big Poppa Pump knees Test and rolls back to his feet. Test is up again. Test side slams Big Poppa Pump. Test is up again. ]

King - This is how wrestling should be! After fight

[Rob Van Dam delivers a spinning backbreak to X-odus. Rob Van Dam piledrives X-odus into the mat. Rob Van Dam stomps X-odus. X-odus is back on his feet. Rob Van Dam hits a power slam on X-odus. Rob Van Dam chants start. Rob Van Dam is up again. X-odus climbs to his feet. Rob Van Dam and X-odus move from the ring to ringside X-odus was elimintated by Rob Van Dam. ]

Jim Ross - Have fun in the locker room X-odus! After fight Rob Van Dam trys for a piledriver but is unable to lift Crymson.

[Rob Van Dam pokes Crymson in the eyes. Rob Van Dam trys for a hotshot but is unable to lift Crymson.Rob Van Dam uppercuts Crymson. Rob Van Dam and Crymson move from the ring to ringside Crymson was elimintated by Rob Van Dam. ]

King - Crymson has been eliminated!!

[Bret Hart knee drops The Undertaker. ]

Jim Ross - Bret can really kick The Undertaker all around the ring! After fight

[Bret knee drops The Undertaker. Bret Hart chants start. Bret Hart gets up. Bret Hart knee drops The Undertaker. Bret moves back to his feet. Bret knees The Undertaker and rolls back to his feet. Bret Hart applies an arm wrench to The Undertaker. The Undertaker gets up. Bret Hart and The Undertaker move from the ring to ringside The Undertaker was elimintated by Bret. ]

King - That will do it for The Undertaker. He's been eliminated!

[RJ Hanson trys for a stomachbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Bret.RJ Hanson hits a kneeling headbutt to Bret Hart's groin. Bret Hart gets up. Bret Hart slaps RJ Hanson in the face. Bret is back on his feet. After fight Bret dropkicks Rob Van Dam. Bret stands up. Bret Hart knee drops Rob Van Dam. Bret moves back to his feet. Rob Van Dam is up again. Bret throws Rob Van Dam off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Bret knee drops Rob Van Dam. Bret and Rob Van Dam move from the ring to ringside Rob Van Dam was elimintated by Bret Hart. ]

King - That will do it for Rob Van Dam. He's been eliminated!

[Stone Cold piledrives JJ. After fight Steve Austin puts JJ in an arm grapevine submission. Stone Cold suplexes Rider. Rider is back on his feet. Stone Cold sets JJ Rider up DDTs him into the mat. Stone Cold applies an arm wrench to Rider. Stone Cold and JJ move from the ring to ringside JJ was elimintated by Stone Cold. ]

Jim Ross - Rider is eliminated! After fight

[RJ gets sidewalk slammed by Big Poppa Pump. Scott Steiner suplexes RJ Hanson. Scott Steiner short clothslines Bret. Scott Steiner rolls onto Bret connecting with a knee. Scott Steiner sucks chants start in the crowd. Big Poppa Pump and Bret Hart move from the ring to ringside Bret Hart was elimintated by Steiner. ]

King - Bret has been eliminated!!

[Test puts Steve Austin in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. ]

Jim Ross - With such a strong double underhook backbreaker, Test is gonna win it!

[Test low blows Steve Austin. Test kicks Steve Austin on the mat. Test hits Stone Cold with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Stone Cold suplexes Test. Test gets up. ]

Jim Ross - Test doesn't stand a chance against a guy like Steve Austin! After fight Gangrel trys for a Body Slam but is unable to lift Steiner.

[Gangrel just said goodbye to Steiners after the powerbomb Gangrel trys for a Piledriver but is unable to lift Steiner.Steiner gets up. Gangrel reverse DDT's Big Poppa Pump's head into the mat. Gangrel and Steiner move from the ring to ringside Steiner was elimintated by Gangrel. ]

King - Scott Steiner has been eliminated!!

[RJ Hanson trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Test.RJ Hanson gets back to his feet. RJ Hanson hits a ropeflip moonsault on Test. Test gets back to his feet. ]

Jim Ross - Test could use some help about now.

[RJ Hanson executes a neck scissors on Test. ]

King - Ha! After fight

[RJ rolls onto Test connecting with a knee. RJ slingshot elbow drops Test. Test is back on his feet. RJ Hanson double underhook faceslams Test hard to the Test. RJ Hanson chants start. RJ Hanson chokes Test. Now Test standing. RJ and Test move from the ring to ringside Test was elimintated by RJ. ]

Jim Ross - Test is out of here!!

[RJ trys for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but is not strong enough to lift Stone Cold.Edge trys for a tilt-a-whirl powerslam but is not strong enough to lift Steve Austin.Flying side kick by Edge takes Steve Austin off his feet. Edge climbs to his feet. Edge applies an arm wrench to Stone Cold. Stone Cold piledrives Edge. ]

King - Nice power move by Steve Austin. After fight

[Stone Cold puts Edge in an arm grapevine submission. Steve Austin chants start. Edge is back on his feet. Steve Austin suplexes Edge. Edge moves back to his feet. They lockup. Stone Cold sends Edge to the corner of the ring. Stone Cold piledrives Edge. Stone Cold chants start. Stone Cold and Edge move from the ring to ringside Edge was elimintated by Stone Cold. ]

Jim Ross - Edge has been eliminated!!

[RJ Hanson trys for a brain buster but is not strong enough to lift Gangrel.RJ climbs the turnbuckle and nails Gangrel with a flying bulldog. ]

King - What a flying bulldog!!

[RJ is up again. ]

King - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - Nah.

King - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[RJ applies an arm wrench to Gangrel. RJ Hanson rolls onto Gangrel connecting with a knee. Now Gangrel standing. Gangrel executes a back breaker on RJ Hanson. Luna clotheslines RJ Hanson. Gangrel chokes RJ. ]

Jim Ross - A great choke! Maybe the greatest I have seen!

[Luna clotheslines RJ. RJ stands up. RJ Hanson comes from behind and bulldogs Gangrel. RJ moves back to his feet. Now Gangrel standing. After fight Gangrel just said goodbye to RJ Hansons after the powerbomb Gangrel chants start. RJ Hanson moves back to his feet. Gangrel delivers a low blow to RJ Hanson. Gangrel drives a forearm into the head of Steve Austin. Gangrel chants start. Gangrel slaps Stone Cold in the face. Gangrel gets back to his feet. Gangrel and Steve Austin move from the ring to ringside Steve Austin was elimintated by Gangrel. ]

King - That will do it for Stone Cold. He's been eliminated!

[Twister trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift Gangrel.]

Jim Ross - I wish every match could be like this!

[Twister spinning mule kicks Gangrel. Twister applies an arm wrench to Gangrel. Gangrel is back on his feet. Twister hits Gangrel with an earringer. ]

King - earringer!

[Gangrel body slams Twister. Luna clotheslines Twister. After fight Gangrel grabs Twister and applies an arm wrench. Gangrel applies an arm wrench to Twister. Gangrel executes a piledriver on Twister. Gangrel lifts Twister up and drops him on his knee. Gangrel and Twister move from the ring to ringside Twister was elimintated by Gangrel. ]

Jim Ross - Twister is eliminated!

[Gangrel executes a reverse DDT on RJ Hanson. ]

Jim Ross - Do you like Gangrel?

King - No way man.

[Gangrel chokes RJ Hanson. RJ Hanson climbs to his feet. After fight Gangrel reverse DDT's RJ Hanson's head into the mat. Gangrel chants start. Gangrel grabs RJ Hanson and applies an arm wrench. RJ Hanson is up again. RJ Hanson trys for a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex but is unable to lift Gangrel.RJ Hanson executes the twisting moonsault on to Gangrel. RJ Hanson stands up. RJ Hanson and Gangrel move from the ring to ringside Gangrel was elimintated by RJ Hanson. ]

Jim Ross - Have fun in the locker room Gangrel!

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jim Ross - The winner of the battle royal, and new No. 1 Contendership for the World Title champion, RJ Hanson!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a Ladder Match for the World title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 270 pounds, he holds the Hardcore title belt, Chase Carver!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Chase Carver comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 215 pounds, from Los Angeles, California a member of New Blood, Matt Roberts!!! (crowd boos *****)

[Matt runs down and slides into the ring, as New Blood's music plays. Earl Hebner checks Chase Carver's boots and knee pads. Matt Roberts spits on Carver. (ding, ding, ding) Roberts gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Chase. Chase connects with a flying knee. Matt Roberts goes down. Roberts knifehand chops Chase Carver. Roberts hits Chase Carver with the back of his elbow. ]

Jim Ross - Matt Roberts comes out with a nice back elbow.

[Chase hits Roberts with a running powerbomb on to the mat. Chase and Matt Roberts go to the floor toward the ladder. Chase Carver suplexes Matt Roberts. ]

Jim Ross - With such a strong power move, Chase Carver is gonna win it!

[Carver and Roberts move into the ring taking the ladder. Carver chokes Roberts with a microphone cable. Roberts gets back to his feet. Matt comes from behind and bulldogs Chase. Matt stands up. Now Chase standing. Carver slaps Roberts. Carver rakes his fingers across Matt Roberts's back. Matt hits him with a back fist. Matt sucks chants start in the crowd. Roberts kicks Carver in the back of the leg. Roberts moves to the first step of the ladder. Matt goes one step closer to the belt. Matt Roberts climbs to the fourth step. Matt moves all the way to the top of the ladder. Roberts unhooks the title belt!! ]

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, and new World champion, Matt Roberts!!!

Scene fads as Matt holds the belt high in the air.