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The scene opens up for ICWF's second annual Ground Zero! The pyros shoot off, and Jim Ross and Michael Cole are heard at ringside.

[The titantron lights up and shows the outside parking lot. A limo rolls up and out step Matt Roberts, X-odus, Brian Richards and Edge. Edge and Roberts make their way into the building as X-odus and Richards stand there looking around.]

X-odus - Where the hell is Crymson? I haven't seen his ass all god damn day.

Brian Richards - I don't know man. It isn't like him at all to be late for a show, especially a big pay per view like this.

X-odus - Well, I have his stuff right here so he'd better get here soon, our tag title defense is second on the card.

[Richards nods to X-odus as the pair enter the arena.]

Jim Ross - What is going on Michael? Crymson is not here? This is highly unlikely.

Michael Cole - I don't know J.R., but I'll tell you this. If he doesn't show up shortly, things could possibly get ugly.

Jim Ross - Thats for sure. Now this match is a Hardcore Match for the Hardcore title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 270 pounds, from Michigan accompanied by Midajah, Scott Steiner!!! (crowd boos ***)

[Scott Steiner comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 282 pounds, from Toronto, Canada he holds the Hardcore title belt, Test!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[Test's music plays as he walks down the ramp and steps over the top rope. Big Poppa Pump tests out the ropes. Test checks his boots. (the bell rings) Scott Steiner chops Test. Big Poppa Pump gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Test. Scott Steiner strikes Test in the elbow. Test drops Scott Steiner with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Test covers Scott Steiner hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Scott Steiner kicks out. Scott Steiner is up again. They head outside. Test hits a power slam on Steiner. ]

Jim Ross - Test is viciously attacking Scott Steiner with a vengeance!!

[Test gets up. Test knee drops Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner is up again. Test puts Big Poppa Pump in the double reverse chinlock. Earl Hebner asks Big Poppa Pump if he quits. ... ... Big Poppa Pump is fighting the hold. ... Big Poppa Pump trys to escape. Test breaks the hold. They head to the aisle. Scott Steiner dropkicks Test. Steiner sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Jim Ross - Steiner with a dropkick.

[Big Poppa Pump gets up. Scott Steiner with the hammerlock on Test. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Big Poppa Pump tightens the hold. ... ... Big Poppa Pump breaks the hold. Test gets up. Test grabs Scott Steiner's leg and takes him down. Scott Steiner climbs to his feet. Big Poppa Pump short clothslines Test. Test kicks Big Poppa Pump in the head. Big Poppa Pump moves back to his feet. Steiner trys for a double underhook piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Test.Scott Steiner with the hammerlock on Test. Earl Hebner asks Test if he quits. ... Test is fighting the hold. ... Test is fighting the hold. ... Test escapes. ]

Jim Ross - I predict a big future for Big Poppa Pump in this company!

[Test executes the front-layout suplex on Scott Steiner. Test powerbombs Big Poppa Pump. Test sucks chants start in the crowd. Test chokes Scott Steiner with his boot. They head back to ringside. They head back to the ring. Big Poppa Pump clotheslines Test. Big Poppa Pump trys for a fallaway slam but is unable to lift Test. Big Poppa Pump gorrilla presses Test. Big Poppa Pump covers Test hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - Big Poppa Pump has won the match!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, and new Hardcore champion, Scott Steiner!!!

[We're taken back inside of the Elte dressing room. X-odus is impatiently pacing back and forth with his light heavyweight title around his waist and both tag titles in his hands. Brian Richards is lacing up his boots when Edge and Matt Roberts walk into the room.]

Matt Roberts - You X, Crymson you're on nex....what the hell? Where's Crymson? He's still not here? Oh damn. X, what you gonna do? Want one of us to take his spot?

X-odus - Matt, you have no idea about how extremely pissed off I am right now, but let me tell you this. I will go out there tonight and I will defeat both Carver and Kane alone if I have too. I will deal with my brother later.

[X-odus walks through the door, then slams it shut hard as the rest of the Elite look on in confusion.]

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the Tag titles. On there way to the ring at this time, Chase Carver & Kane!!!

[Chase Carver & Kane come to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and their opponents, the team of Chronic Blaze.

[The Elite's music plays as X-odus walks down to the ring alone. Earl Hebner checks X-odus's boots and knee pads. Earl Hebner checks Carver's boots and knee pads. (the bell rings) They lockup. X-odus sends Carver to the corner of the ring. Chase gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by X-odus. X-odus gets hit with a back heel kick. Chase brings in Kane for Chase Carver & Kane. X-odus punches Kane repeatedly. Kane pokes X-odus in the eyes. Kane executes a jawbreakeron X-odus. Kane climbs to his feet. X-odus stands up. X-odus trys for a brain buster but is not strong enough to lift Kane. X-odus goes for a Standing Piledriver but Kane dodges the attack. Kane hits X-odus with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Jim Ross - X-odus takes a elbowdrop.

[Kane with a knee lift to X-odus. X-odus gets back to his feet. Kane lifts X-odus and nails a powerslam. Kane climbs the turnbuckle as X-odus staggers to his feet. X-odus turns around just as Kane leaps off the turnbuckle with a clothesline, but X-odus counters it with a standing sidekick. Kane and X-odus are both on the ground as the referee begins the ten count.]

Jim Ross - X-odus managed to escape that manuever, but he has no one to tag and Kane is almost to Carver!

Michael Cole - This is not looking well for X-odus.

[Suddenly the lights go out and "Lay Low" hits the PA system. Blue flames jump from the stage as a figure appears running through the curtains. When the lights return we all expect to see Crymson, but instead we see J.R. Styles! Styles get up on the ring apron and begins to stomp hard, calling for X-odus to tag him. Kane reaches Carver and tags him in. Carver makes a beeline for X-odus, but at the last moment, he lunges and tags Styles into the match. Styles begins a flurry of punches on Carver. The two then start exchanging. Styles then whips Carver into the ropes and hits Ridin' with Style! Styles goes to make the cover, but Kane interupts the count.]

Jim Ross - Good God, can you believe what we're seeing here Michael? J.R. Styles has come to the aide of X-odus.

[Kane lifts Styles to his feet and places him in position for a Chokeslam. Out of no where, X-odus appears and breaks up the hold then locks Kanes arms and hits X marks the spot! Kane and Carver are both laid out in the center of the ring as X-odus and Styles look at each other. They then head towards opposite turnbuckles, climbing to the top. Signaling to each other they both leap off with huge leg drops that nail Kane and Carver. They both make a cover as the referee makes the count 1.....2.....3]

Jim Ross - We have winners! We have winners! And still tag team champions X-odus and.....JR Styles? What the hell is going on here?

Michael Cole - What in the world is going to happen with the tag titles now? What will Crymson say if and when he arrives? So many questions, so little time.

[In the middle of the ring, X-odus and Styles shake hands as X-odus is given back both tag team titles. The pair then begin to head back up the ramp as we're taken back into the Elite dressing room where Edge, Roberts and Richards were intently watching the match.]

Edge - Man, did you see that match? That was unbelieveable.

Matt Roberts - No kidding, but what's going on now? I mean, Crymson still isn't...

[At that very moment, the door swings open and Crymson steps inside. He doesn't look happy or sad, just looks to be there. He glances at each man before beginning to walk towards the backroom.]

Brian Richards - Crymson, where have you been? We've been looking for you all day and nobody knew where you were.

Edge - Yea and you just missed the Tag Title match, it so reeked of awesomeness. You know, the one you were supposed to be in.

[Crymson halts and turns, removing his sunglasses]

Crymson - Did we win?

Brian Richards - Yea man, but...

Crymson - Good.

[Crymson then starts his journey to the back once again, slamming that door behind him.]

Jim Ross - Where in the hell was Crymson? Even The Elite didn't know. Now this match is a Standard Match for the European title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 269 pounds, from Nashville, Tennesse, Shane "Red Hot" Fire!!! (crowd boos ***)

[Shane "Red Hot" Fire comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Kansas City, Missouri, J.R. Styles!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[J.R. Styles walks to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - And third, weighing in at 238 pounds, from Red Hook, Queens, NY he holds the European title belt, Tazz!!! (crowd boos *)

[Tazz's music plays as the crowd errupts with a big cheer. Shane tests out the ropes. Earl Hebner checks J.R. Styles's boots and knee pads. Tazz drops Shane with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Styles hits him with a back fist. Tazz hits J.R. with a heart punch. Tazz goes for a pin. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 "Red Hot" kicks Tazz off of J.R. Styles. ]

Jim Ross - Tazz had better go for all of J.R. Styles's weaknesses instead of trying to pin him already!

[J.R. Styles moves back to his feet. Tazz double underhook faceslams J.R. hard to the Styles. Tazz covers J.R. hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 "Red Hot" kicks Tazz off of J.R.. Tazz slaps J.R. Styles. Tazz hits J.R. Styles with the back of his elbow. Tazz short lariats Styles. Styles is back on his feet. Styles executes the twisting moonsault on to Tazz. Styles chants start. ]

Jim Ross - Good twisting moonsault by J.R..

[J.R. moves back to his feet. J.R. and Tazz move from the ring to ringside Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Shane Fire executes a flying headbutt on Tazz. "Red Hot" is back on his feet. (..2) ]

Jim Ross - I wish every match could be like this!

["Red Hot" hits Tazz with the back of his elbow. Shane hits Tazz with an atomic drop. Tazz gets up. Tazz takes "Red Hot" into the ring. Tazz trys for a belly-to-back superplex but is unable to lift Shane.Tazz flips Shane to the mat. Tazz sucks chants start in the crowd. Shane Fire gets locked into the headscissors submission by Tazz. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Shane trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... Shane is fighting the hold. ... Tazz tightens the hold. ... ... Shane is fighting the hold. ... ... Shane is fighting the hold. ... Shane is fighting the hold. ... Shane taps out.]

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, and still European champion, Tazz!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a Hell in a cell Ladder match for the Lightweight title. On his way to ring at this time, weighing in at 230 pounds, from Phoenix, Arizona a member of The Elite he holds the Lightweight title belt, X-odus!!!

[X-odus comes to ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada , Chris Benoit!!! (crowd boos **)

[Blue lights flash as Chris Benoit's music plays as he walks down to the ring. X-odus walks around the ring. Benoit walks around the ring. (the bell rings) X-odus slaps Benoit. ]

Jim Ross - X-odus comes out with a nice slap.

[X-odus gives Benoit a reverse neckbreaker. Benoit stands up. Chris Benoit executes a springboard bulldog, slamming X-odus's head onto the mat. Benoit gets back to his feet. X-odus is up again. Chris Benoit gets hit with a back heel kick. Chris Benoit uses a snap mare takeover on X-odus. X-odus with a high crossbody on Chris Benoit. X-odus moves back to his feet. X-odus jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit climbs to his feet. Benoit with an exploder suplex on X-odus. ]

Jim Ross - exploder suplex pulled off to perfection by Benoit!

[Benoit climbs to his feet. Benoit moves over to the ladder and begins to clime it. X-odus pulls Benoit of the ladder ]

Jim Ross - We've got a slobberknocker on our hands!

[Benoit executes a jawbreakeron X-odus. Benoit is back on his feet. X-odus stands up. X-odus grabs Benoit's leg and takes him down. Benoit moves back to his feet. X-odus comes from behind and bulldogs Chris Benoit. X-odus gets up. Chris Benoit gets hit with a diving elbow smash from X-odus. X-odus stands up. Benoit climbs to his feet. Benoit body slams X-odus. ]

Jim Ross - body slam by Chris Benoit.

[X-odus piledrives Chris Benoit into the mat. ]

Jim Ross - X-odus could win this match since he used that Standing Piledriver!

[X-odus moves over to the ladder and begins to clime it. Benoit pulls X-odus of the ladder ]

Jim Ross - Did you see that last move?

Michael Cole - Yup!

[Benoit gets back to his feet. Benoit executes a ropeflip hiptoss on X-odus. X-odus is back on his feet. Benoit knifehand chops X-odus. Chris Benoit gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by X-odus. ]

Jim Ross - X-odus comes out with a nice boot choke.

[Benoit uppercuts X-odus. Benoit kicks X-odus in the groin. X-odus goes for a top-rope powerbomb but Benoit dodges the attack. X-odus punches Benoit in the gut. Chris Benoit catches X-odus leg, but X-odus reverses it with an enzuigiri to Benoit's head. X-odus executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Benoit. Now X-odus standing. Chris Benoit gets hit with a diving elbow smash from X-odus. X-odus moves back to his feet. Now Chris Benoit standing. X-odus hits Benoit with a rolling elbow smash to the face. X-odus jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Benoit. X-odus climbs to his feet. Benoit stands up. Benoit hits X-odus with an atomic drop. ]

Jim Ross - If Chris Benoit stays on the attack, then X-odus is done for!

[X-odus gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Benoit. Benoit executes a corkscrew legdrop on X-odus. ]

Jim Ross - A corkscrew legdrop executed by Benoit.

[Benoit moves back to his feet. Now X-odus standing. X-odus uses a closed fist on Chris Benoit. X-odus hits him with a back fist. X-odus hiptosses Benoit. Benoit is up again. X-odus connects with a flying knee. Chris Benoit goes down. Chris Benoit moves back to his feet. Benoit puts X-odus in the hangman submission. ]

Jim Ross - Benoit executes a hangman.

[Benoit throws X-odus up against the side of the cage. X-odus falls back. Benoit moves over to the ladder and begins to clime it. Chris Benoit climes up to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th step of the ladder. X-odus pushes Benoit off the ladder sending him up against the wall of the cage! Chris Benoit moves over to the ladder and begins to clime it. Benoit climes up to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th step of the ladder. Chris Benoit gets pulled off the ladder by X-odus Benoit comes from behind and bulldogs X-odus. Benoit gets back to his feet. Chris Benoit grabs X-odus and applies an arm wrench. They lockup. X-odus sends Benoit to the corner of ring. X-odus hits Chris Benoit with the back of his elbow. X-odus moves over to the ladder and begins to clime it. X-odus climes up to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th step of the ladder. X-odus climes up the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th step, he his all most there! X-odus goes up his last step and grabs the belt, X-odus wins! ]

Jim Ross - X-odus has gotten a gigantic win here!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, and still Lightweight champion, X-odus!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a Tables, Ladders, And Chairs Match for the United States title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 328 pounds, Kane!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Kane comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 270 pounds, from Michigan accompanied by Midajah he holds the Hardcore title belt, Scott Steiner!!! (crowd boos *****)

[Scott Steiner walks to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - And third, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania a member of The Elite he holds the United States title belt, Brian Richards!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Richards runs to the ring and steps through the ropes. Big Poppa Pump walks around the ring. Richards walks around the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Steiner grabs Kane's head and hits him in the face. Scott Steiner comes from behind and bulldogs Kane. Big Poppa Pump is back on his feet. Scott Steiner punches Kane repeatedly. Kane picks up Scott Steiner and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Kane chants start. Kane and Scott Steiner leave the ring. Brian jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Scott Steiner with an Asai Moonsault. Richards moves back to his feet. Richards goes into the ring with the ladder. Scott Steiner follows. Richards chokes Scott Steiner with table. Scott Steiner breaks table. Kane hits Steiner with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Kane stands up. Kane executes a piledriver on Big Poppa Pump. Big Poppa Pump moves back to his feet. Brian Richards uppercuts Kane. Brian executes a reverse DDT on Kane. Kane gets up. Brian Richards goes up the ladder. Richards goes one step closer to the belt. Brian Richards climbs to the fourth step. Richards makes it to the top step. Brian Richards grabs the title!!]

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, and still United States champion, Brian Richards!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a Blood Bath Match for the IC title. On his way to ring at this time, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada a member of The Elite he holds the IC title belt, Edge!!! (crowd boos ****)

["You think you know me." Edge's music plays as spotlights flash on the crowd. Edge then appears on the top of the pamp and walks down to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Greenwich, CT., Triple H!!! (crowd boos **)

[Triple H walks to Ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Edge walks around the ring. Earl Hebner checks HHH's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) Edge goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps HHH. Edge stands up. Edge grabs HHH and applies an arm wrench. HHH is back on his feet. HHH lifts up Edge and delivers a gut-wrench power bomb. HHH clotheslines Edge over the top rope. Edge climbs to his feet. HHH gets elbowed to his midsection by HHH. Edge bounces Hunter off the ropes and clotheslines him. Edge flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Edge is up again. Triple H is up again. Triple H hits Edge with a single arm DDT. Triple H climbs to his feet. Edge is up again. HHH drives a forearm into the head of Edge. Edge kicks Triple H's head out of desperation because HHH blocked Edge's first kick. Edge gets up. Triple H is back on his feet. Triple H hits him with a back fist. Hunter delivers a low blow to Edge. Now Edge standing. Triple H puts Edge on the top rope and executes a superplex. Triple H gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Edge stands up. HHH is rolled back into the ring by Edge ]

Jim Ross - It is good for Hunter that there are no weapons in Ring.

[Triple H is driven further into the mat by Edge with a diving elbow smash. Edge gets back to his feet. Triple H hiptosses Edge. Edge gets back to his feet. Edge trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift HHH.Edge hits HHH with an earringer. ]

Jim Ross - Edge executes a earringer.

[Hunter slaps the face of Edge. Hunter is back on his feet. Triple H with a Russian legsweep on Edge. Edge stands up. Edge elbow smashes Triple H in the nose. Edge executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Hunter. HHH executes a jawbreakeron Edge. HHH moves back to his feet. Edge gets back to his feet. Edge throws Triple H off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. ]

Jim Ross - diving shoulder block by Edge.

[Hunter moves back to his feet. Hunter gets hit with a back heel kick. Hunter moves back to his feet. Edge get whipped into the corner and Hunter follows himin with an avalanche. Triple H sucks chants start in the crowd. Edge is taken outside by Hunter Triple H pins Edge against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. HHH grabs Edge's head and DDT's him on the floor. Edge punches Hunter repeatedly. Edge sucks chants start in the crowd. Edge dropkicks Triple H. Now Edge standing. Triple H climbs to his feet. Edge grabs the bucket of blood and poors it all over Triple H.]

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, and still IC champion, Edge!!!

[We are taken backstage with Jonathan Coachman as he is about to interview Matt Roberts.]

Jonathan Coachman - Well Matt here we are at Ground Zero just moments away from your match with Diablo. A man who has made quite a name for himself lately.

Matt Roberts - You know what Coach, I don't care who the hell he is. As I showed you all last week. I can take this guy out. I mean I did it twice on SmackDown and Richards and I did it again on Thunder. You see this guy is a nothing to me. I am the former World Champion. Hell I'm the only Grand Slam Champion this fed has ever seen. And to think that I would be intimidated by this rookie. Now Coach that is an insult to me. You see I am way out of this guy's league, and tonight I will prove to him and everyone else just why I am Elite and just why I say what I am. This guy's days are numbered here in the ICWF.

Jim Ross - Strong words from Matt Roberts. Now we will show you just what he ment about taking Diablo out.

[A video package is shown of Matt's attacks on Diablo.]

Jim Ross - Well here it is. This match is a Table Match for the No. 1 Contendership for the United States Title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 215 pounds, from Los Angeles, California a member of The Elite, Matt Roberts!!! (crowd boos ***)

[Matt runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, as his music plays. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 160 pounds, from Sacramento, California accompanied by Jason, "The Insane One" Diablo!!! (crowd boos *)

["The Insane One" Diablo walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Roberts gives Diablo the finger. "The Insane One" Diablo walks around the ring. (the bell rings) Matt Roberts bounces "The Insane One" Diablo off the ropes and clotheslines him. Now "The Insane One" Diablo standing. Diablo goes for a Japanese armdrag takedown but Matt Roberts dodges the attack. "The Insane One" Diablo goes for a DDT but Roberts dodges the attack. "The Insane One" Diablo whips Roberts with camera cables. Matt executes a neck-breaker on Diablo. ]

Jim Ross - Roberts did a very strong Spinning Neck-Breaker!

[Now "The Insane One" Diablo standing. "The Insane One" Diablo hits him with a back fist. ]

Jim Ross - back fist by "The Insane One" Diablo.

[Diablo throws Roberts off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. "The Insane One" Diablo stomps Matt Roberts's head. Matt with a Russian legsweep on Diablo. Roberts is up again. Matt Roberts goes for a diving headbutt but "The Insane One" Diablo dodges the attack. "The Insane One" Diablo gets up. ]

Jim Ross - Wow, these two are putting up a great fight!

Michael Cole - Yup!

[Diablo trys for a tiger driver but is not strong enough to lift Matt."The Insane One" Diablo and Matt Roberts move from the ring to the crowd ]

Jim Ross - These two are going to become some top players in this company! I am really happy with what Diablo is doing with his carreer, aren't you?

Michael Cole - Yeah, you know it.

[Diablo pokes Roberts in the eye with his thumb. "The Insane One" Diablo chops Roberts. Matt Roberts gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by "The Insane One" Diablo. Roberts executes the brain buster on Diablo. Matt Roberts is back on his feet. Diablo moves back to his feet. Diablo uppercuts Matt. Matt Roberts nails Diablo with a double underhook suplex. Diablo gets hit with a back heel kick. Matt sucks chants start in the crowd. Diablo moves back to his feet. "The Insane One" Diablo gets sidewalk slammed by Roberts. Matt Roberts jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing "The Insane One" Diablo with an Asia Moonsault. Roberts and "The Insane One" Diablo go back over the guard rail and back to the ring side. Roberts lifts "The Insane One" Diablo up and then slams his through a table. ]

Jim Ross - We have a winner in Matt!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, and new No. 1 Contender for the United States Title, Matt Roberts!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a Triple Cage Match for the World title with Special Referee, Chris Benoit. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 268 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois he holds the World title belt, JJ Rider!!! (crowd cheers ******)

["My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit begins to play through-out the enitre arena. JJ Rider steps out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 289 pounds, from Phoenix, Arizona a member of The Elite, Crymson!!!

[Crymson walks to the ring. Chris Benoit is the referee for this contest. Benoit checks Rider's boots and knee pads. Benoit checks Crymson's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) JJ Rider hits Crymson with the back of his elbow. JJ uses a closed fist on Crymson. ]

Jim Ross - JJ should have used something stronger, but that punch was effective!

[Crymson trys for a waistlock suplex but JJ Rider avoids it. Crymson pulls JJ off the third cage and back down to the top of the second cage. Crymson grabs Rider's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. ]

Jim Ross - If Crymson keeps using moves like that head and arm suplex he could win the match!

[Crymson is up again. They lockup. Crymson sends JJ Rider to the corner of the top of the second cage. Rider slaps Crymson. JJ hits a jumping elbow hrust on Crymson. Crymson tackles and begins punching Rider. JJ picks up Crymson and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. JJ Rider chants start. ]

Jim Ross - A great shoulderbreaker! Maybe the greatest I have seen!

[Rider measures Crymson up and drops a closed fist. Rider is back on his feet. Crymson gets up. Crymson connects with a flying knee. JJ Rider goes down. JJ Rider gets up. JJ Rider hits a koppo kick on Crymson. ]

Jim Ross - Crymson had better mount some sort of offense or else he is done for.

[JJ Rider knees Crymson and rolls back to his feet. JJ Rider measures Crymson up and drops a closed fist. JJ is back on his feet. Now Crymson standing. JJ delivers a spinning backbreak to Crymson. Crymson climbs to his feet. Crymson piledrives JJ into the top of the second cage. Crymson and Rider climb down off the top of the second cage. Crymson and JJ climb down the second cage onto the top of the first cage. They lockup. Crymson sends Rider to the corner of on top of the first cage. Crymson comes from behind and bulldogs JJ. Crymson stands up. JJ climbs to his feet. Crymson is nailed with a waistlock suplex from Rider. Crymson starts to climb back down into the ring. JJ Rider pulls Crymson off the cage. Rider dives head first into Crymson. JJ Rider chants start. JJ Rider gets back to his feet. JJ Rider piledrives Crymson head first into the top of the second cage. JJ Rider knees Crymson and rolls back to his feet. Now Crymson standing. JJ Rider gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Crymson. Crymson locks Rider in a full nelson and slams him to the top of the second cage. JJ stands up. Crymson grabs Rider and plants him with Hellfire DDT!! Crymson makes the cover. Benoit counts 1....2....3. Crymson climbs up to the top of the third cage! Crymson is the winner!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, and new World champion, Crymson!!!

[At the conclusion of the Main Event, Crymson celebrates his World title victory on top of the massive cage structure. Richards' runs out and climbs to the top. Meanwhile on the other side Benoit is climbing up as well. Richards reaches the top and goes to shake Crymson's hand. Crymson looks at him and walks away.]

Jim Ross - What the hell is this? Richards went to shake hands with Crymson and Crymson didn't want any of it.

[Just then Benoit attacks Richards from behind. He starts to beat on him and slams him down onto the cage. Crymson walks over and pushes Benoit away.]

Jim Ross - Finally we got some order up there! Crymson stopped Benoit from causing any further damage to Richards.

[Richards starts to get up and Crymson nails him square in the head with the World title.]

Jim Ross - MY GOD! What the hell has gotten into Crymson?!

[Crymson and Benoit each take their shots on Richards. X-odus, Matt Roberts, and Edge walk down the ramp to try and help. Crymson, Benoit and Richards then move over to the side of the cage. Crymson is shown with a smile on his face. He then puts Richards in a powerbomb position.]

Micahel Cole - He's gonna powerbomb Richards off the top of that structure!

[Crymson raises Richards up over his head for a powerbomb. He drops Richards over the edge of the structure. Richards falls and slams hard into the announce table as it breaks. X-odus, Edge, and Roberts run over to check on him.]

Jim Ross - MY GOD! MY GOD! Richards has to be hurt! He is not moving folks! Brian Richards was just powerbombed through a table from over 40 feet in the damn air! What the hell has gotten into Crymson?! This is Richards's hometown of Pittsburgh PA, and his career is over, it has to be!

[EMT's are shown surrounding Richards trying to get him to regain conciousness. X-odus starts to climb the cage as Crymson looks down and smiles. As X-odus reaches the top, Crymson stands down over him and then kicks him square in the face. X-odus then loses his grip and clings with one hand. Standing over him, Crymson leans down and we're taken closer to what Crymson is saying.]

Crymson - It's always been about you and what you wanted, it's always been about the great mind of X-odus, well tonight I go on my own. Tonight, I prove to you and everyone else that I can survive without you. I don't need you, Matt, Edge, Brian or anyone and I showed Brian exactly what happens when you perceive something as it isn't. I stated a month ago that I wanted Rider to win against Roberts and if you didn't see it then, then now you see it quite clearly that I had my very own agenda. Slowly, but surely I've made the moves to break away from you sorry bitches and that's exactly what I'm doing. Tonight, the Crymson Reign of Terror begins to pour once again. Tonight, I take my seat upon the top of the ICWF and tonight dear brother, you hold both tag team titles, for I am destroying Chronic Blaze....once and for all.

[Crymson grins and then stomps on X-odus's hand, causing him to fully lose grip and fall crashing down through the second announce table. We hear Crymson laughing as he heads to the other side of the cage and begins to slowly work his way down.]

Jim Ross - This has been one hell of a night. Crymson now stands alone in the ICWF. Or does he? Where does the Crippler fit into all of this? We will try to get all of the answers soon. Please join us on our next telecast Thursday on Smackdown!

PPV begins to fade as EMT's begin to place Richards and X-odus on stretchers.