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Helpers Unlimited

Lost?? Confused?? Don't know what to do??

This page is dedicated to those who are having trouble with the filing and receiveing the benefits that you are entitled to from

"Social Security Administration."

There are so many different options of Social Security benefits. It can really be a confusing task.

We are here to help you. We can let you know what to expect when you are calling Social Security for the first time. What information you should have ready when you do call and apply for the benefits. Depending on what benefits you are entitled to, depends on what information you will need to have ready.

I have personally gone threw he process of applying for Social Security and actually receiving the benefits.

I have two boys, ages 9 and 12. When I was injured in a auto accident, I thought my life had come to an end. How was I going to support my family? Am I a failure cause I can't support my family? When I was at my doctors, he is the one who told me that I should apply for Social Security. As long as I have worked and paid into the system, why not? So I did. It can be a long and tiresum process. You can also feel like no one is there to help you but you are wrong. Your not the only one to have had to go threw this. With the information that we am offering, we honestly believe that it can help you threw it and hopefully "YOU" can be successful in receiving the benefits that you are entitled to.

With what we have learned, we have personally helped many people apply and actually receive there benefits. I hope with the information that we are offering here, it will help you threw the process of applying and receiving your benefits. The one thing that we have stressed to the people we have helped is:


Depending on your situation, it can be an easy process or a difficult process.

There are people out there that specialize in helping with going threw the reconsideration process but not helping from the beginning. Why pay an them 25% of "YOUR" benefits, when you can do everything yourself? They didn't work hard for them all there life. "YOU DID"..We will send the information to you to help you in the first steps of actually applying for the benefits. What to expect if you are denied and how to ask for a reconsideration. I don't see why people have to go threw the process alone.


Please, keep checking back with us. I will be adding alot more information to this web site and I will be adding another page so you can order the information that has helped me achieve and receive the benefits that I have got myself and the others that I have helped receive there benefits. If you have any comments or suggestions or even questions, please feel free to e mail me and the address below....We will also be offering information that can help you threw the process of applying and recieving benefits. That page will be available soon.

THANK YOU and I hope to be hearing from you soon.

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I have received so many e mails and comments on my guest book that I would like to make a statement.

I made this page to help people with the aching tasks of applying for Social Security. I do understand that there are SO many different circumstances. I originally intended to write a book with the information that is available and only sell it for what I paid to have it published, I still am in the process of doing that. I just want to let everyone know that I am sincere with helping. I am NOT in it for the money.

I also have to state that I can not guarantee that the information I am giving will possitivally mean if you follow it you will receive your benefits. I do want everyone to know that the information I am offering is what I have personally gone through and that it is what I personally had to go through to receive my benefits.I have personally helped 10 people and they have all received their benefits.

I hope I can help everyone that asks for my help one way or another. Thank You.

I have "Yahoo Messanger" if you would like to contact me now. My yahoo name is: "Mechanicman1". If you would like to download the program, go to the link and follow the instructions.

Site created by:H. Brown

Date last Updated:April 20th, 2002

Schooling: Cuyamaca College, San Diego

This is what we can help you with.
