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Not As Widely Known Hanson 'Facts'

I am allowed to say these are facts becuase someone else did first. That, and because I said so.

Did you know...?

* Hanson has spent over 20,000 dollars on custom made leather pants

(they said so at )

* Hanson's video for "Weird" cost around 1,000,000 dollars to make?

(I learned this little piece of fact on MTV's "World's Most Expensive Videos)

* Hanson is on an Eggo Waffle box in Madonna's "Ray of Light" music video?

* Isaac and Taylor Hanson were in a Christian video called "Yo Kidz the Vidz" when they were young? VH1 shows clips of that now...

* The folks who were putting together the "Scream 2" soundtrack were originaly thinking of getting Hanson to do a song for it?

* The people at the South Park soundtrack thought it would be funny (and/or fun) to have Marilyn Manson and Hanson do a song together. Suppsedly, Hanson was totaly ready and willing to do it, and Marilyn said no beacaue it would "ruin his reputation".

This was in an issue of "Entertainment Weekly" Find them on the web at

* Hanson took dance lessons as kids

* Isaac and Taylor occasionally smoke Cuban cigars?

This started when Chris Sabec thought our boys needed to "loosen up" while recording... so he gave them Cuban cigars and girls during recording once. They didn't like the idea of the girls, but Isaac and Taylor experimented with the cubans. Hey, don't worry- they didn't do it everyday nor are they "regular smokers".

Hanson has said it themselves in a SPIN interview and a chat