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Welcome! My name is Tyrinea, and this is my page. It's about movies, games, and television shows that I like. I also intend to put a bit of humour into my page.

Updates: (2/9/03) I gave the White Wolf page and the Countdown pages backgrounds and updated the text, I updated parts of the Save Our Villians page.

Things that I enjoy:

  1. Star Trek (Mainly Generations and DS9)
  2. Star Wars (The latter three mostly)
  3. Mage (Storyteller, Player, it all rocks)

My Star Trek page! Come and take a quick look.

My page o' countdowns. Hehe! This one was fun!

My White Wolf Page! Check out what it's about and my own characters!

Save Our Villains Are you one of those people who yell "No!" when the villain dies, or are you sick of the Good Guy always winning? This maybe the place for you.

Links Ready to leave? Check out my links!

My Realm If you like, go here to talk about whatever!

The scroll If you have a moment, please come and sign my guestbook. Thanks!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!