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Friends Of Arabian Horses Rescue

Helping the Noble Arabian Horse through better understanding, education and salvation


Adoption Application



Please copy and paste the text of our Adoption Application into either your email program and send it to us, or into your word-processing program, print it out and mail it to us. We will get back to you just as soon as possible, and thank you for your interest!

If you have any further questions regarding either the horses we have available or our policies and procedures, please contact us before sending in the application.



Street Address_________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code____________________________________________________

Daytime Telephone Number (area code first)_________________________________

Evening Telephone Number (area code first)_________________________________

Cell Phone and/or Pager (if any)___________________________________________

Email Address (if any)___________________________________________________


Are you over 21 years of age?

Yes (__)

No (__)

If no, what is your age? (Potential adopters over the age of 18 who have not yet attained the age of 21 will not necessarily be denied adoption. We do not adopt horses to anyone under the age of 18):


What is the intended use for the horse:


Will the horse be boarded at your own property or at a (public) boarding facility?


Total number of horses on this property:

If in pasture, number of acres the horse will be pastured on:


If not your own property, please provide the following asked information:

*Name of boarding facility:

*Name of owner of boarding facility:

*Address of boarding facility:




*Phone number with area code:


Please describe in detail what conditions the horse will be stabled in and what shelter will be provided for the horse:

Barn (__)

Type of Barn:

Box Stall Size:

Pipe Paddock(__)

Paddock Size:

Pastured (__)

Number of Acres:

Private Pasture (__)

If not, how many other horses will share the pasture?

Terrain of Pasture (flat, rolling hills, rocky, etc.):

Run-in shed (__)

Other (please specify):

Type of shelter offered for horses pastured or in paddocks:

Type of fencing:

Water Supply (automatic, pasture waterer, tub, etc.):

How many other horses are on the property?

What type of turnout arrangements will the horse have if not Pastured?


If the horse is rideable, what type of riding will you be doing?


Please provide name and phone number, with area code, of your current veterinarian or the vet you are planning to use for equine care:


Please provide the name and phone number, with area code, of your current farrier or the farrier you are planning to use for this horse:


Please list two (2) references (with phone numbers) familiar with your care of and experience with horses (please specify the relationship you have with the listed persons and please don't name references who are under age):





How many horses do you currently own, if any?

Have you sold any horses within the last 5 years? If yes, why were they sold?


What kind of experience have you had with horses?


What is your riding level:

beginner (__)

intermediate rider (__)

advanced rider (__)


Do you have experience with foals/young horses:

yes (__)

no (__)


Do you have experience with stallions:

yes (__)

no (__)


Are you planning to work with a trainer:

yes (__)

no (__)

If yes, please provide the following information about your trainer:

*Name of trainer:

*Street Address of trainer:




*Phone number with area code:


Describe the type of horse you are looking for (i.e., specify preferred breed, sex, age, height, temperament, training level, etc.):



If there is a specific animal who has been posted on our website you are interested in adopting, please note the name and reference number here:



Why do you want to adopt a rescued horse?



Please check the appropriate places if you are willing to adopt a horse with the following problems or limitations:

Slight lameness (__)

Impaired vision (__)

Medications required (__)

Respiratory problems (__)

Untrained (__)

Green broke (__)

Off the racetrack (__)

Special shoeing requirements (__)

Light riding only (__)

Mental trauma/former abuse case (__)

Companion horse only (__)

High strung/difficult to handle(__)


What type of feeding program will the horse be on (including any supplements and grain)?


Please describe in detail the immunization and de-worming schedule for the horse:




If adopting a mare or stallion, will you agree NOT to breed the horse (mandatory)?



Do you agree to allow us to do a preliminary site check where the horse will be housed (mandatory)?


Upon finalizing the adoption, we retain the right to perform unannounced periodic site checks on the condition of the horse and the stable. Do you agree to this condition (mandatory)?


Additionally, we retain co-ownership of all equines adopted from Friends of Arabian Horses Rescue. If the horse came to us with registration papers, said papers will be retained by us to help insure the safety and well being of the horse. This is due to the high volume of horses which are sent back into abusive situations, neglected or sent back to auction. Under this clause, we may unilaterally seize the horse upon our determination that said horse is not being properly cared for, including neglect, physical abuse or mental abuse. If for any reason you are unable to continue your possession of the horse, it must be returned directly to Friends of Arabian Horses Rescue and no refunds will be given for either the Adoption Fee or any expenses incurred since adoption. If a horse adopted to you by us is found to have been abused or neglected, we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law following our recovery of the animal. If a horse adopted to you by us is found to have been sold, we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law for theft. You must agree to these conditions prior to the adoption becoming final, and your signature, below, is proof of such agreement.

Please sign, date and return to Friends of Arabian Horses Rescue:


Signature ________________________________________________


Date ____________________________________________________



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