***** Civic Action for Your Turf (CA4YT) *****
Message Board Gateway -- Page 2

Message Board Topics, Continued:

Message Board Links -- Note: The Links on this page will connect you to newly established Boards which you can view and/or join in the same manner outlined on Page 1 of the Civic Action for Your Turf (CA4YT) website. (If you wish to review those instructions, click on the next-to-last link below -- designated by the <<< symbol.) If you don't see any prior messages when you access these boards, you'll be making the very first post(s) !! Don't forget to bookmark this site -- and/or your favorite Board(s) -- so you can check them from time to time, and contribute your thoughts to the on-going discussion(s). Now, click on any of them you find interesting, and enjoy !!

21. Civic Action Personnel & Human Resources Teams' Forum
22. Civic Action Data Collection & Information Management Teams' Forum
23. Civic Action Clerical & Secretarial Support Teams' Forum
24. Civic Action Health Promotion Teams' Forum
25. Civic Action Human & Family Crisis Response Teams' Forum
26. Civic Action Disabled/Special Client Teams' Forum
27. Civic Action Drug Abuse Prevention & Rehabilitation Teams' Forum
28. Civic Action Neighborhood Safety & Security Teams' Forum
29. Civic Action Neighborhood Computer Networking Teams' Forum
30. Civic Action Youth Sports & Scouting Teams' Forum
31. Civic Action Youth Fife/Drum/Bugle Corps Teams' Forum
32. Civic Action Environmental Quality Teams' Forum
33. Civic Action Homeless Persons' Services & Assistance Teams' Forum
34. Civic Action Offices/Facilities Development & Management Teams' Forum
35. Civic Action Civil Preparedness & Emergency Response Teams' Forum
36. Civic Action Immigrant/Refugee Services & Assistance Teams' Forum
37. Civic Action International Training & Service Forum
38. Civic Action Legislative & Policy Forum
39. Civic Action War Against Poverty (W.A.P.) Veterans' & Retirees' Forum
40. Civic Action Team Members' Hobby & Recreational Activities Forum
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>>> Proceed to CA4YT Page 3 -- Gateway to Additional Message Board Links

Thanks for visiting the CA4YT Website. Hope you've found something of value, and that you've left some of your own knowledge, news, or information for the benefit of those who will follow. Suggestions for changes or additions to the CA4YT Message Boards which could make them more effective in serving your needs, and those of your organization, are always welcome. Use the Email address shown below for feedback. Don't forget to bookmark these pages, and please come back soon !!

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Email: blokhed3@yahoo.com