~*~V KIZZLE~*~

*My Favorite Songs* ~Country Rockz~

*My Favorite Web Sites*

~*Angelfire Free Home Pages*~
~*Hotmail My Email*~
~*Chattin with guyz*~
~*Talkin to guyz, guyz, and more guyz!!*~
~*My Jessica Andrews Page*~
~*Chelsie's Page*~
~*Kim's Page*~
~*Jessica Andrews*~
~*My Shout Outs*~

Hey everybody! Hope you like my niffty website. It's my first one so be nice to me! I'll take this time to tell you a little about myself: i'm 17, just had my birthday on April 4th. I'm 5'4", short brownish blonde hair,and hazel eyes. I live in Woodland, California. I go to Woodland High School. I sing in our school's Concert Choir so if you're ever in the area come check us out cuz we rock! I play soccer for Woodland High School, but this year I'm not going to. I injured my knee badly last year and the doctors have advised me not to play. Plus my boyfriend would kick my butt if I spent that much time away from him again. I'm currently single and I'm loving it! I like the feeling of being free and able to go out and have a good time with guys and not feel guilty if anything were to happen! When I first moved to Woodland from Pacifica I met a lot of kewl ppl: Katrina, Whitney, Cristina, Roman, Brian, Kelsey, David, Alan, Casara, Amy, Devin, and a whole lotz more. I'm a christian girl. I go to Youth Group every Thursday night and I have some really great friends there too! *MOMENTU* It's fun!! They're all really fun to be around, but I still miss my buddies back home. I miss you guyz so much. Thanks for always being there for me. I want to take some time to tell ya'll about the great friends that I have... They're the best and no one could ask for better buddies! I love you guys! First we got Chelsea, we've been best friends since 6th grade, of course we've had our fights but it always works out. She's a very stong person deep down, but she's a walking wound. She likes to fall in love quickly with guys that aren't good enough for her or guys that treat her badly and I worry about her. I want you to know how proud I am of you for becoming a cheerleader. I know how much it meant to you! I promise that I will try to come down and visit you a lot more this summer! I love you! Then theres my Julie, we've been friends since 2nd grade. She's alwayz there for me whenever I need a shoulder to cry on or when I need advice about guyz! Like all best friend we occasionally fight with one another and we won't talk to each other for a day or so. I'm just glad that we can always work things out and remain friends. Thanks for the great late night talks, you helped me through thick and thin! You're my best friend and without you I don't know what i'd do! I knew one day that you would be working at the bowling alley! Dude I thought one day I would too! hehe Tell David I said "Hey" I love you chick* Now to tell ya about my sister Tori! She's been my best friend for 3 years! She's a great friend and always offers a hand to me but lately it's been her shoulder to cry on. I'll never forget about her for as long as I live she means too much to me. We'll always be the best of friends. We had our occasional fights over Logan and other guys.. I DID NOT FLIRT WITH NICK! LoL Mike is such a nerd.. "SHE'S SO UGLY WHAT DOES HE SEE IN HER??" That was hilarious. Come visit me soon gurl I miss you so! Just think by this time next year I'll be driving down there to see you. That'll be so coolz. I might move back there so you better clear that busy calendar of yours so you can come chill with me. I love ya!~ I'm so happy that you and Eric are going to get married! get to be in the wedding I don't care what he says! LoL Then there's Logan he's been my best friend for 10 years now and I miss him the most! He's like a big brother to me. While growing up he helped me with everything from guys to school to sports to my singing... he's alwayz been there with words of wisdom and inspiration. I love you Low. We had our fight about him and Tori and how there relationship ended, but I hope we're past that now and can work through this together.. I love you Logan.. I'll visit you soon. I hope you find the right girl for you Low! You deserve someone great! I love you! Katrina is the one who befriended me when I first came to Woodland. I love you gurl you ROCK! I know that we haven't known each other that long, but hey gurl we clicked hell fast and that was cool. It's so much fun getting to chill with you all the time. Brian is a great guy don't ever break up with him. He's the one for you. I have one of those great guy feelings about him. The same way that I had a gut feeling about Cassidy. I love you gurl and I can't wait until this Summer. We're gonna have a BLAST!!!! I'm glad that we have worked things out between us. I'm so happy for you and your kilt wearing boyfriend! LoL I still think that is so hilarious! Derek is my ex-boyfriend. We were together for almost two years and there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about him. I still care for him so much and I'm glad that he has Alixx and is happy with her. She really is nice person and I wish you the best of luck!I hope you two are very happy together! I will never forget you and I want you to know that I will always be here for you! Cristina is my gurl! She is the trendiest little freak on this planet. This girl has the best voice ever. You can make it woman! If you set your mind to it you can do whatever that little heart of yours wants to do. You have been through just about as much shit as I have gone through. You're a great little girl and I hope that we'll always be buddies. I love you gurl you are the coolest little freak! But you're a nerd because you left me here all alone with Derek and Brian. Hey send some of those hot guys from Utah up here... I want to come see you this summer! I miss you so much! Feel free to email me if you'd like to! I'm a very caring person and everyone loves me.. LoL If ya wanna chat with me I have AOL my sn is pooterbutt3311 If ya wanna Chat IM me or Email me!! Feel free to look around and Email me with any suggestions. You can find me on ICQ my number is 85399646 or on Yahoo Soccerbabe5411@yahoo.com Later peoplez~ Buh Bye **Duckie go down the HOLE*

Carebears alwayz!! Pink Jerseys 4-life! (right Jillian?)

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I adopted my polar bear at: Shimmer 2000
His Name is:*snow busterz*

Also you can e-mail me @ pooterbutt3311@aol.com or V_Kizzle17@hotmail.com Join the BBMak Street Team @ www.bbmak.com Help Support BBMak cuz they ROCK! And if you don't then you suck cuz they're one of my favorite bands and would love your support!!

Email: pooterbutt3311@aol.com