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only 1 poem for now because this is the only one that's been published (meaning i don't care if you don't like it; i'll just say "screw off, i'm published") and i have to decide which of the others are good enough to show people

and a pet peeve: it is not about sex, goddamnit. why does everyone think that? i never had sex with mr. peanut butter, so don't assume. eroticism, even steamy eroticism, is by no means necessarily about fucking, or even coming close to it, and if you don't know that then i pity you and your lovers.

peanut butter

peanut butter is not erotic by default.

but it can become so
globbed on certain fingers,
smeared across a certain nose,
or licked off by a certain tongue.

still, peanut butter is not erotic by default.

of course, that can change with
the right smile,
the right laugh,
and some snuggling under the same blanket.

yet peanut butter is not erotic by default.

but you know it has become so when
eyes glow with years of sexual tension,
suddenly the idea of finding a snack is forgotten,
and from then on it only takes the sight of a jar to make you smile.

peanut butter can be very erotic.