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Stop the Abuse!

"People that hate cats, will come back as mice in their next life." - Faith Resnick

With the current laws in most states your TV is considered more valuable than your family pet. Sad to hear isn't it? Scroll down and see for yourself the cruelty with which pets are treated, tortured, and killed. Please look around this page and visit the sites that I provided the links to. In a lot of cases, there will be petitions you can sign, which is a great way to help. Also, you can get these links to your page to help spread the word. Don't turn your back on them just because you think "there's nothing I can do to help" or because "I don't want to look at them, it makes me cry." If we don't help these animals, no one else will. And none of them deserve to suffer and die. DON'T LET THEIR LIVES BE LOST FOR NOTHING! Let's remember them in our prayers and do what we can to stop it from happening again.

At the bottom of the page you can find anti-animal cruelty webrings. You might want to join them in order to spread the word. Thanks. And if you came to this site from a webring, after you looked around this page please visit the rest of my site.

During the evening hours of March 7-8 1997, intruders broke into Noah's Ark , a no-kill, non-profit, cat and dog rescue shelter, for 'something fun to do on a weekend night'. At that time, seventy to seventy-five cats were awaiting new homes at the Fairfield, Iowa cat sanctuary, where they lived happily in a pleasant two-story house. The intruders viciously beat more than thirty of the resident cats of this loving sanctuary with baseball bats. A sanctuary where David and Laura Sykes, the founders and managers of this extraordinary shelter, had sacrificed and struggled to provide every comfort, necessity and luxury they could afford or manage to provide. Sixteen cats died of their injuries, another twelve were injured, three of them critically. Three cats were never found, and many of the cats were traumatized and afraid of human contact for many weeks afterward. A seventeenth cat, Thomas, died several months later from injuries sustained in the attack.

On October 10, 1999, a beautiful female cat came willingly to the four boys who stopped on the side of the road and called to her. Her trust was rewarded by unthinkable terror and cruelty - being used as a tug-of-war toy until the boys heard something "pop", having her legs broken, being jumped up and down on like a trampoline. Even when her pitiful battered body was mercifully dead, her suffering was not at an end. The boys then placed her ravaged body under the wheel of their car, braking over her, as they drove off to find other amusement.

Please sign the petition now to stop something like this from happening again. Don't let her life be lost for nothing.

Click on the banner below to find out what a heroic 16-year-old girl did when she heard the boys boasting about killing the cat.

Once again, youthful suspects, this time from Indiana University, committed an abhorrent act of violence on four neighborhood cats in the town of Bloomington, Indiana USA July 31, 1997. After luring the four unsuspecting cats into a fenced backyard, they heartlessly poured hairspray over them and using a cigarette lighter, set them on fire. Passing motorists saw one of the cats, Olivia, managed to catch her and rushed her to an emergency veterinarian office. Of the four cats, Olivia was the most injured. She had third-degree burns over forty percent of her body and her veterinarian costs were reported to be over $15,000. Sadly on October 12, 1997 Olivia lost her courageous fight and crossed over to the Bridge. Please click on Olivia's picture above to find out more and for info on how you can prevent this from happening again.

One of the reasons why animal abuse is tolerated is because not enough people know of its horrors. We need to alert the media. Please click on the banner below to find out more.

Scruffy was a 12 year old Yorkshire Terrier, whose life began and ended with abuse. As a puppy, Scruffy was abused and shuffled from home to home. After a period of time, he went to live with a caring family, the Whitmire's of Kansas City, Kansas. The Whitmire's took Scruffy in after hearing about his abusive past, and decided to give Scruffy to their granddaughter. It seemed as if Scruffy was going to be able to live out the rest of his life in peace, in a home where he was loved and well cared for. He now had the love of a little girl who wanted nothing but to love him and play with him, and it appeared Scruffy's nightmare was finally over. Scruffy enjoyed his new life and the love of this little girl, and she grew up and eventually had a child of her own. Now Scruffy's life was complete, he was the cherished pet of a family, and had everything a little dog wants and needs to be happy. Unfortunately what happened next was worse than anything anyone could have imagined. June 27, 1997 was the day Scruffy is alleged to have met with Jose Gutierrez - age 17, Marcus Rodriguez - age 18, Richard Golubski - age 20 and Lance Arsenalt - age 21. This is the day Scruff's nightmare began and eventually ended with his murder.

Please click here to learn more and sign the petition.

Unfortunately there are so many people out there that think they are "just animals." For them and for everyone else who's interested, the above link leads to stories of animal cruelty turning to cruelty to humans.

Click on the banner below to read Ninja's story, a cat who was brutally stabbed by 8 and 9 year old kids and died from her injuries, and nothing was done about it. Should we tolerate this?

Visit the Remember Ninja Project Go on to the NEXT Member site Go BACK to the PREVIOUS Member site Visit a RANDOM Member site See a list of the NEXT 5 Member sites See a COMPLETE LIST of our Member sites JOIN The Remember Ninja Project Webring Read Ninjas Story

A twelve week old kitten named Hope was blinded (severe eye damage), deaf, her ears and feet had been badly burned, her tail cut off, the tendons in her back leg had been cut, and she was suffering internal injuries... How is it possible that a twelve week old kitten goes through this kind of suffering in a "civilized" world??? We cannot let something like this happen again! Please watch out for any sign of violence and report animal abuse immediately!!! And please visit Hope's page through a link below.

I could go on and on, for there are way too many cases of animal abuse like this...

Alex was found dead, cleanly severed in two!

Please include the poor abused animals in your prayers. May they find a better life free from pain and suffering. And please do anything possible to help prevent this from happening again: sign those petitions, talk to your friends and family, and never turn on your back on even the slightest sign of animal abuse because its WRONG.

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