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February 20, 2008 - Wednesday

Rainy and finally snowy.


It's 1:30 am, and I just sat back down at my computer to start blogging for this evening. While I was up, I got the burnable garbage ready to go out in the morning, then set up the coffeemaker for Fumihiko's morning coffee. I'm listening to the Grey's Anatomy theme song on my iPod. I'm trying to run down the battery enough so it's worth recharging it, and half of my brain is thinking about The Stand, which I just started today.

All that, and you'd be forgiven if you thought I had a busy day. I didn't. I got up early and toyed with the idea of going out and getting my hair cut, but when I looked out it was pouring with rain.

I got quite into The Stand. I'm at what, page 70 now. Only 1000+ to go! I read it before, I think when I was in high school. I read a lot of Stephen King back then, and also when I was in college. I still do to a certain extent.

I had a quiet afternoon at home. I watched Cold Case and Medium today. I'd forgotten just how cute the guy is who plays her husband on Medium! Then, because it was on I started watching some movie set during the second world war..Molly something, American Girl. It wasn't bad at all. The girl's mother was played by Molly Ringwald....I thought that was an interesting coincidence because she was in the TV miniseries of The Stand! Fumihiko came home in the middle of the show and got to see me tearing up. What is wrong with me these days? I cry at anything! It was kind of touching at the end. I checked it out on IMDb and the "all American Girl"....played by a Canadian!

We went out around 7:00 pm tonight to buy kerosene, have dinner and then set the heater in my school. We had dinner at Jiro, not too far from here. It was good as usual. I had carbonara and it was really good. Very filling.

We picked up groceries for tomorrow's dinner. We're going to have chicken and a couple of other dishes, plus salad. I think it'll be good.

In the evening I actually shut down my computer for a bit to sit on the couch and read The Stand. Then, at 11:00pm it was books closed, and pay attention to the TV time. We watched Desperate Housewives of course. It was good tonight. Really funny.

Fumihiko took his bath and then after a bit went to bed. He doesn't have to go to work as early tomorrow as he did today, but might have to do snow shovelling in the morning. Poor thing. I may have to shovel at the school again. Poor ME!

Anyway, I do want to end this, and get back to my book. What's it called again? I forget.

Gotta go, good night all.


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