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December 14, 2007 - Friday

Rainy, with clear patches.


I'll spare you the sad tale of my attempts to get to sleep last night. You probably aren't interested anyway. Needless to say when my alarm went off this morning I was not ready to get up. I did, but I wasn't ready! I watched the news and then got a phone call from a delivery service. They had a package for me from Canada and I had to pay duty on it. Would I be home around lunch time? Yes.

I hurriedly showered and then I dressed and waited for the package. It arrived a bit after 12 and was quite big. The guy kept handing me the box, then wanting me to sign for it, and pay as well. It was rather funny. Maybe my foreign-ness and potential terrorist-ness made him nervous? Probably not.

I took a long nap after the box arrived. I was so tired. I set my phone alarm and it's a good thing because I'm sure I would have overslept otherwise. When I dragged myself off the couch later I made breakfast then headed off to the school. It was raining quite hard out there and was generally unpleasant.

My classes went quite well. My first student had laughing fits and ended up lying on the floor laughing. That was silly, but funny. After my two later classes, I cleaned up and set up for tomorrow. I didn't receive any calls from my husband, so I decided to just bike home.

It had stopped raining and was a nice night for biking. It wasn't too cold and the roads were quiet. I made good time. When I got home, the door was locked and barred. Apparently he'd forgotten I wasn't home. I was let in, and then basically ignored. I tried to talk to him, but he wasn't interested. I think he's sleeping now which is a good thing. If he's as tired as I am, he needs to sleep.

Tomorrow I'll be busy at my school again. I'll have 3 classes if everyone shows up. At this time I'm not sure how I'll get to my school or even if I'll come home after my classes. I am thinking to take a night off blogging again. I need a bit of space to think.

That's it for now for me. I'll likely get to bed soon. It's a bit late, and I am, as I said before, quite tired. If I don't blog tomorrow, don't worry about me. Night night.


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