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November 25, 2007 - Sunday

Clear and sunny, almost warm!


Today was one of those oversleeping days. I didn't mean to, but I slept in until 2. I had gotten up for a washroom break/email check, but went back to bed for a nap. When Fumihiko came home he closed the bedroom door and I didn't hear anything for ages. Sorry!

We had a lovely lunch in Jiro but when I went to take out my stamp card realized that my wallet wasn't in my handbag. ACK. I was worried for a bit, but then tried to backtrack where I'd been yesterday, and when I had it last. I used it last at the drugstore last night, when I got out my point card, and then put away my card plus a bonus card I got. So, most likely, my wallet was at home.

We had to go home anyway to get Fumihiko's medicine, so we zoomed off home. And, there was my wallet. Whew. It's black and our couch is navy-blue. When I looked in my handbag before I went out, I must have taken out my wallet and put it on the arm of the couch and then just grabbed my bag and went. Anyway, it was safe and sound. Happiness.

We drove out to the mall and were just in time to go and see A Mighty Heart. I've just written my mini-review of it on my movie page. I thought it was a very well done film. Angelina proved that she is a good actress in this movie, if anyone still has any doubts about her talent.

After the movie we did a bit of shopping. I wanted to buy some bread and some things from the grocery store in the mall. I got some lovely whole wheat bread and some German style bread, and we also got a couple of bagels for tomorrow morning. In the grocery part I got more sunflower seeds and a few things that I'm going to send to my brother in law for Christmas. Hope he likes them.

We had a cup of coffee in Seattle's Best Coffee, and asked for decaf coffee, but they don't have any right now. Does this mean that they won't sell it anymore? I don't know. I'm a bit afraid of that. Maybe I'll have to give up my coffee habit and drink more tea instead.

We went over to Toda Books and we had a good snoop. I got a Reader's Digest and a couple of books for my Brother in Law, and Fumihiko bought us a "print your own nengajo" (New Years cards) book. This year, for a change, they have quite a few of those books that are Mac capable. Yay. In prior years it's been Windows only. Of course, in this family it doesn't really matter, it's just that my computer is hooked up to the printer, and his isn't! (It's my printer.)

We had a lateish dinner in Mikawa's Cocos then came home. We spent a really quiet evening at home, and Fumihiko went to bed quite a while ago. He's got to go to Niigata tomorrow and he won't be coming home tomorrow night. It's an overnight trip. I told him I'm going to have a wild party while he's gone, but he doesn't believe me. Nor should he!

And that was my day. I got a bit of Christmas shopping accomplished, so I'm happy. Tomorrow I may go to Sakata by train, or I may just stay home and wrap Christmas presents. I'm not sure yet! Wish me luck! Night night.


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