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August 27, 2007 - Monday

Rainy and cloudy.


This morning started for me with a shower. In my bed. I had opened the window before I went to bed, and around 6 in the morning we got torrential rain. A few drops of it splashed in and got me! I woke up and closed the window. It was really coming down, and it poured for at least an hour.

When I got up, Fumihiko had already left for work of course. I hummed and hawed re taking a shower, but then I decided that I had better take one. So, I did.

I had a low key, quiet day around the house. It was nice. I watched a bit of video'd TV from the weekend, then thought about going out for lunch. Then, I decided to just stay home and make an omelette, which I did!

Fumihiko came home around 7 tonight and we went to Cocos for dinner. It was okay. He had his meal, and was mostly done before I even got my plate. That was a bit sad. And, he eats so quickly anyway that he had to wait ages for me.

We came home right away and spent a couple of hours on our computers. I found out some bad news about one of my nieces. It's got me quite worried, but sadly I can't do anything much about it from here. I'll maybe send a letter or a card tomorrow if I can.

We watched ER tonight and it was one of the Darfur episodes. Sadly, our bad weather happened again and the satelitte conked out in the middle of the episode, right at the crucial exciting point. It came back at the end of the show. We don't really know what happened in between. Sigh.

That's about it for today. I have to say that I am really looking forward to August being over.

Talk to you tomorrow, I hope. Night night.


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