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July 15, 2007 - Sunday

Windy, a smidgen of rain, but also sunny skies.

Today was a great day. Go figure! But here it is again, 3 am and I'm only now getting to write my update. Why oh why do I do this to myself? I don't know. Sigh.

In the morning, Fumihiko got up and got ready to go and walk his dog, then go to the wrestling school he helps in. Of course, he's the most disorganized man in the world, and ended up leaving and coming back into the apartment at least twice. The second time I had to get up and show him where he left his wallet. Argh. A few months ago I bought him a cheap but useful little basket to put all his daily needed things in, like wallet, cell phone and car keys. He used it for about 3 days, then it got filled with JUNK. Crazy man. I think he needs a handbag! While he was gone, I took full advantage of the peace and quiet and slept. Yay me.

A very cheerful and happy man came home around noon. I was glad to see him so cheerful. He loves working with children and he loves wrestling, so putting the two together makes him really happy.

After a bit of snogging I got up and got dressed. We had lunch at the Daiichi hotel. It was okay. We stayed there way after their lunch time was over. We were chatting and drinking coffee. We noticed that they are having a steak hodai this month and decided to go on Wednesday. I don't have classes and hubby thinks he can be home early enough.

We went shopping in Marica. The mall (is it a mall?) will only be open for another couple of weeks, so I wanted to see if there was anything I needed. I got a possible Christmas present for my best friend, and a couple of decorative things for my school. One is for Halloween, but it's hard to find interesting stuff for that particular celebration around here. We hacked around the 100 yen store too, but ran out of time. Hubby told me that he'd bought himself a new pair of jeans. (Not at the hundred yen store though!) Last week he left his old jeans and a t-shirt in the hotel in Niigata. I told you he was disorganized, didn't I? Anyway, the jeans were old and I don't miss them at all. The zipper on them had the nasty habit of slipping down all the time. It got to the point where every time he wore them I would quickly scan his crotch area when he was in public just to see if he was "safe". So, I really don't miss those jeans. I'm hoping the new ones will be okay. (Is this too much information? Don't anybody tell my hubby I wrote that!)

We went to see Shrek 3 this afternoon. The theater only had one show a day in English and that was at 4:20, and it ends next week so today would be one of our last chances to see it. It was....okay. I was disappointed quite honestly. I liked a few jokes....the gingerbread man as The Six Million Dollar Man was a quick laugh, but overall, I think the franchise should just stop making movies. There's really nothing more that they can do with Shrek is there?

After the movie, we came home. Hubby walked his dog and got gas for his car. Then, we went out for dinner to Togashi. It was yakiniku. It was really good, but I think we ate too much.

We came home via the grocery store and then watched Studio Ghibli's Tales from Earthsea. I got Fumihiko to play it in Japanese with English subtitles. I'm a tad deaf, so by reading the subtitles I didn't have to have it on very loud. I have to say I'm extremely ambivalent about the film. It wasn't very exciting. Fumihiko kept falling asleep, although he said he didn't, he really did. It didn't move me the way Mononoke-Hime or My Neighbour Totoro did.

Hubby's off in bed now, sawing logs. I should get to bed soon. I'm tired and I'm not sure what's in store for me on Monday. Night night!


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