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May 30, 2007 - Wednesday

Sunny in the afternoon, heavy rain at night.

Today was okay. I got up at a goodly time, then did my usual stuff. I ate a bit of yogurt, and then had a couple of hours of computer time. I made my lunch today as well. I had a lovely cheese and cha-shu omelette. I also watched a couple of episodes of Friends over lunch too. Fun. I'm getting close to the end now. Sigh.

I got to the school in plenty of time and checked my set up. Since I'd done it last night it was okay, but I just reviewed it in my head. I spent a bit of time reading my Amy Tan. I'm finally reading Saving Fish From Drowning. I've had the novel for a year at least, but never got around to reading it. You know, I just finished the latest Patricia Cornwell a couple of days ago, but this novel is just so much more interesting and alive! Even the foreward was better than Cornwell's whole book.

My class went quite well today, except the student didn't have much of a voice. She'd been sick and had lost her voice. That usually happens to me, so I could really feel for her.

I came home after work, and watched Cold Case. Yep, it's back on. Yay. Unfortunately, this was an old episode so I'd already seen it. Still, I enjoyed it.

Fumihiko came home around 6. We went out for Bronco. I had steak and Fumihiko had a tuna-don. Mine was good. I got soup and salad with it too. After dinner we tried to find some window washing liquid for his car, but didn't. We did get more soap for the house and the school.

We bought some groceries too tonight. I'm going to do chicken tomorrow night for dinner. It should be good. Chicken and a salad, and maybe some veggies too. I hope.

We came home and watched ER from Monday. It was great. Neela and Michael got married, and Morris actually out-doctored Dr. Weaver. That was really interesting, because everyone thinks he's a terrible doctor. He is, but in this case he did quite well!

And that's it for my night. We had to turn on the air conditioner here in the apartment tonight because it was so sticky/hot. It's raining outside. Now I'm cool, but hubby is snoozing on the couch. Silly guy!

Got to go. I'm a little busier tomorrow, but I have a big break between lessons. I'm not sure what I'll do yet. Go home? Go shopping? Tune in tomorrow and find out what I do.



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