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May 23, 2006 - Tuesday

Cloudy and rainy.

I overslept quite a bit today, and then dragged myself out of bed. I drank lots of the coffee that Fumihiko had made, and did some computer stuff.

I didn't feel altogether well today, so I didn't do as much as I planned. The "big" thing that I did do was to get 3 packages set up and ready to go. Fumihiko and I takkyubined two tonight, the other I'll send off tomorrow. Yay me.

When Fumihiko came home tonight we spent time together and then we went out for dinner. I had suggested an izakaya, any of the ones we usually go to, so that's what we did. We went to Yolonotaki, which is near my old apartment. It was quite nice. For some reason, the last 5 or 6 times they've given us the same table. We really like it. It's a real table, with a bench on each side. It's kind of hidden away. We got it again tonight. Yay.

After dinner we went to 7-11 to send off my packages. That done, we hit the grocery store and got groceries for the next couple of days.

When we came home we watched Monk. It had the boy from Oliver Beene in it, playing Monk as a boy. It was fun to watch. The boy is quite talented, I used to like his old show.

And that was that. I did get some pictures of my sister, niece and nephew today. My nephew was wearing a jimbei that we'd sent last year. He looked really cute. It's amazing how big he is now, he's not even a year and a half old.

It's over. My day! Oh, I just remembered that yesterday was a national holiday in Canada, Victoria Day. I missed it completely.

Gotta go, night!


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