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June 23, 2006 - Friday

Rainy in the morning, then hot and sunny in the afternoon.

Quite a good day, but busy! I overslept this morning and decided I'd have a lazy day at home. However, just as I'd taken a seat at my computer, and taken a gulp of my coffee, the phone rang. It was one of my ex-students! She wanted to meet with me and see my school. Plans changed quickly.

I showered, brunched and set off to meet her. We had a nice meeting and a good time together.

After she left I relaxed for a bit and read my magazine and ate chocolate! I enjoyed the air conditioning too.

I got a c-mail from hubby that said he might be late, he wasn't sure. I decided to go home and wait for him. I had just gotten home, I hadn't even opened up my computer yet, when he arrived. Since he had to study for the test tomorrow, I told him to go to my school to do that. There's a couple of reasons for my suggestion. The first being that it's good to let people see that the parking space is being used, and it's also good that people see the apartment being used! I don't want any break-ins! Besides, there aren't many distractions there. First though, he had to eat. We went to his favourite ramen shop, where I drank oolong tea and watched him eat a big bowl of ramen. It did look good, but I wasn't tempted.

I got him to drop me off at home, and then he took off for the school. I checked email and stuff and then left for the bookstore. I was meeting another ex-student there. I got there just a few minutes before she did. It was a lovely night for a walk, and I'm glad to say I enjoyed it very much.

My friend/ex-student and I went to Coco's for dinner. We had a good conversation and some laughs. When we finished eating, we went to visit my school. She had a quick look and then left me there. After she left, Fumihiko went back to studying and I went back to my magazine. I didn't finish it, but it was enjoyable.

About 10:30 we came home. Fumihiko studied more and is still studying. I hope he does okay on his test tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for him.

We also had a weird thing happen at home. When I woke up this morning I could hear a high pitched noise coming from the living room. I tried to find it in the morning and in the evening, but I couldn't. When we came home late tonight I searched a bit harder. I checked all of the plugs and the extention cords that we use, and finally found the culprit. Our multi-region dvd player was the one making the noise. Why? I have no idea. I unplugged it as we aren't using it right now. There was an electrical storm last night, so it might be connected to that, but I'm not sure.

And also, when I went to my school the first time, I had to "steal" Fumihiko's bike. Why? Last night after he oiled his bike lock, he took it out to the bike shed and locked my bike. I had already locked it, but for some reason, he locked my bike again. His bike was sitting there with no lock on it at all! Good thing our neighbours are honest people. I took my lock off my bike, and went off. Yay me.

And that was my day. Not sure what tomorrow will be like. We have an interview in the evening, and hubby has the exam in the morning. Don't know what we'll do inbetween.

Anyway, I have to go. Have a good night!

Oh, and this is very silly, I have another blog. I don't really write on it, I just take internet quizzes and post the results, but it's good for a laugh. This is the place. Bookmark it at your peril!

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