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March 20, 2005 - Sunday

Clear and warm, then rainy.

A kind of bad day. We stayed up really, really late last night and didn't wake up until later today. That was okay for me, but as always Fumihiko was champing at the bit, trying to go out for food. I swear, I'd be twice as happy to stay home and make breakfast, but he doesn't want to wait. Still, I did my laundry this morning because if I didn't do it today, when would I do it?

We went to Jiro for brunch. It was great as always, but also a bit crowded. Still, our food was great. After we ate, we popped home for a bit, and then went to Jusco. Today was the final day. It was really sad being there. Fumihiko got a few shirts, I got some t-shirts and a few sewing things. I was going to buy more wool but they didn't have any of the wool I bought yesterday left. Sigh. Hope I bought enough in the first place.

We headed off to the mall, where we arrived just in time to see Bridget Jones. It was okay. Good for a few laughs. I was a bit perturbed with my husband because he had to get his free popcorn. 1) We had just eaten and he wasn't hungry, and 2) I can't eat popcorn. Does this seem fair? I didn't think so.

After the movie he took me to an Amarume steak restaurant. It's nice, but they don't cater to low carb eaters. So, I had salad, steak and coffee. It was a very very small salad. He had soup, rice, dessert and my potatoes, for which he didn't even ask. He just took them off my plate. So, at the end of the meal, I was still hungry.

We went to S-Mall to get some groceries and to use the washroom. I had wanted to go to the hundred yen shop too, but I didn't have enough time before closing. For some reason, when we got off the escalator on the second floor Fumihiko disappeared. I freaked out. I couldn't find him anywhere. All I could think about were those movies where women have to try to convince the authorities that they weren't crazy and they did have a husband/boyfriend, whatever. I was looking around in case he'd gone down the escalator again, maybe he'd dropped something, I didn't know. I couldn't see him. I was getting really panicked when he appeared from behind a pillar where he'd been hiding. Oh good joke dear....NOT. I was not impressed. I told him if he wanted to go to the bookstore, all he had to do was say so. I'd never stop him, but disappearing on me was not a good thing to do.

We got our groceries and then we went home. After we'd turned down the street to the apartment Fumihiko asked me if I wanted some yakitori. Since I was still hungry I said yes, and then he got some at the grocery store.

We came home and he turned on the TV. He watched Windtalkers. It was terrible. I got up after eating my yakitori and took a very long shower. I couldn't stand the movie. When I came back through, he was still watching it and it was still terrible. I opened up my computer, put on my headphones and tried to turn the screen so it blocked the tv. It didn't quite work because I could still hear it blaring away. He had no idea that I was angry because he was watching that awful movie.

After he made some coffee as a peace offering I suppose and then went off to take his bath. Good riddance to him. I'm just really tired of his thoughtlessness sometimes. We have a ton of good DVD's that we've never watched and he had to watch the crap on TV tonight.

Writing about this is having the opposite effect to the one I wanted. I'm getting more angry rather than less, so I think I'll sign off now. Night.


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