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April 18, 2004 - Sunday

Sunny, but a bit hazy.

I didn't go to bed until late last night. I watched some of my videos until after 4 am. Sigh. This morning Fumihiko called me around 11 as we'd arranged, but I was still in futon, so to speak. I asked him to call me later, but then I changed my mind. I realized that this was our one day off together this week and I didn't want to spend the day in least not if he wasn't there ! Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more! I got up, showered, and put on the kettle and my lovely soup and called him and asked him if he'd like to come over. He said yes.

The soup was really great and we both enjoyed it. I put a bit of curry powder in it for a change. Yum.

After that we went out to the new apartment. We were waiting for our new bed to arrive. Well, we worked, I unpacked some stuff and Fumihiko put together our new fax/phone, but the bed still didn't arrive. He phoned the company and found out that they were running late so we went out. We were both hungry again by now so we went to what we thought was a yakiniku restaurant. It had changed and is now a Japanese style restaurant. We went in anyway and were very pleasantly surprised. It still has some yakiniku, but also sushi and cooked dishes. They have a free soup bar and also a drink bar. Fumihiko had ramen and I had hokke, a type of fish. It was all delicious. The soup was really good too.

After we ate we went back to the apartment and waited for the bed. This time it did arrive. They brought it in in pieces through the window! The men asked us where we wanted it, and put it together for us. It looks great!

Later we went out and hacked around some furniture shops. We're looking for a nice table. I'm not in any rush, but Fumihiko seems to be in a rush. Not sure why! We didn't see any really great tables, (except for the incredibly expensive ones), but we did buy some towels and cutlery. Then we went to the hundred yen shop where I stocked up on a bunch of stuff for the apartment. Tomorrow I get to set everything up while I wait for the Phone Guy.

We dropped off our stuff at the apartment then went to the big bookstore that has English Books. They do have English books, but they don't happen to have any that I want to read right now. Oh dear. Guess I'll wait until I'm in Narita airport.

We went to Moku Moku for dinner tonight. It was okay. I had mixed grill and Fumihiko had duck. His was quite nice, and so was mine. It was a bit bland without the sauce, but not too bad.

We came home then and now I'm writing my note, sipping some of my cold diet A&W root beer, just chillin' out. Fumihiko is drinking a real beer, but I prefer mine!

And that was my day. I'm really glad that I got up and called him. Sleeping is great, but so is being with my guy! I can sleep any old time.

Gotta go....night!

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