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April 4, 2004 - Sunday

Clear and sunny, but a bit cold.

Today was a bit of a different Sunday for a change. Fumihiko had to work...part of his new department, so I went over to the apartment. I took a 3 hour nap and then I went for a walk. A very long walk! I walked for 55 minutes. I walked along the Akagawa River Park, past the Grand El Sun, around the corner, past Simon and Cafe Framboise before coming back to my apartment. I was a bit tired, but felt good afterwards. Good for me! I won't be able to do that every day, but it was nice to do it at least once.

I did laundry after that and took a shower. While I waiting for Fumihiko to come and meet me I put some stuff in envelopes to send off. I had to prepare my friend's birthday present, box up some magazines for my friend in Japan and address an envelope to England. It's nice to have them all done. Tomorrow I'll try to send them.

When Fumihiko came to get me, we went over to the new apartment. I wanted to see how the new curtains looked. They were nice...much nicer than the first ones we got! I may swap them with the other ones in fact!

Then we went to the big furniture store. We looked around for a new bed and finally fixed on one. We're getting a queen size bed, with drawers underneath it, and a cool headboard with small lights in it. I think it'll be nice. A tad expensive, but nice.

Then we went out for dinner. We went to a place we haven't been in ages, Moku-moku. We had steak and salad. It was really okay, not great, but the steak was quite cheap so that's probably why it wasn't great!

We drove to the mall in Mikawa then, and looked at more curtains. I was trying to get Fumihiko to leave it for another day, when he saw some that he liked. We ended up getting curtains for the two big windows. They are both blue, one is plain blue and one is a blue and white floral pattern. I think they're nice and it's a good idea to have them in similar colours since they are on the same side of the apartment and the rooms kind of flow into each other. After coffee we took them to the apartment and hung them up. They look good!

We were going to go home after that, but Fumihiko said he was hungry and I realized that I was too, so we went to Gusto for a quick bite. We came home then and I put away my laundry and got ready for work on Tuesday. I might not come home tomorrow night, Fumihiko has a drinking party and I'm not sure how I'll get home then.

I may stay at the apartment tomorrow night. If I do, there won't be any updates until Tuesday night. Have a good day without me, and talk to you soon!


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