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May 6, 2003 - Tuesday

May 6, 2003 - Tuesday

Hot and sunny day. Gorgeous!

I had a good day today! Despite having to get up earlier than I have lately, it was fine. I went to the apartment and did laundry, then I read some of my new book. I'm reading Minette Walter's Fox Evil. It's really good and I'm trying to figure out "who's going to do it" and "why". I love books like that.

I made breakfast and lunch and then left for work. I decided not to wear my coat as it was so gorgeous.

I was alone at the office for a long time today. It was fine. All but one of my students came and I even had a new student today. Things went well in most of my classes and they were quite interesting.

After work Fumihiko met me at the apartment and we went to M's Dining for dinner. I was hungry so I had chicken and steak. It was quite good. Then, we came home and I've been writing email ever since. I had so much to catch up with!

So, a quick review of my holiday. I bought books and cd's in Sendai. When Fumihiko joined me we went to Benyland, an amusement center. It was fun generally. However, we ate some meat on a stick that was awful. It was really tough, but it was one of the few things that I could eat! After the amusement park we ate in a Bikuri Donkey. That was fun! On Sunday we drove to Yamagata and went to a garden. It was beautiful but the weather was so hot and the garden was on a hill. I was really tired. We also came back to this area and went to see X-Men 2 in Mikawa. I enjoyed it a lot, but I think the first one was a bit better. On Monday we did a lot of driving. We were going to drive to Akita, but at the last moment Fumihiko changed his mind! Probably a good thing!

Anyway, that is a very brief report of my holiday! It was nice, but not quite long enough. Still, it's good to be back home. I think!

Gotta go. Night night!

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