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February 18, 2000 - Friday

Today was okay for me. Hitomi, my co-worker was off sick today and will be tomorrow too. She has a cold, and there is a fair chance I'll get it too.

I wasn't busy with teaching today, but I had lots of stuff to do. I played telephone tag with lots of people. I had to call teachers today. Sigh. I hate talking on the telephone, did I ever mention that? I have a real phone phobia. It leads back to the bank I think.

Anyway, I did a lot of prep work, but it's never enough. I stayed late tonight doing paper work and sending cards to people that haven't come to class in a while.

Tomorrow I'm a bit busier, it will be a nice change.

Tonight when I came home I made a birthday card for one of my students. I had to try 3 times before I got it looking decent. Sometimes stamping doesn't save time! I hope she likes it.

Gotta go.....

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