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slave litteny
He is Master, and i am Slave.
He is owner, and i am owned.
He commands, and i obey.
He is to be pleased, and i am to please.
Why is this?
Because he is Master and i am Slave
Book 13, Explorers of Gor, pages 178-179

Q: What are you?
A: I am a slave girl.
Q: What is a slave girl?
A: A girl who is owned.
Q: Why do you wear a brand?
A: To show that I am owned.
Q: Why do you wear a collar?
A: That men may know who owns me.
Q: What does a slave girl want more tham anything?
A: To please men.
Q: What are you?
A: I am a slave girl.
Q: What do you want more than anything?
A: To please men.
Book 5 Assassin of Gor page 197-198



The primary function of a slave upon Gor, is to serve the needs of the Free. There are as many different modes of service as there are Masters and Mistresses, and each free citizen has His or Her own preferred manner whereby service requirements are fulfilled. This page will offer some guidelines which should help the willing slave integrate his or herself into Gorean society.

First of all, a slave should be respectful and dutiful in the presence of any Free individual. This is due to the fact that, upon Gor, Free citizens literally hold the power of life and death over any slave.

Upon Gor, all slaves are considered to be responsible for serving all Free citizens. While some Masters and Mistresses will collar or kolar a slave and reserve him or her for their private use, this does not mean that the slave in question is no longer required to be pleasing to all Free citizens at all times. There have always been slaves who came to Gor but refused to bow to this rule, and the graveyards of Gor are littered with their bodies. There is no place on Gor for bratty or selfish slaves, and if you cannot deal with this, then go elsewhere and save yourself some hard knocks.

In the presence of a Free Gorean, a Gorean slave kneels at all times, unless serving or commanded otherwise.

If there is no Free to serve, a slave should do chores until needed by a Free person. A Gorean slave is always looking for something to do or someone to serve.

A slave addresses all Free men as "Master" and all freewomen as "Mistress" regardless of whether or not they are owned by that person. A Gorean slave is humble at all times and respects the servility of his or her station.

A slave does not bargain, debate or argue. A Gorean slave does not expect to be rewarded, and takes pleasure from being pleasing and providing service.

A slave cannot have "honor," but is expected to have integrity, loyalty and to serve all to the best of his or her ability.

A slave accepts punishment and discipline without complaint.

When a slave fails to understand a command given to him or her, he/she politely asks for it to be clarified.

A Gorean slave is forbidden by law to touch money, a whip, or any form of weaponry with his or her hands, unless expressly instructed to. If you are given such to give to your Master/Mistress carry it in your mouth.

The Principle Requirement of a Gorean slave: To Be Pleasing

The Primary Purpose of a Gorean slave girl: To Serve Men

The Two Duties of the Gorean slave girl: Exquisite Beauty and Absolute Obedience

Some of this may not seem fare but


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