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Yenchae's Journal Page 2
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May 24th: Heaven on Earth....

What can I say? my life is great so far! heheheh 5 more days and its my 5 month anniversary! heheheheh 5 months of complete and uber happiness! plus I'm happy because I'm getting a 6 day vacation! and hopefully...hopefully! this sun. I get to spend some quality time with my urban mobstress Chrisee! heeeeee thinking about it makes me happy! I hope everything turns out...because I need to be with her! I yearn for her be with her is to be in heaven...I also hope I get to do something with Claire this weekend she's been begging me and wants to take me to some japanese resturant and I'm thinking not this our manga Isn't going anywhere...we need one of them emergency meetings to actually make something up...oh boy I feel trouble any rate I'm going to go to sleep its late and my eyes are bloodshot bai bai! I LOVE MY YENCHAESS!!!!!!

September 19: Cherry Flavored Awesomeness....

Heheh sorry I havent updated this in a long time! Truth be told I completely forgot about this entire site....better give thanks to my Urban Mobstress for reminding me! hehehe I love you babe! hmmmm my life since my last entry? better...better...and hmmm yea of course alot better! hehe I dont know how, but my life keeps getting better and better its like I feel great, good things have been happening to me and on top of it all I have the greatest, bestest, awesomest baby chae ever! gah.....I love her soooo much. College seems to be somewhat easy...SOMEWHAT....I mean sure sure its alot of less class, but the amount of work given is 4x fold...mew...I really want a I can save up for a car...and pay for my I have a good reason to get my drivers license...gah! I have absolutely NO motivation to get it right now because 1) I dont nor will be getting a car anytime soon and 2) Dont have the money to pay for the insurance...meeeew...I need something big to happen....dont get me wrong I love my life still...just that sucks...mmmm I love my nena! and I hope to see her this Sunday I need to see her! hehe its a big needed thing! I loooooove my life! if my life had a'd be Cherry Flavored Awesomeness....and who would want to pass up such a taste!? not me! mmm I want Cherry pepsi I'll roll over to my mini-fridge and get some since my mom bought me like 8, 2 liter bottles of it! mwa hahahaha I'll be around! bai bai! I love my baby!!

November 2: The Tides of Eden are Turning....

About two days ago I finally re-acquired my permit and for the past two days I've been mobbing about with my Urban Mobstress! Todays target!? BMW Defensive Driving Training! I must say it was a great experience! All the spin outs and high speeds made it pretty cool, but being there with my nena made it that much better. I love it really, the more we get together the more I feel our functionality as a whole increases. It's a great feeling. It was cool the way the numbers worked out my baby and I were together for every exercise! She did great! I'm very proud of her! I did alright heheh nobody seemed to complain so I say I passed...that is if there was passing and all...I've had a great weekend...everytime I spend it with my nena all my worries and for the most part all of my pains go away...cept for those nasty back pains! but even with that my nena helps me out! (thanks!!) My life continues to shine brightly as honestly things just seem to be getting better and better! I'm so happy!!! I cant help but just jump around craSSily as this pure form of happiness continues to course through my veins! I dont know what to say! Its a good omen, I love my baby! So lets see...agenda...agenda...Uhm tomorrow I have my stupid in class essay on Pride and Prejudice! I'm sooooo looking forward to that! tch! ah and yes I'll be making my appointment for the license test tomorrow...the one thing I dont like about the DMV: It takes FOREVER to get stuff done...I'm anticipating ATLEAST a month before I go for the test! I want it before I turn 19 thats for sure! Then.....I shall have more freedom! least alittle...I can use it against my kin! thats for sure! well I'll feel more...qualified...more fit to walk this Earth....not so....childish. You know what sucks the most though? I'm being forced to be one...I'm trying my hardest to brake away but you know its not so damn easy...I dont want to risk ruining my life. Even if I cant brake away now I'll do it later and I rather have a forced, mostly dependant life now so that I can live my own way later AFTER I've succedded and believe me! I will succeed! To SUM everything up really...MY LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!

November 9: Encroaching Unstability....

Biiiiig surprise! My life is still awesome! who would of THUNK it!? hehe...however I cant ignore the impending doom..that is...5 days of...seperation...not having the "It's ok I can talk to her whenever I want" feeling...It's hard to determine how i'm going to take it...It could go either way...I'm scared...not for myself...but for my nena...If something were to happen to her I'd...say goodbye to everyone and go out the way that I seem destined to go out doing...I love my nena very much...soooo much that I put her above myself...I sacrifice for the good of our relationship and its ok because it makes me feel good...genuinely good...I'm just really going to miss the time she gets back I'm going to have a full head of white hair from all the stress I'm going to get! I love my life...but for that 5 day's going to be pretty rough...wish me luck oh benevolent Yengel...and look over my Yenchaess...may her love her very much! Life isn't so bad...yet

December 29: Annual Bliss....

And here we are on another addition of YENCHAE'S HAPPY with our host Yeeeeeeeeenchae!! Ah...thank you thank you! settle down...Today I am incredibly happy...for One year ago my life was changed...One year ago my saviour Chrisee came into my life! heeeee! I go and look back at the entry I wrote one year ago and still feel that joy and happiness I did..because its real..I love her very much! still do! and I plan on continuing! heeeee! excuse me while I go jump off the walls hah! Today is a great day! a GREAT day! and my baby and I spent it together...well some of it! and it was awesome! felt the same as it did a year ago! I cant get her out of my mind! She's like every other though in my head and I love it! I love her sooooo much!! ahhhh I love my life and on top of that! I get to see her again on New Years Eve!!! can it get any better than that!? I dont think so! hehehehe It's awesome I get to see her again...My life has really turned around...I mean I got my License! FINALLY! I also acquired a car!! Hehe I get it in like a month! its a 2000 Pontiac Grand AM....ahh my very own Yenchae-mobile...its red and gots lots of stuff inside...I'm telling you this whole week has just been amazing for me..but of course its expected its my baby and I's week! I love you nena!!! Happy One year Anniversary! Thank you for the best year of my life! Seriously! I've never been so happy before!!! And its all thanks to you! I love you!!


January 23: Intensive Insightfulness....

Once again a new year has come forth and the new year divider must come as well! lol's 2004 and I'm incredibly happy...however today hasnt gone too well...alot of things seemed to happen today that have quite frankly left me in a bit of a blur. Alot of new found things have come to attention about myself and its all driving me crazy with worry, but what can I do? I love my life and it's overall very awesome. I'm still madly, madly, madly in love with my urban mobstress Chrisee and on top of that shes is the most incredible being that ever has graced this confused and chaosed world. I'm glad her undying light was brought upon my very small, condensced, darkened world, which is now a nicely lit tavern. I'm overall happy and thats really what counts. I couldnt ask for more. I'm really in deep love!