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Get Jess' Armor Fixed for Free-After you get Jess' broken armor, you can take it to Lurvy and get it fixed, but for a large sum of money. So instead climb the cliffs behind his house until you are the highest you can go on the right side. From there, jump down a few cliffs to the treasure chest on the cliff directly behind Lurvy's house. And from that cliff jump to his roof and then on top of his chimney, you will fall into Lurvy's house. You catch Lurvy doing something and he says that he'll fix anything of yours for free, if you don't tell anyone about his secret. So just give him the broken armor and walk out with a new shiny piece of armor. Get the Legendary Sword To get the Legend Sword (most powerful weapon in the game)- you must have the "POWER GLOVE" given to you by Jess. Then you need to die and use the "QUICK RESTART" feature over 16 times (this can be done at any time in the game even before you get the power glove.) After doing all of that head for the statue of KING SNOW which is east of INOA VILLAGE and use the power glove to lift the large rock blocking your way to the staue. Walk up to the statue and the screen darkens, if you have done all of the above correctly King Snow will pity you and give you the Legend Sword. This Sword should be your weapon of choice, although it cannot perform a charge attack it is still the strongest weapon in the entire game. Listen to the Music This will allow you to listen to the music of Alundra- After completing a number of your quests go back to the Inoa Mine there is a house by the stream,if u go inside and go upstairs you will meet Rohei. This great composer will let you listen to some of his music which is in fact the music from the game.