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Sim Earth Cheats and Codes

SimEarth-Awesome World: Do you want Mars or Venus but don't want the annoying task involved with keeping it? Just enter the scenario, save, and quit. Restart SimEarth and load your planet.

SimEarth-Carnifern Mania: How in the heck do you get carniferns? All you have to do is plant an enormous amount of insects and vioula! Within seconds a crop of carniferns will spring up!

SimEarth-Easter Egg Codes: Try typing in these codes during the simulation:

SMOOTH = Smoothes the coasts of you planet's continents.

joke = Type this when the Gaia window is in view. His face will be in a 
frying pan! 

SimEarth-Robots!: There is another class of life that is not explained in 
the manual! It is the robot! Robots are able to survive everywhere, including on rock, arctic,
and ocean! Robots can evolve sentience, too, but because they are already so advanced, they
will not be able to have stone age, bronze age, or iron age cities! They will begin civilization
at the level of the industrial age! To create robots, simply place one nanotech 
city of any life form and set an atomic test on it! Robots in the city will 
escape and live as separate life forms!

The Sim Earth Cheats and Codes page has been acessed times since November 6, 1999.