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<br><br><br> <center> <table bgcolor="#000000" border="5" width="400"> <tr><td> <table bgcolor="#000000" border="5"> <tr><td> <table bgcolor="black" border="0"> <tr><td> <br> <font size="5" color="white"> <marquee scrollamount="320" scrolldelay="300"> WARNING JAVA BUG </marquee> </font> <br> <center> <font size="7" color="red" effect="emboss"> </font> <br><br> <center> <font size="5" color="#000033" effect="emboss"> For WebTV Users <br> Hold Down CMD<br> Then Hit R 5 Times </font></center> <hr> <center> <font size="4" color="#ffdead" effect="emboss"> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </font></center> <hr> <center> <font size="4" color="#ffdead" effect="emboss"><i> For Computer Users Please Download The <b> <a href=""> WebTV Viewer</a></b> So That You Can View This Webpage Properly. </i> </font></center> </tr></td></table> </tr></td></table> </tr></td></table> <center> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

Welcome, come on in.
Take a look around at my pages.
You will have to
transload as Angelfire doesn't
allow direct linking any more.
Everything I have here was found
on the internet and free of any
copyrites as far as I know.

just added seven pages of lines and a buttons/icons page, with more following.

I do have, scattered around
nudes and partial nudity, so
fair warning to
those who may be offended.

All image links should work
If you run into a blank box on the
thumbnails, its' empty, thats all

Thank you for visiting
and if you do not sign
my guestbook, at least vote
for my site!



Please visit my good friend, Lashers' page