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Seekers of Truth Cabal

New Information! If you want to join the SoT Cabal, Send the following information via E-Mail. Sanctum Name, avitar, Type of House you use, ICQ # if you have ICQ, Gender, age, and if you are Ranked or me. Thank you and best of luck!

For information about the Seekers of Truth Cabal you can contact me by the e-mail above.

ShadowClaw, Seeker3, and/or Tassle2 will periodically be in the realm at other times so u can ask while they are waiting between games. Just whisper to them.

Recent info about the Seekers of Truth clan:

The requirements of the clan are as follows: Only Classic cards are allowed, Ranked and Unranked alike are allowed to join, There will be no conceding-only drawing, and no Despair allowed.

Everyone chant Wumpus, Wumpus, Wumpus!.

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