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Can't help falling in Love with you
the words to this song seem so true
As much as i try to not care too much
My heart betrays me and i long for your touch

I know that a love with you is a dream
But i can't help my self or so it would seem
You fill me with joy when i see you appear
Sometimes we don't talk but i know you are near

You are always so nice and concerned about me
We laugh and we chat and i don't think you see
How i long for this friendship to grow into love
I want it to fly on the wings of a dove

Now all this said, i need to explain
I would never ever cause you confusion or pain
Its not your fault that I can't help falling
And i know that somehow reality is calling

Some things are meant to be and who knows,
Like the song says, things move slow
Falling in love happens all of the time
And to love is not really a horrible crime

The love of my life is waiting i'm sure
And he will be wonderful and kind and mature
All the things that i admire about you he will be
Better than that, he will give his love to only me

I thank you for being the model of him
And hope that you will not mind if i tell you again
That though you are not mine, and i know that, i do
I can't help falling in love with you

Poem by Rosecan Copyright 1999

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